The following three scenarios have been designed for service desk operators who want to play the game by themselves. Follow the game set up as described before. Choose an aircraft cabin and put it on the table with the 1-3 player variant (3 seating areas) facing up.
The number of dinner vouchers determines the difficulty of each scenario.
The player can choose one of the 4 open passenger cards from the departure hall without handing in dinner vouchers for the passenger card or cards that have been skipped.
If you want to remove a passenger card from the departure hall, that will cost you a dinner voucher: put the passenger card back in the box.

- Every overbooked passenger costs the player 1 dinner voucher.
- For every fully occupied seating area the player receives 2 dinner vouchers.
- The player wins the game if the conditions of the scenario have been met.
- The player loses the game the moment there are no dinner vouchers left.
Scenario 1: Friends Weekend
(Beginner: 6 vouchers | Experienced: 4 vouchers | Expert: 2 vouchers)
Make sure that there is 1 green, 1 blue and 1 yellow group of at least 6 passengers on board.
Make sure that there are also at least 3 red couples on board that must not be seated adjacent to each other, or 3 surrounded children.
Scenario 2: Romantic City Trip
(Beginner: 6 vouchers | Experienced: 4 vouchers | Expert: 2 vouchers)
Make sure that there are at least 5 red couples on board that must not be seated adjacent to each other.
Make sure that there is also at least 1 group of at least 5 green, 5 blue or 5 yellow passengers on board, or 3 surrounded children.
Scenario 3: School Trip
(Beginner: 6 vouchers I Experienced: 4 vouchers | Expert: 2 vouchers)
Make sure that there are at least 8 surrounded children on board.
Make sure that there is also at least 1 group of at least 5 green, 5 blue or 5 yellow passengers on board, or 3 red couples that must not be seated adjacent to each other.
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