Stake your claim, build a mining empire and keep one step ahead of the competition!
Each round in Tolled West you will extract goods from the land-based on a roll of the custom dice. Spend wood to make settlements and secure majorities in different terrain types. TJse metals to fulfill contracts and shipments or invest in Boomtown.
Bank resources during your opponents' turn to use later, and mark your choices on the included dry-erase scoreboards. Will you come out on top at the end of 6 Rounds?

- 4 dry erase scoreboards
- 4 pens
- 4 Custom resource dice (12-sided)
- Instructions
Object of the Game
Rolled West will be played in a series of 6 rounds. Each round you'll have a turn to roll the resource dice, choose one to represent the terrain for the turn, and spend the rest.
You'll have a chance to bank one resource on your turn to use later, and one resource on one of your neighbor's turns as well.
After 6 rounds, the player with the most points from contracts, shipments, claims, and Boomtown offices will be the winner!
Game Play
On your turn, do the following, in order:
- Roll All 4 Resource Dice
- Choose 1 die to represent the terrain for the turn
- 1 Spend or bank resources
- Pass the dice to the next player
1. Rolling Resource Dice
Take all 4 resource dice and roll them within view of all players.
2. Choosing Terrain
Of the 4 die results, choose one of them to represent the terrain for the turn:

Set the chosen die aside. That die cannot be used or banked as a resource, it indicates the terrain track where you will lay claim this turn, if you choose to make a claim.
3. Spending and Banking Resources
A. Spending Resources
After setting the terrain die aside, the remaining 3 dice represent resources:

Wood is a building material for making claims. Copper, silver, and gold are metals that you may spend in order to mark off contracts, shipments, and Boomtown offices on your score sheet.
You may make up to 1 claim per turn, and buy up to 1 Boomtown office and up to 1 contract per turn, and ship as many metals as you want per turn.
Once per turn, you may spend a single wood ( ) resource to build a camp, or two wood resources (
) to build a settlement. For a camp, draw a triangle in the leftmost empty space in the claim row corresponding to the terrain die you set aside earlier.
For a settlement, draw a triangle as you would for a camp, and then also draw a circle in the next empty space.
At the end of the game you will score the numbers in your camps and settlements, and there will be a reward for having the most camps and settlements in each terrain type, as indicated on the far right of each row.

Once per turn, you may spend the indicated metals (all at once) for one of the remaining contracts, and then circle that contract on your score board.
Each opponent must cross that contract off on their board, it is no longer available.

Once per turn, you may spend two metals to purchase one of the remaining Boomtown offices, which are end game bonus scoring conditions.
The Boomtown offices are located in a grid on your score board, and the cost for each is the combination of the metal pictured at the left of its row and the top of its column.
When purchasing a Boomtown office, circle it on your score board. Each opponent must cross that office off on their board, it is no longer available.

Once per turn, you may ship any number of metals. For each metal shipped, check off the leftmost remaining box in the row corresponding to that metal type.
When checking off a box with a single number in it, circle the number, you will score those points at the end of the game. If a box has two numbers in it, circle the highest number remaining.
If you circle the higher number in a box, each opponent must cross the corresponding number off on their board, it is no longer available. This way, the first player to ship three or five metals of each type will score the higher value, but all other players may still score the lower value.
When reaching the 5th space on a shipping row, circle the star icon at the end of that row. After reaching the 5th space on a shipping row, you may not ship any more of that resource.

B. Banking Resources
Once on your turn, instead of spending it, you may bank one of your resources to use in a future turn. Make a note of that in the white box at the top of your score board for the current round (the one without an image of people in it).
In addition, in between each of your turns, you may bank a resource from one of your neighbors (players to your immediate right or left). This does not affect their ability to use the resource themselves.
Mark these resources in the darker boxes at the top of your score board (the one with an image of people in it). You may only bank one resource in between each of your turns.
You may spend any number of your banked resources on your turn, just as if they were rolled on the dice. Cross them off on your score board as you use them.
Remember: You can only bank RESOURCES, you can never bank the die set aside to indicate the terrain for the turn!

4. Passing the Dice to the Next Player
When you have finished your turn, pass the dice clockwise to the next player.
In a 2-player game only, after both players have taken a turn each round, perform a "ghost roll" - roll 3 of the dice one extra time, and allow both players to bank one of the resources rolled if they like.
This simulates a third player's turn, and allows both players more opportunities to bank resources when it isn't their turn.
Remember: You may only bank 1 resource in between your turns, either from your opponent's roll, or the ghost roll, never both!
End of the Game
After the last player's turn in the 6th round, award majority bonuses for claims. For each terrain type:
The player with the most camps () + settlements (
) the terrain circles the larger number to the right of that row.
The player with the 2nd most camps () + settlements (
) in that terrain circles the smaller number.
In case of a tie, the tied player with more settlements () in that terrain wins the tie. If still tied, then both players score the full amount of the bonus. If the tie is for 1st place, then 2nd is still awarded.
To tally your score for contracts, shipping, and claims, add up all the numbers you have drawn a circle or triangle around anywhere on your board.
Then add the game end bonuses from any Boomtown offices you have circled.
The player with the highest score wins! In case of a tie score, play a rematch to determine a winner.
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