- 49 Polygon tiles
- Game Board
- die
- 50 score cards
- Instructions
Object of the Game
To have the highest score at the end of the game.
To score, combine your 2 tiles per turn with tiles already in play to create the best score for that turn.
You need a grouping of three tiles to score.
Example: A grouping of three 1s is worth 10 points, a grouping of three 3s is worth 30 points, a grouping of 2,3,4 is worth 25 points, and so on. See scoring combinations on the right.
Layout all 49 POLYGON tiles face down next to the game board and mix them up. Each player takes one tile and places it face up.
The player with the highest numbered tile will start the game(in this case the WILD tile beats all numbers) and places his tile face-up on the space marked START- star on star, diamond on diamond, circle on circle.
Game Play
Play progresses outward from that tile. If there is a tie, continue picking new tiles until the tie is broken.
The remaining players tiles must be placed back in the pile-face down. Write the name of each player in the spaces provided on the score cards.

Before each turn, roll the die:
The color face up on the die is the color used to play and score for each turn. At the start of the game only, the second player must roll a different color than the first player.
Playing Polygon
The player with the highest numbered tile, as mentioned above, rolls the die first. The player draws two tiles from the pile of face down tiles and places them face up.
The player must use the two tiles to create the best score possible with the tiles already in play on the board. As the game continues, it may take two tiles to create a score or you may create two scores with your tiles.
However, you cannot take credit for 2 scores on a turn using the same grouping of tiles. If you score with one tile, you must place the other tile in a different grouping.
Mark your score on the score card then pass the die to the next player.
Placement of Tiles

Each of the two tiles per turn must be placed next to tiles already in play.
Example: If you roll a blue circle, place each of your tiles next to tiles in play- blue circle next to blue circle- as shown. In this case, you can only take credit for a score created with blue circles.
If you roll a red diamond, use the red diamond for placement and scoring. If you roll a gold star, use the gold star for placement and scoring.

Stacking Tiles
You may stack tiles on tiles already in play.
DO NOT stack your tile on a tile with the same number.
Tiles in scoring position can be on different levels.
Wild tiles can be any number 1 through 5
If you create a combination using three WILD tiles, your score will be 100 points. You can stack a WILD tile on any numbered tile. Do not stack a WILD tile on a WILD tile.
"X" Tiles
These tiles will multiply your score. When you create a score with one of these tiles, multiply your score by the "X" number on that tile. If more than one "X" tile is used in your grouping of tiles, use the tile with the highest "X" number for your score.

Tiles Printed on the Board
As play progresses outward from the center of the board, the tiles in play will reach the WILD and "X" tiles printed on the board. Only then can these printed tiles be used for scoring.
These printed tiles create a score when a tile is placed next to a tile in play and also is next to a printed tile. You may stack tiles on printed tiles following the rules of stacking.
When the face-down tiles are gone, the game is over. Add up the grand total of each player.
End of the Game
The player with the highest grand total wins the game.
Scoring Combinations

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