Tactic Variant

For this variant, you play with the same base rules but with the changes described below.
Shuffle all the Tactic cards and make a deck which you place next to the main deck. Each player draws seven Clan cards, that is, one more card than the base rules describe.
Game Play
On your turn, you can play a Clan card or a Tactic card. When drawing to refill your hand to seven cards, choose to draw either a Clan card or a Tactic card. When one of these decks is empty, you can no longer draw that type of card and the game continues normally.
It's possible that you may find yourself with only Tactic cards in hand or that you have already completed all the Stones available on your side of the border. In this case,
you cannot play Clan cards. From then on, you can choose to pass and play no card or to play a Tactic card.
Tactic Cards
You can have as many Tactic cards as you want in your hand, as long as you respect the maximum hand size of seven cards. You cannot play more than one card more than your opponent has played.
Example: Your opponent has already played one Tactic card while you have already played two. You have therefore played one Tactic card more than your opponent. As a result, on your turn, you cannot play a Tactic card until your opponent plays his second.
Each Tactic card has a special ability that falls into one of these three categories:
Elite Troops (played like a Clan card)
Joker (x 2): Clan card of which you choose the color and strength when claiming the Stone you play it on. Each player can only have one Joker on his side of the border.
If you have already played a Joker and you draw the second one, you must keep it in your hand until the end of the game.
Spy: Clan card of strength 7 of which you choose the color when claiming the Stone you play it on.
Shield-Bearer: Clan card of strength 1, 2, or 3 of which you choose the color when claiming the Stone you play it on.
Combat Modes (played on a Stone tile)
Blind-Man's Bluff: to claim the Stone that has Blind-Man's Bluff on it, add only the strength of the cards played on it, without taking into account any possible combinations.
Mud Fight: to claim the Stone that has Mud Fight on it, you must make combinations with four cards on either side of the Stone.
Ruses (played face-up next to the deck)
To play a Ruse Tactic card, active the text then place it face-up next to the deck. This new pile of cards makes up the discard. You can look at the contents of the discard at any time.
Recruiter: draw three cards from one or both of the decks. Choose two cards from your entire hand and place them at the bottom of the corresponding deck.
Strategist: choose a Clan or Tactic card on your side of the border on an unclaimed Stone.
Place it face-up on a different unclaimed Stone or discard it face-up next to the deck.
Banshee: choose a Clan or Tactic card on your opponent's side of the border on an unclaimed Stone and discard it face-up next to the deck.
Traiter : choose a Clan card on your opponent's side of the border on an unclaimed Stone and place it on an unclaimed Stone on your side.

Expert Variant
If you're familiar with the rules described above, you might want to spice up the game a little bit. "This variant plays according to the base rules but with this change: you can only claim a Stone at the beginning of your turn, before playing a card.
This slows down the process of claiming a Stone and gives your opponent the possibility of turning the battle in his favor by playing a Tactic card.

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