The greatest sorcerers of the kingdom have gathered at the heart of the Argos forest, where the legendary tournament of the 12 seasons is taking place. At the end of the three year competition, the new Archmage of the kingdom of Xidit will be chosen from among the competitors.
Take your place, wizard! Equip your ancestral magical items, summon your most faithful familiars to your side and be ready to face the challenge!

Game Elements
The Crystal Track
Shows the number of crystals possessed by each player. The crystals allow the players to:
- call upon and activate some power cards.
- win as many prestige points (victory points) as crystals owned at the end of the game.
The Game Board And Its Tokens:
The game board is divided into three zones:
- The year track, with a token that indicates which turn is currently being played (1st, 2nd, or 3rd year). The game ends at the end of the 3rd game year.
- The season wheel, with a season token that indicates what the season of the current round is (three blue spaces for winter, three green spaces for spring, three yellow spaces for summer, and finally three red spaces for fall).
- The energy transmutation chart shows how many crystals each energy type can be transmuted into with the appropriate action, depending on the season.
The Season Dice
There are a total of 20 season dice, divided among four colors. The blue dice are for winter, the green for spring, the yellow for summer and the red for fall. At the beginning of each round, the dice corresponding to the current season are rolled. Each face of a die offers players one or more actions they can perform. They also allow players to determine how many spaces the season marker moves on the season wheel at the end of the round.
The Sorcerer Tokens
Each player has the four sorcerer tokens of their chosen color. They are used to show:
- the number of crystals each player owns, on the crystal track.
- the level of the summoning gauge of each player on their individual boards.
- the number of bonuses used by each player on their individual boards.
The Individual Boards
Each player has an individual board, which is divided into three distinct zones:
1 The energy reserves allow the players to keep the energy they've acquired during the game, to a maximum of seven.
2 The summoning gauge indicates the maximum number of power cards a player can have in play.
3 The bonus track allows a player to gain advantages during the game. However, that player will lose prestige points at the end of the game.

The Power Cards
There are 50 different power cards, with two copies of each. They allow players to:
- win prestige points at the end of the game.
- change the course of the game with their effects.
They are divided into two categories:
magical items, which have purple top and bottom borders, whose effects only benefit their owners
familiars, which have orange top and bottom border, whose effects apply to multiple players.
A power card is divided into a number of zones:
1 The name of the card.
2 The summoning cost in energy and/ or crystals. When the symbols - : appear, they indicate the cost of the card depending on the number of players (two, three, or four).
3 The effect of the card, once it enters play.
4 The prestige points the card is worth at the end of the game.
5 The game symbol and the card number. The cards numbered 1 through 30 are basic cards, which are ideal for playing games with beginners; the cards numbered 31 through 50 are more complex cards, and are ideal to refresh your games.
6 The type of effect of the card, indicating when its effect is applied.

There are four types of energy: air, water, fire, and earth. They are more or less rare depending on the season. Energy tokens allow players to:
- summon and activate some power cards.
- earn crystals through transmutation.
The Library Tokens
The library tokens indicate the power cards that refill a player's hand during the second and third game year.

Neutral Elements
- Place the board in the middle of the table.
- Place the year token on the space numbered "1" of the year track and the season token on the space numbered "1" of the season wheel, as shown.
With two players: place three dice of each color (chosen randomly) in the corresponding spaces.
With three players: place four dice of each color (chosen randomly) in the corresponding spaces.
With four players: place all five dice of each color in the corresponding spaces.
Place the crystal track next to the game board.
Place the energy tokens next to the crystal track, this is the energy stockpile.
Choose The Game's Difficulty Level
Once you know the rules for Seasons, use this section in order to customize the difficulty level of your games, depending on whether you're a beginner or a veteran.
Apprentice Wizard Level (beginner Level)
The step in which players choose their nine cards during the first phase of the game (the prelude) can be difficult during a first game.
In order to make the game easier to learn, we've set up "pre-constructed" sets of nine power cards. Instead of taking step 1 of the first game phase, each player gets a set of nine predefi ned cards from those presented below.
- Set number one: take the cards numbered 1,2,7,17,18,20,26,29,30.
- Set number two: take the cards numbered 3,5,9,14,15,21,23,25,28.
- Set number three: take the cards numbered 4,6,7,9,12,16,22,24,30.
- Set number four: take the cards numbered 1,2,3,11,13,15,18,25,27.
Return to the box the cards numbered 31 through 50. The remaining cards form the draw pile.
Each player then begins the game directly at the "Constructing your deck" step of the prelude. The rest of the rules remain unchanged.
Magician Level (intermediate Level)
During subsequent games, we suggest you only play with the power cards numbered 1 to 30 and leave those numbered 31 to 50 in the box. These cards have easy to grasp effects and will allow you to slowly discover the world of Seasons.
Archmage Level (advanced Level)
Once you are seasoned mages, you will be able to include, in addition to the cards numbered 1 through 30, the power cards numbered 31 through 50.
These cards have more complex effects than the basic cards, but will allow you to extend the fun of playing by discovering new effects and card combinations.
Player Material
Each player then chooses an individual board. They place that board in front of them and take the four sorcerer tokens of the same color as their indivi- dual boards.
They place:
- one token on the zero space at the bottom of the crystal track.
- one token on the second zero space at the top of the crystal track. This token is to indicate hundreds when a player goes over 100 crystals.
- one token on the zero space of the bonus track of their individual board.
- one token on the zero space of the summoning gauge of their individual board.
Each player takes a Library II and Library III Token. Take all of the power cards, shuffle them and deal nine face-down to each player. Place the remai- ning cards next to the game board. These form the draw pile. Keep a space next to them for discarded cards. The cards which are discarded or sacrificed during the game will be placed there.
If at any point the draw pile is empty, reshuffle all the cards in the discard pile. These cards will form the new draw pile. The youngest player goes first.
Seasons takes place over two distinct game phases.
- In the first phase, called the prelude, the players choose nine power cards. These will determine their strategy for the second game phase.
- In the second phase, called the tournament, the players have three years to acquire as many prestige points as they can and thus claim the title of Archmage of the kingdom of Xidit.
First Game Phase - The Prelude
I. Choose Your Nine Power Cards
Each player looks at the nine power cards which were handed to them. From those cards, they choose one and place it face-down in front of them. The remaining cards are placed between them and the player to their left, as shown in the illustration below.

Once all players have done this, each player picks up the eight cards given to them by the player to their right. Once again, they choose one. which is placed face-down with the first card selected. Players repeat this until no more cards are left to be chosen. At the end of this phase, each player will have nine face-down power cards in front of them.
II. Constructing Your Deck
From the nine power cards chosen, each player should assemble three sets of three cards each. The first set immediately forms the player's hand, as it corresponds to the cards with which the players will begin their tournament.

The second set is placed under the Library II token and will be added to the player's hand during the second year of the tournament. As for the third set of power cards, it is placed under the Library III token and will be added to the player's hand during the third and final year of the tournament. At any point during the game, players can look at the power cards they've selected.
Important Note: some power cards have effects that are more important towards the end of the game. It's therefore better to place them under the Library III token and not clutter your starting hand with them. Other cards have interesting combination effects. It would thus be better to play them all in the same year in order to take advantage of that fact.
Second Game Phase - The Tournament
The tournament takes place over multiple successive rounds, at the end of which the winner of the game is chosen.
I. Beginning Of The Round
Roll The Season Dice
The first player of the round takes the season dice corresponding to the current round's season, as indicated by the season token, and rolls them.
Important Note: the youngest player should be the first player during the first round.

Example: a two-player game begins between Paul and Lea. During the first round, the season token is placed on space "1" of the season wheel, which indicates that the round takes place in winter. The first player, Paul, then takes the blue dice and rolls them.
Choosing Your Season Die
Each face of the dice is made up of one or more symbols. Each symbol corresponds to an action that a player will be able to take during their turn. From among the dice rolled, the first player chooses one and places it in front of them.
Then, the player to their left does the same while taking one of the remaining dice. This is repeated until each player has chosen a die. There will be one die remaining on the table, which has not been selected by any player.
The players' turns may now begin.

Example: Paul has just rolled the 3 blue dice corresponding to winter. He takes one and places it in front of him. Lea, his opponent, chooses hers from among the two remaining. There's then one die left, which neither of the players has chosen.
Important note: since there's always a number of dice present equal to the number of players plus one, the last player of the round always has a choice between two season dice.
II. Players' Turns
Once each player has chosen their season die, each player takes their turn in order, starting with the first player and proceeding clockwise.
A player can take as many actions as desired during his or her turn:
- perform the action(s) of their season die.
- summon/activate one or more of their power cards.
- use one or more bonuses from their individual board.
The Actions Linked To The Season Dice
On their turn, a player may take the action(s) offered by the season die they've previously chosen:
Gain energy: when one of these symbols is present on a die chosen by a player, that player gains the type of energy shown. The player takes from the stockpile the number and type of energy shown on the die and places it (them) in their reserve. Depending on the season of the current round, some energy types will be more or less abundant.
Important note: at no point can a player have more than seven energy to- kens in their reserve. If a player already has seven energy tokens and a new action would grant them new ones, they may keep only seven from among their tokens, and that decision must be made before taking any new actions.

Example: Paul has chosen this die. He thus places in his reserve two earth energy tokens from the stockpile and moves his sorcerer token two spaces on the crystal track.
Gain crystals: when a number is present on a die chosen by a player, that player gets as many crystals as the number on the die. That player moves their sorcerer token along the crystal track a number of spaces equal to the number of crystals earned. A player with the "gain crystals" action on their die cannot refuse to take them.

Example: Paul has chosen this die. He thus places in his reserve two earth energy tokens from the stockpile and moves his sorcerer token one space on the summoning gauge of his individual board.
Increase their summoning gauge: when this symbol is present on the die chosen by a player, that player increases their summoning gauge by one.
This gauge indicates the maximum number of power cards a player may have in play.

Example: Paul has chosen this die. He thus places in his reserve two earth energy tokens from the stockpile and moves his sorcerer to- ken one space on the summoning gauge of his individual board.
Draw a card: when this symbol is present on the die chosen by a player, that player draws a power card. The player can then keep it in their hand or dis- card it There is no limit to the number of cards a player can have in their hand.
Transmute energy: when this symbol is present on a die chosen by a player, that player can transform one or more of their energy tokens (of one or more types) present in their reserve into crystals, and they have until the end of their turn in which to do so.
In order to determine how many crystals each energy type can be trans- muted into, the player checks the transmutation chart present on the game board. This shows, depending on the season, how many crystals each energy type can be transmuted into.
The transmutation rate for energy tokens depends on the season and is thus separated into four zones. One corresponds to the rate of energy tokens during winter, one to the rate of energy tokens during spring, another to the rate of energy tokens during summer, and. finally the last one corresponds to the rate of energy tokens during fall.

The energy symbols present on the outer circle always transmute into a single crystal, the energy symbols present on the central circle into two crys- tals and those present on the inner circle into three crystals.
A player who is using transmutation chooses the energy tokens they wish to transmute from their reserve. They then refer to the transmutation chart of the turn's season, in order to decide how many crystals of each energy is transmu- ted. The player then moves their sorcerer token on the crystal track as many spaces as crystal earned. The transmuted energy tokens are discarded.

Example: during a winter round, Paul decides to transmute one fire energy and two earth energy. During this season, fire energy transmutes into two crystals each, while earth energy transmutes into three crystals each. Paul dis- cards his three energy tokens, gets eight crystals and moves his sorcerer token as many spaces on the crystal track as crystals earned.
Important Note: The "transmutation" action is valid until the end of your turn. You may therefore transmute energy tokens from your reserve, take another action, and then perform another transmutation.
The Actions Linked To Power Cards: Summoning And Effects
1. Summonning A Power Card
The power cards have many effects on the proceeding of the game. In order to use their powers, they must be summoned, meaning be brought into play. To do this, a number of criteria must be fulfilled:
- their summoning costs must be paid, meaning a player must discard the type and amount of energy and/or crystals required by the power card's summoning cost.
- have an summoning gauge full enough to summon them. Thus, to sum- mon a second power card, a player's summoning gauge must be set to at least two.
Once all these criteria have been met. the power card is summoned and is considered to be in play. This card is placed face-up in front of the player's individual board. The player who has just summoned it then reads its effects to his or her opponents, so that all players are aware of its effects.
Important Note:
- multiple cards can be summoned during a turn, as long as the prerequi- sites presented above are respected.
- a player can have the same power card in play twice: the card's effect is cumulative.
- there is no limit to the number of power cards a player can have in hand.
- if the effect of a power card breaks one of the game's rules, the card's effect takes precedence.
- an appendix detailing the effects of the power cards is at the end of this booklet.

Example: Paul wants to summon his Hand of Fortune power card. First, he makes sure that he has a summoning gauge high enough to summon a new card. He currently has three cards in play, his summoning gauge is at four, and he can thus summon a card. He then pays its summoning cost by discarding one energy of earth, one of fire, one of air, and 3 crystals. His Hand of Fortune is now summoned, placed face up above his individual board.
2. The Types Of Effects Of Power Cards
The type of effect of the power cards determine at what time the effect of the card which has just been summoned must be resolved. There are three different options:
The "when entering play" effects: the card's effect trigger only when the card has just been summoned.
Permanent effects: the effects of this card last for the remainder of the game, unless it is removed from play.
Activation effects: the effects of the power card only trigger when the card is activated by the player who owns it. It can activate at most once per round, as soon as it is summoned. To use the activation effect of one of their cards, a player must:
- turn the power card 90°. The card so turned is straightened only at the beginning of the next round. A card already turned cannot be turned a second time in a given turn.
- pay the activation cost of the card. In order to be activated, some power cards require a prerequisite, such as the sacrifice of a card. If you cannot pay that activation cost, you cannot use the effect, either.
Once these two prerequisites are met. the player can apply the card's effects.
The Actions Linked To The Use Of Bonuses
During the game, a player can use up to three bonuses. These actions offer extra advantages to the player who. on the other hand, loses prestige points at the end of the game.
There are four types of bonuses:

By using this bonus, you can trade two energy tokens of your choice from your reserve for two energy tokens of your choice from the stockpile.

By using this bonus, you can transmute energy tokens from your reserve. Refer to the season's transmutation rate and add an additional crystal for each energy token transmuted. Thus, an earth energy token which would normally turn into three crystals in winter would transmute into four crystals with this bonus.

By using this bonus, you can increase your summoning gauge by one.

By using this bonus, instead of using the "draw a card" action from your season die Q. draw two power cards. Put one in your hand and discard the remaining card.
Each time a player uses a bonus, they must move the sorcerer token on their bonus track one space. This earns them a penalty on prestige points, which is factored at the end of the game. Thus, if a player only uses one of their bonuses during the Tournament, they earn a five prestige point penalty to their total prestige at the end of the game. If they use two of their bonuses, the penalty is 12 prestige points, and finally, if they use all three bonuses, the penalty is 20 prestige points.
Important Note: A player can only use a maximum of three bonuses during a game. They can use the same bonus three times or use different bonuses each time. They can use all three during the same round or during different rounds.
Resolution Order Of The Actions Of The Player's Rounds
The "gain energy" and "gain crystal" actions on the season dice must be resolved before taking any other action. Once these actions are resolved, the players can perform their other actions, in the order of their choice.
IlI. End Of The Round
When all of the players have finished their turns, it's the end of the round.
Moving Forward On The Season Wheel And Changing Seasons
At the end of the round, the number of pips shown by the die that wasn't selected by any of the players should be noted. The season token will move that many spaces forward. The distribution of all of the game's dice is identical: two faces with a one. two faces with a two. and finally two faces with a three. Thus, the speed of the game varies depending on the die that hasn't been picked by the players.
At the end of a round, when the season token crosses the 3. 6. 9. and 12 spaces, a change of season occurs. The change of season may trigger the effects of some power cards.
Example: this die wasn't chosen by any player. At the end of the round, the season token will move three spaces, since three points are on the die.
Change Of Year
When the season token moves from space 12 to space 1 on the season wheel, a change of year occurs. The year token in the middle of the board is moved forward one space. As the players enter the second or third game year, they add to their hand the power cards stored under their corresponding library token. If a player still has power cards in their hand from the previous year, they keep those cards in hand and add the new cards that they have just gained.
Choosing A New First Player
The player to the left of the first player becomes the new first player. That player rolls the dice corresponding to the season indicated by the sea- son token on the season wheel. A new round begins.
End of the Game
The game ends immediately when the season token crosses the 12th space on the season wheel during the game's third year. The players then total up:
- the total of their crystals. Each crystal is worth a prestige point.
- the prestige points present on their power cards in play.
From this point total, the players subtract:
- five prestige points for each power card remaining in their hand.
- any penalties present on their bonus track.
Important Note: unused energy tokens at the end of the game are worth no prestige points.
The player with the most prestige points is named new Archmage of the kingdom of Xidit. In case of a tie. the player who has summoned the most power cards wins the game.

Example: Paul has 72 crystals on the crystal track at the end of the game, which equals 72 prestige points. By totaling the prestige points on his cards, he adds another 68, for a total of 140 prestige points. However, Paul has used two bonuses during the game (-12) and still has one power card in his hand (-5). His final score is 123 prestige points.
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