If you are looking for a challenge in the solo game, you can use the following Level System:
Level 1
A a game played using the 5-player rules. To complete this level, a score of 24 points is necessary.
Level 2
Level 2 is played with a different Civilization as you used in Level 1. The player chooses one additional income. To show this, one of the Round Overview Tiles is placed half-way under the Civilization Tile and rotated so that the additional type of income is visible on the lower right (Fig. 1).

The tiles are drawn each round as in the 4-player game, with 1 tile placed next to the Conquest Tile. The tile in the Conquest Row costs 3 coins more than the minimum bid on the tile, as in the standard rules. (Fig. 2).
28 Points are necessary to complete this level.

Level 3
This level is played with a different Civilization as in previous levels.
The player chooses two additional types of income, shown by placing two Round Overview Tiles halfway under the Civilization Tile and rotating them so that the additional types of income are visible in the lower right corner.
The tiles are drawn each round as in the 3-player game, with 2 Tiles in the Conquest Row.
32 Points are necessary to complete this level.
Level 4
Level 4 is again played with a previously unused Civilization. The player chooses three types of additional income, shown by placing three Round Overview Tiles under the Civilization Tile in the same manner as before.
The tiles are drawn each round as in the 2-player game, with 3 Tiles in the Conquest Row.
35 Points are necessary to complete this level.
Level 5
This level is again played with a previously unused Civilization. The player chooses three types of additional income, shown by placing three Round Overview Tiles under the Civilization Tile in the same manner as before. Each round, however, 4 of the 5 tiles are placed in the Conquest Row.
35 Points are necessary to complete this level.
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