- 5 decks of 35 cards
- Game Instructions
Object of the Game
Be the first player to score 100 points by collecting the most cards from the center stacks.
The Cards
Ratuki is not your traditional card game. each color deck has 35 cards containing different numbers and symbols for 1-5 and two wild Ratuki cards. see below for example of each. Any reference to a number in these instructions includes all symbols.

In Ratuki, everyone maintains their own 3 card piles: draw, discard and scoring, and at the same time everyone plays on multiple center stacks in the middle of the table.
The maximum number of center stacks in play equals the number of players.

Player Card Piles
Your draw pile is your color deck of cards. It's placed face down in front of you.
Your discard pile is for cards you cannot or wish not to use. As you play, this pile is next to your draw pile. If you cannot play a card in your hand, then discard face down into your discard pile and draw a new card.
Once you use all of the cards in your draw pile, your discard pile becomes your new draw pile.
Example of a 3 Player Game
Make Sure You Keep Your Piles Separate.
Your scoring pile comes from the center stacks, which you take during play and collect for scoring. As you play, keep your scOrInG pile away from your draw and discard piles.
Center Stacks
Everyone plays on all center stacks. these are stacks of cards that you and other players create, play on and take to score points.
Once the number of center stacks equals the number of players, no more center stacks can be created, until one gets taken and someone plays a "1" to start a new stack. sometimes the number of center stacks is less than the number of players.

Game Play
Pick a scorekeeper. Grab a pen and paper for scoring. Each player chooses a color deck. set aside unused decks. Shuffle your deck and place face down directly in front of you. Your deck is now your draw pile.
Each player draws three cards from their draw pile. When all players are ready, everyone shouts "Ratuki!" to begin play. Instead of taking turns, everyone plays at the same time.
Starting a center stack
Any player can play a "1" card of any type (number, roman numeral, die, etc).. It is not required that every player start a center stack to be able to play, and a player can start more than one center stack.
Playing on a center stack
Once any "1" card is played, a center stack is in play for everyone. All players play their cards simultaneously on any stack. You do not need to match symbols or colors. cards are played in ascending or descending (up or down), sequential order. see below for how each card can be played:
Card Type | Card Rule | Qty In Deck |
"1" Cards | Starts a center stack. Can be played on "2" cards. | 7 |
"2" Cards | Can be played on "1" and "3" cards. | 8 |
"3" Cards | Can be played on "2" and "4" cards. | 8 |
"4" Cards | Can be played on "3" cards. | 5 |
"5" Cards | Can be played on "4" cards. takes a center stack. | 5 |
Ratuki Wild Card | Can be played on any number. takes a center stack at any time. | 2 |
For example: Once any style or color "1" card is played, then any "2" card can be played. now any "1" card or any "3" card may be played on the "2" card. If a "3" card is played, then any "2" card or any "4" card may be played.
If a "4" card is played, then any "3" card or any "5" card may be played. And the player who played the "5" card takes the stack.
Note: If you cannot or wish not to play cards in your hand, then discard one card at a time into your discard pile and draw a new card, always keeping 3 cards in your hand.
Taking a center stack
Any player can play a "5" card of any type on any "4" card, or play a wild Ratuki card anytime. When taking a center stack, players shout "Ratuki!" and place the center stack into their scoring pile. Once a center stack gets taken, any player can start a new center stack by playing any "1" card.
Play Stops
Play stops for everyone when a player has no cards remaining in their draw or discard piles and he/she shouts "out!", or it is determined that no one can play another card. All players begin scoring.

Each card is worth one point. Do not count cards that remain in the center stacks.
Each player counts the number of cards in their scoring pile and subtracts the total number of cards that remain in their draw and discard piles. this is your total score.
The scorekeeper records all player scores. If no player's total score equals or goes over 100, separate the decks by color, shuffle and play again!
End of the Game
First player to score 100 points wins! Or choose a higher number for longer games.
Rules to Remember
No More Than 3 Cards In Your Hand: A player may have no more than 3 cards in their hand at any time.
No Playing Cards with Both Hands: Use one hand to hold cards, and one hand to play cards. You can forgive this rule for beginners.
One Card at a Time: A player may only draw, discard and play one card at a time in any pile or center stack.
Center stack Ties: If two or more cards are placed on the same center stack simultaneously and it is unclear who was first, both cards are removed and put in their respective discard piles. During this time all players continue to play.
Number of center stacks in Play: the number of center stacks allowed equals the number of players.
Once the number of center stacks equals the number of players, no more center stacks can be created, until a stack gets taken, at which time any player can start a new center stack.
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