Advanced Logistics: Use this power as many times as you wish during Explore, but not after a tile draw by Alien Research Team. When doing Explore with strict timing, you may only use this power during your turn to Explore.
Alien Archaeology: See the Alien explorer and symbols questions in the Development Powers section.
Alien Research Team: Draw its extra tile(s) after all players have done their tasks, before returning any abandoned tiles to end the phase. Also see the Alien explorer and symbols questions in the Development Powers section.
Biological Adaptation: This is not a Reassign power (even though it contains the "Reassign" keyword).
Conscription: See the Immediate Effects section.
Executive Power: See the Reassign questions under Development Powers.
Former Penal Colony: See the Immediate Effects section.
Free Trade Zone: For example, a 3-cost or 4-cost gray world would cost 2 (unless you also had Replicant Robots in tableau, in which case either of these would cost 1).
Galactic Mandate: See the Reassign questions under Development Powers.
Galactic Reserves: This power has a continuing effect; once built, you may ignore the restriction that each (non-gray) world can have at most one good. Instead, each of your (non-gray) worlds can have up to two goods (of either the same or different colors). Each good still requires 1 shipper to Ship.
Genetics Lab: This power counts only the number of Genes dice used as goods, not the number of goods on Genes worlds.
Information Tech: See the Immediate Effects section.
Isolation Policy: See the Reassign questions under Development Powers.
Mad Scientists: If no one has any Novelty worlds, this does count as "tying for most", so you may use this power to Reassign 1 die.
Nanotechnology: See the Reassign questions under Development Powers.
Organic Shipyards: One of its extra shippers being a Genes die matters only if you use it to Consume a good from a Genes world.
Rebel Miners: See the Immediate Effects section.
Rebel Warrior Race: See the Immediate Effects section.
Space Marines: See the Immediate Effects section.
Space Tourism: If there are multiple worlds tied for highest cost, you get the extra $1 only if you own all of them. Use only the printed, not discounted, costs when determining the highest-cost world.

Frequently Overlooked Rules
Play is simultaneous (there are no separate player turns).
The die placed on the phase strip (to select a phase) is still a worker.
Each player may select only one phase. Each Reassigned worker - including one assigned by Dictate - goes below the phase strip.
All workers perform their tasks sequentially, one-at-a-time. Players do not have to declare in advance what tasks their workers will do.
Workers that complete tasks go to the Citizenry (not the cup).
Unused workers return to the cup (not the Citizenry).
Abandoned tiles go under the Explore phase tile.
Each Consumption (purple) die, as either a good or shipper during Consume, earns +1 VP.
Each player's faction and home world tiles together count as 3 tile squares towards the 12 needed to trigger game end.
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