- 1 case
- 2 pigs
- 1 scorepad
- 2 pencils
- Rulebook
Object of the Game
To throw the pigs and score as many points in one turn as you can. The first player to score 100 points is the winner.

Game Play
Remove the cover of the scorepad. This is to be used as a quick reference score chart during play.
One player is appointed the "swineherd" and is in charge of marking the individual scores onto the scorepad.
Choose a player to go first. On your turn, toss both pigs simultaneously into the air.
How did they land?
At the end of your turn, the swineherd records your score and you pass the pigs to the next player.
End of the Game
The first player to score 100 points wins the game!

Continuing to Play
Once you have noted the score for your throw you must decide whether to be a "Pig-head" and continue for more points, or to quit while you're ahead.
Remember, if you go for more points you take the chance of throwing a "Pig Out" and losing all your points. Will the pigs be lucky for you?
You can take as many turns as you dare until either:
You decide to stop and record your total score for that turn.
You throw a "Pig Out" and score "0" for that round.
You throw an "Oinker" and lose all your points accumulated in the game so far.
Game Version II for Pig Fanatics
Play the game in the same way as described ear- lier. When players have scored 20 points or more they may choose to "Hog Call".
The "Hog Caller" pre- dicts what position the pigs will land in.
Note: Hog Calls can only be made by players who are not throwing the pigs! To make a Hog Call, first you must shout "Sooee", before the pigs are thrown by another player. The first player to shout is the one to Hog Call for this round.
If you Hog Call correctly: Earn double the number of points scored for that throw. At the same time the throwing player subtracts double the points from his total. (A player can never go below zero).
If you make a bad Hog Call: You subtract double the number of points scored. This time the throwing player earns double the points.
The player throwing the pigs retains possession until either he decides to stop or he throws a Pig Out or an Oinker, as in the basic rules.
1 Point
Both pigs land on their same sides. (Ex: both lying dot side up, or unmarked side up).
Pig Out
Lose all points from your turn
Pigs land on opposite sides. Lose all pig points for that turn. (Ex: One lying dot side up, the other unmarked side up).
Double Trotter
20 points
Both pigs land in the trotter position.
Double Razorback
20 points
Both pigs land trotters up!
5 Points
One pig lands on its back, trotters in the air.
(The other pig is a Sider!)
Leaning Jowler
15 points
One pig lands jowl to the ground supported by an ear and a front trotter. (The other pig is a Sider!)
Mixed Combo
Add Combined Score
Any combination of acrobatic pigs!
Ex: Trotter + Snouter = 15 points
Piggy Back
Out of Game!
A totally undignified position for pigs.
You are out of the game.
10 points
A snouty pig lands on its snout and two front trotters. (The other pig is a Sider!)
5 points
One pig lands on all four trotters. (The other pig is a Sider!)
Double Snouter
40 points
Two snouters are better than one!
Double Leaning Jowler
60 points
Two curly tails in the air in the leaning jowler position!
Lose all points
Two pigs touching in any position- Lose all pig points up to this throw. Pass the pigs to the next player.
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