- 50 path cards
- temple gameboard
- 2 plastic platform pieces
- 8 explorer pawns
- one 20 sided die
- instructions
Object of the Game
Be the first to move your two pawns around the gameboard and into Ah Kinchil's Treasure Chamber in the center to win!
Line up the two pLastic pLatform pieces so they form a circle in the center.
Push the two pieces together to form one unit.
Line up the round pegs on this pLastic unit with the hoLes in the gameboard and anchor the pLastic to the board.
Shuffle the card deck. "To create the initiaL game path, insert one card - path side up, with the curved edge out - into each of the 12 sLots (See right). 'The initial path is now formed.
Set the remaining cards near the gameboard to form the draw pile.

If the "Ah Kinchil" card appears during assembly shuffle it back into the deck and draw a new card to insert into the board.
Have each player choose 2 pawns of the same coLor and pLace them on the corresponding Entrance CircLes.
DeaL 3 cards face down to each player. Players must have 3 cards at aLL times.
Have each player roLL the die. The player with the highest number goes first and play continues clockwise.
X is lower than 0.
Game Play
A turn consists of a boll, changing of a path card (if possible), and a move. On your turn:
1. Roll the Die
Roll the die to see if you can change a Path Card and to determine how many spaces you move.
2. Change the Board
Change the board onLy if you roll a number with a red background. You must remove one path card from the board and replace it with a card from your hand.
Put the removed card into the discard pile and draw a new card. When the draw pile runs out shuffLe the discard pile and reuse.
If you roll a number with a white background you DO NOT change a card on the board. Go to step 3.

3. Move
Move one of your pawns the number of spaces shown on the die.

A roll of 1 means this pawn can move to any of the 3 spaces shown.
Rolling X means that you cannot move or change the board.

Direction of Play
In general, move your pawns clockwise around the board, and up the corresponding colored final steps leading to the Treasure Chamber in the center.

Moving your Pawns
Only one pawn can be moved per roll.
A pawn can move up, down, forward, backward, but not diagonally.
A pawn cannot enter the same space twice in a single roll.
Two pawns cannot end up on the same space, even if they are the same color. If you land on another pawn at the end of a roll, move that pawn backwards to its nearest matching colored Idol Marker or Entrance Circle (see "Idol Markers" in "Special Path Spaces").
If your pawn reaches a dead end, and cannot move any further, your turn ends regardless of the number rolled.
You cannot move a pawn past its matching colored brick wall in either direction (see right). This prevents short cuts in the beginning and moving past the final steps at the end.
Reaching the Finish
Move both pawns into the Treasure Chamber by moving them up their corresponding colored final steps. You must use the final steps that match your pawns' color.
You do not need an exact number to enter the center chamber. If you are the first player to successfully move your explorer pawns into the Treasure Chamber - YOU WIN!
Changing the Path
1. The path will constantly change throughout the game. Change the path to create the best path for yourself or to create obstacles for opponents.
After a card is changed all pawns must react to their new spaces immediately.

Here the left card changed under the red pawn. The red pawn must now go backwards to its nearest matching colored Idol Marker.
2. If a pawn ends up on a Secret Stairway, that pawn must immediately take the passage to another Secret Stairway, so long as there is another one on the board. (see "Secret Stairways" in "Special Path Spaces")
Special Path Spaces: There are 3 types of special game path spaces: Idol Markers, Ah Kinchil Idol Markers, and Secret Stairways.
Idol Markers
These match your colored pawns and are found on path cards. Use your matching colored Idol Markers as safety nets to prevent your pawns from being sent back to your Entrance Circles.

Ah Kinchil Idol Markers

These are permanent Idol Markers located in the corners of the board. There is one of each color and they are used as above.
Secret Stairways

These create shortcuts. If your pawn ends its roll on a Secret Stairway space, you must immediately move it to another Secret Stairway space of your choice.
If another pawn occupies the stairway you move to, send it back to its nearest matching Idol Marker.
If no other Secret Stairway is currently on the board, your pawn stays put. Before it can use the stairway, it must move off and return to it.
Sending Pawns Back: A pawn can be sent back two ways:
- a changed path card leaves it off the path
- another pawn ends its roll directly on top of it
A pawn that is sent back must move counter-clockwise to its nearest matching Idol Marker at least one space behind its current position.
If there are no matching Idol Markers between the pawn and its entrance, that pawn must move all the way back to its Entrance Circles outside the temple.
If 2 pawns of the same color end up off the path simultaneously, one pawn is moved backwards to its nearest matching Idol Marker, while the other pawn is moved back to the next nearest matching marker.
If your pawn ends its roll on a Secret Stairway that is occupied by another player's pawn, your opponent's pawn is sent back. Your pawn must now use the Stairway if possible.

Ah Kinchil Card: This is a powerful card, and there is only one per deck. Play it instead of rolling the die. Discard after use. Play it one of two ways:
Move one of your pawns to its matching Ah Kinchil Idol Marker -OR-
Move an opponent's pawn back to its matching Ah Kinchil Idol Marker.
You may select an opponent's pawn from any gameboard space, including the stairs leading up to the central chamber. However, any pawns inside the Treasure Chamber cannot be moved.
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