The cards in Quirky Circuits use icons and visual examples in an effort to make the game more accessible. Below are further explanations about how each card type works.
Most directions are determined by the direction the robot is facing just before the card is resolved.
Forward One
Move the robot 1 space forward.
Forward Two
Move the robot 2 spaces forward.
Forward Three
Move the robot 3 spaces forward.
Backward One
Move the robot 1 space backward.
Rotate Left
Rotate the robot 90° counterclockwise.
Rotate Right
Rotate the robot 90° clockwise.
Turn Around
Rotate the robot 180°.
Shift Left
While maintaining the robot's current facing, move the robot 1 space to its left.
Shift Right
While maintaining the robot's current facing, move the robot 1 space to its right.
Conveyor One
Move all objects that are on a space with a blue arrow one space in the direction that arrow indicates.
Conveyor Two
Move all objects that are on a space with a blue arrow one space in the direction that arrow indicates, then do this 1 more time.
Move North
While maintaining the robot's current facing, move the robot 1 space to the north. North is determined by the compass printed to the upper right of the scenario map.
Rotate North
Rotate the robot so that it is facing north. North is determined by the compass printed to the upper right of the scenario map.
Jump Two
Jump (move) the robot 2 spaces forward.
Jump Three
Jump (move) the robot 3 spaces forward.
A Jumping robot ignores the effects of all inclines and obstacles. If the robot cannot complete its jump (tries to jump through a barrier, tries to land on top of an obstacle, etc)., it collides with the obstruction and halts at the last valid space.
Move any object in Lefty's right hand to his left hand. Simultaneously, move any object in Lefty's left hand to his right hand.
Move Token One
Move the specified token 1 space toward the specified target. The token must take the shortest possible path, including and preferring diagonals.
Move Token Two
Move the specified token 2 spaces toward the specified target. The token must take the shortest possible path, including and preferring diagonals.
Pick Up/drop
Picking up and dropping objects works differently for each robot (see below).
Twirl's Pick Up/drop
When this card is played:
If Twirl shares a space with an object and is not currently holding an object, place an object of your choice from twirl's space into twirl's hands. An object in twirl's hands moves with her when she moves.
If Twirl is currently holding an object, remove that object from twirl's hands and place it onto her space.
If Twirl is not holding an object and there is no object in her space, this card has no effect.
Rover's Pick Up/drop
Rover's pick up or drop works similarly to Twirl's (see above) except he picks up or drops objects in the space directly in front of him. Objects picked up by Rover are placed in his mouth, maintaining their current orientation. An object in Rover's mouth moves and rotates with him when he moves and rotates.
Lefty's Pick Up/drop
Lefty's pick up or drop works similarly to Twirl's (see above) except Lefty's right hand picks up or drops objects in the space directly to his right side while his left hand picks up or drops objects two spaces away from his left side.
Lefty will pick up or drop with both hands at the same time. You cannot choose to have Lefty act with one hand and not the other.
Pick Up/drop Notes
A held object is considered to be over but not on the space where it can be dropped. A held multi-space object is over multiple spaces.
Objects that are held ignore all environmental effects. Objects that are being dropped ignore all environmental effects except barriers. Once an object has been correctly delivered, it cannot be picked back up.
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