
- Game Board
- 25 Investigator counters
- 15 discs
- 50 cubes
- 5 Penalty counters amd 15 Points counters
- 36 Evidence cards
- 12 Suspect Case cards
- 10 Crime Case cards
- 14 Location Case cards
- Suspect tiles
- Crime tiles
- Three black discs
- One First player marker
- Rulebook
Object of the Game
After three games the player with the best score wins.
Place the board in the center of the table.
Each player takes a set of player pieces, which will comprise of five Investigator counters, ten cubes, three discs, one Penalty Points counter, and three Points counters.

Make sure the Location, Suspect, and Crime Case cards are separated into their own individual decks. Shuffle each deck thoroughly. Deal one Location, one Suspect, and one Crime Case card to each player.
You may look at these cards but you should keep them secret from the other players. You now hold the case that the player to your left needs to solve.
Now shuffle the Suspect tiles face down and place one in each left-hand space in each location. Once placed turn each one face up. Tiles that say 'No Suspect' should be left in place.
In the same manner you shuffle the Crime tiles face down and place one in each right-hand space in each location and then turn face up. Tiles that say 'No Crime' should be left in place.
Shuffle the Evidence cards. Draw the top nine cards and place face up on display by the side of the board. Each player places their Penalty counter on the '0' space of the Penalty track. Finally, randomly determine the first player and give them the First Player marker.

Game Play
The player with the First Player marker will take the first turn. Once he or she has completed their turn the next player, going clockwise around the table, will take their turn.
This procedure is repeated until all players have solved their crimes or there is one player left who has not solved their crime (if players resolve their cases in the same number of turns then they score the same points).
When it is your turn you can do one of the following:
- Place An Investigator
- Select An Evidence Card
- Attempt To Solve Your Case
Place an Investigator
You take one of your Investigator counters and place it in a location of your choice (the counter should be placed towards the top of the location, away from the three tiles at the bottom).
The player to your right must then indicate how successful your investigation has been. For each tile in the location that matches the 'Case' cards that he or she holds they must tell you to place a disc.
For each tile that is in an adjacent location they must tell you to place one cube. Any discs and cubes should be placed on your Investigator counter.
If you already have discs and/or cubes in the location then these would be taken into consideration by the player holding the Case cards, making sure that a specific tile did not receive another disc or cube.
If an investigation occurs in a location that lacks a Crime and/or a Suspect tile then that does not affect whether a cube is awarded for the tile being in an adjacent area.
If you know for a fact that a disc or cube relates to a specific tile in a location then you can move your disc/cube on to that tile. Investigator pieces are 'one use' only for the entire game, so you can only place five such counters over the course of all three mini-games.
Example: Red places an Investigator counter in Little Italy. The player to her right examines the Case cards that he holds.
He tells her to place one disc and one cube, based on the facts that the Bubbles tile is in the location and the Murder tile is in an adjacent location. The disc and cube are placed on her Investigator counter so that Red does not know which tiles they apply to.
Select an Evidence card
This action allows you to investigate one particular aspect of your case. You select one Evidence card from those on display. The player to your right must indicate how accurate this Evidence card is.
If the Evidence card matches one of the Case cards he or she holds then they will tell you to place a disc on the matching tile. If the tile in question is in an adjacent location to the tile on the Evidence card then they will tell you to place a cube on the tile.
If you already have a disc/cube on one of your Investigator counters and it corresponds with the Evidence card you just selected then the player to your right needs to tell you that, so that you move the disc/cube from the counter to the tile in question.
If a disc/cube is placed then it must be placed on the tile.
If no disc/cube is placed then you place the Evidence card in front of your position to remind you that no information was gained.
If you do place a disc/cube then you discard the card.
You then draw a card to make the display up to nine cards again. If the deck is exhausted then shuffle the discard pile to make a new deck.
Example: Red now selects the Waterfront Evidence card. This results in a cube being placed on the Waterfront tile as the location in question is adjacent.
Example: In her next turn Red selects the Murder evidence card. This results in a disc being placed on the tile. This tells her that Bubbles must be responsible, as the disc in Little Italy cannot be connected to the location tile (ruled out by the presence of a cube on the Waterfront tile).
This also tells Red that the location she is looking for is Downtown, as it is the only one adjacent to both Waterfront and Main Street.
Attempt to solve your case
If you think you have enough information to work out the solution to your case then instead of placing an Investigator or taking an Evidence card you can attempt to solve your case.
You take the three black discs and indicate who you think the suspect is, the crime they committed, and where they are hiding out, by placing them on the corresponding tiles. The player to your right must now declare whether you are correct or not.
If you fail to solve the crime then you move your Penalty counter down one space on the Penalty track (thus losing two points). If you succeed then you take your Points counter that is marked for the present mini-game and place it on the
Points track. Whether you crack your case or not you remove the black discs from the board. If you do solve your case then you should remove all of your cubes but place your discs on the three tiles that had black discs on. This helps other players to discount those tiles from their investigations.
Once you have solved your crime you do not perform any more actions. The first player to solve their case places their Points counter in the seven points box.
After that when a player solves their case they place their Points counter in the next empty box down, i.e. the second player to solve their case will score five points.
However, any player who solves their case in the same round as another player does, i.e. they have taken the same number of turns, also places their Points counter in the same scoring box (which means it is possible that there is no single last player).
If two or more players scored the same points then the next player or players to score would still score in the next box down, e.g. if two players scored seven points then the next player to solve their case would score five points.
Example: Red thinks she has solved her case. She places a black token on the Bubbles, Downtown, and Murder tile. The player to her right reveals that she is correct.
Red places her First Case Points counter on the seven point box. Blue had already solved his case but as Red did so in the same number of turns then she scores the same number of points.
Misleading Information
If it becomes apparent that a player has accidently misled another player then a penalty is imposed. The player who gave incorrect information scores zero points for this mini-game while the misled player scores seven points.
Points counters should be moved accordingly. As both players have scored then they take no more actions in this mini game.
End of the Game
The mini-game ends when all players have scored points.
Players now start a new mini-game. All tiles and cards must be handed back in, shuffled and distributed as described in the set-up part of these rules. All Investigator counters are removed from the board and placed to one side - they are not returned to the owning player (they are one use only in the entire game).
Cubes and discs are retrieved by the owning players. The first player marker should be moved on to the next player, going clockwise. The game ends after the completion of three mini-games.
The player with the highest points score (total points minus any penalty points) is the winner.
In the case of a tie the tied player who has retained the most Investigator pieces is the winner. If there is still a tie then the tied player with the fewest penalty points is the winner. If it is still tied then the game remains tied.
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