- Rubik's Cage
- 24 Cubies
- Instructions
Object of the Game
The player who aligns three of his/her Cubies of the same color in a row on one face of Rubik's Cage - vertically, horizontally or diagonally-wins!
Players begin the game with Rubik's Cage empty. Note that there is a removable door at the top and the bottom of Rubik's Cage and that Rubik's Cage also rotates on two axes.
2- player game: Each player selects three different sets of colored Cubies. For example, Player 1 selects the red, blue, and yellow Cubies, and Player 2 selects the green, orange and white Cubies. Each player should have 12 Cubies.
3- player game: Each player selects two different sets of colored Cubies. For example, Player 1 selects the red and blue Cubies; Player 2 selects the yellow and green Cubies, and Player 3 selects the orange and white Cubies. Each player should have eight Cubies.
4-player game: Each player selects one set of colored Cubies. Any remaining Cubies should be placed to one side and these will not be used in the current game.
Players must remember their Cubie colors until the end of the game, which is especially important when they run out of Cubies.
Players place the Rubik's Cage in the middle of the table and their Cubies in front of them. Play is ready to begin.
When not in use, players can store the Cubies in Rubik's Cage, so they can take the challenge anywhere!

Game Play
Players take turns in this game, with the youngest player making the first move.
On a turn, a player can choose to do any one of the following:
Insert a Cubie: A player may remove the top door of Rubik's Cage and place one Cubie into any of the eight sections.
At the end of the turn, the player replaces the Rubik's Cage door.
Turn the Cage: A player may turn one layer of Rubik's Cage one quarter turn (90 degrees) in either direction.
Flip the Cage: A player may flip Rubik's Cage upside down by rotating it 180 degrees.
Note: During the game, a player cannot directly reverse the preceding player's move.
Play continues to the right until all Cubies have been placed. If a player has no Cubies remaining, he/she must either turn a layer or flip Rubik's Cage on his/her turn.

End of the Game
The first player to align three of his/her Cubies of the same color in a row on one face of Rubik's Cage - vertically, horizontally or diagonally - is the winner!
If the game continues until the last Cubie is placed in Rubik's Cage and no player has won, the game is a DRAW.
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