Potion Of Wisdom 
Take one Ingredient of your choice from the Dispenser. No Explosions are triggered.
Nothing's out of reach if you think it through.

Elixir Of Blind Love 
Steal all the Ingredients from 1 opponent's Pool.
Why bother with theft, when all you need to do is unleash your dazzling charm?

Potion Of Magnetical Attraction
Take 2 adjacent Ingredients of different colors from the same slide track of the Dispenser. No Explosions are triggered.
I don't think this is what they mean when they say "magnetic personality".

Potion Of Prismatic Joy 
You can place all Ingredients in your Pool on any holes of your incomplete Potions, regardless of their color.
Marbles? Colors? Who cares... let's party!

Abyssal Draft 
Take up to 1 Ingredient of each color from the bottom row of the Dispenser slide tracks. You can only take 1 Ingredient from each slide track.
This is what is called "scraping the bottom of the barrel". A huge barrel.

Sands Of Time 
Activate again the effect of 1 Potion you already used.
We can always learn from our past mistakes... but we can gain even more from our past good moves!

Balm Of Uttermost Stickiness 
Take 2 or more adjacent Ingredients of the same color from the same slide track of the Dispenser. No Explosions are triggered.
This stuff is stickier than molasses! The thing is... how do you unstick this mess?

Filter Of Lavamancing 
Discard up to 5 Ingredients of 1 color from the same slide track of the Dispenser back into the tank. No Explosions are triggered.
Not exactly a surgical strike type of thing, but undeniably powerful.
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