The greatest origami masters face off for the title, using their magic to make origami creations really come to life! Can your knowledge of the art of folding paper impress the judges and earn you the title of "Best Origami Artist"?

- 18 farm cards
- 18 skycards
- 18 sea cards
- 18 savannah cards
- 18 lawn cards
- A slip of paper to make the Starting Player origami
- Instructions
During the game, you will use a number of families equal to the number of players (e.g.: with 3 players use 3 families). You can freely choose which families to use, but take care to always add all the cards of the chosen families.
Any families not chosen are left in the box and are not used.
Anatomy of a Card

Shuffle the cards together, then deal cards face up to each player, revealing them from the deck one by one until each player has cards worth a total of at least 10 folds
Some players may receive more folds than others, that's okay.

The player dealt the fewest folds becomes the Starting Player: they take and keep the Starting Player origami for the entire game (ties are broken by drawing lots). Each player takes the cards dealt into their hand, and from now on they are kept secret.
Keep the other cards in a deck in the middle of the table. Turn over the first four cards and place them face up in a row near the deck. This is the "Draw Line". Leave room for a discard pile.

Game Play
The game is played in turns going clockwise, with the Starting Player going first. When it is your turn, you must choose one of the following actions:
- Draw Cards
- Play One Origami
- Use The Special Action Of An Origami
After your action is complete, your turn ends. If at this point you now have more than 8 cards in your hand, you must discard the excess so that you have only 8 cards. Play then passes to the next player (on your left).
1. Draw Cards
When you choose this action, take any number of cards from the Draw Line with a total number of folds that is 4 or less. Add those cards to your hand.
When you are done drawing, refill the Draw Line with cards from the deck (face up) so that there are again 4 cards available. If the deck runs out, shuffle the discards and create a new deck.
Example: From the Draw Line above, you could take the Bee, or the Parrot and the Raccoon. If you wish, you can also take less than 4 folds, such as the Chick and the Parrot. Folds you don't take are simply lost.
2. Play one Origami
When you choose this action, you play one Origami from your hand. In order to play a card, you must first pay its cost, in "folds". Each card shows a cost and a number of folds in the corner.
When you play a card, you must discard other cards from your hand worth a total number of folds exactly equal to the cost of the Origami you are playing.
Example: You play the Raccoon from your hand. To pay its cost (4), you can discard the Butterfly, or the Owl and the Elephant.
Note that you cannot pay by discarding the Pig and the Elephant (or the Pig and the Owl) as you would overpay (5 folds) and this is not allowed!

Collections: After paying the cost, place the Origami face up in front of you. When you play Origami, you must add them to your Collections. You can only have two Collections in front of you, and every Origami you play must go into one of your two Collections.
Each Collection is a column of Origami cards, with a single Origami "on top". Place each new Origami you play on top of the other cards, but slightly offset so that the left corner of the earlier Origami in that Collection- which shows the Name, Family, and Points Value-is still visible.
At all times, the difference in the size of your two Collections cannot be more than ONE Origami. Your collections must each have the same number of cards or differ by only one card.
This means that, except for the first two Origami you play, each time you play an Origami you will cover a previous one. If you cover an Origami that has a Special Action, you lose the ability to use that action.
Example: When you play the Raccoon, you must add it to your left Collection, to balance your two Collections.
You cannot add it to your right Collection, because then the difference in your Collections would be 2 Origami. Sadly, this means that you must lose the Shark's Special Action.

Origami Effects: Every Origami has an effect when played. There are three kinds of effects:
Instant Effect: You may use the effect stated on the card immediately when you play it, then the effect ends. Use of Instant Effects is always optional.
Scoring: This Origami only takes effect at the end of the game, during the final scoring.
Special Action:: This Origami gives you a Special Action that you can use during your turn (starting with your next turn-see 3. Use the Special Action of an Origami).
You can use this Special Ability as many times as you wish (once per turn) as long as that Origami remains visible at the top of its Collection.
Note: Each Origami has an effect, described on the card. At first, it will seem like you have a lot to learn but don't be discouraged: the game will flow more smoothly the more you play!
3. Use the Special Action of an Origami
When you choose this action, you may choose the Special Action shown on one of the Origami at the top of your Collections-you cannot use a Special Action that has been covered by another Origami you added to the Collection later.
Simply carry out the Special Action you have chosen. You can only choose an Origami that has a Special Action effect-you cannot choose this option if you have no Special Actions available!
Example (cont'd): The Raccoon on top of your left Collection has the Special Action "Draw from the draw line up to 3 folds and the top discard".
On your turn, instead of choices 1) Draw Cards or 2) Play One Origami, you may instead carry out this Special Action.
Farm Origami 
Dog: Count all of the Sheep visible in all Collections and in the Draw Line. For instance, if you see 2 Sheep, draw 3 cards.
Fox: Draw 3 cards, discard 1, then add the remaining 2 to your hand. You can't add the 3 cards to your hand and then discard 1 from your hand.
Rabbit: Round down the scoring. For instance, if you have 5 cards left over at the end of the game, score 2 additional points.
Lawn Origami 
Bee: It also counts itself, as it is a 0 origami.
Cricket: You can't play the same Origami you drew. However, if you take an Origami from the Draw Line that is identical to one you already have in hand, then you can play the one you already have (show both to all players before playing it).
Spider: If you can't draw exactly 6 folds, then you cannot use this action. Note that other effects may instruct you to draw up to a certain number of folds (like the regular action #1).
Savannah Origami 
Lion: Unlike other Special Actions that allow you to play an Origami, the Lion lets you play an Origami for free.
Snake: The Snake may be put under a Collection. The rule that your Collections must be equal or differ by only 1 Origami still holds.
Zebra: If you have no Origami in your hand, you pass nothing; however, you still get a card from the player to your left.
Sea Origami 
Dolphin: This gives you a discount when you play an Origami, and can reduce the cost to 0, if the normal cost is 2 folds.
Whale: Unlike the Bee, it does not count itself. However, if you have two Whales in the same Collection, each one counts the other one.
Sky Origami 
Parrot: It may copy any Instant Effect visible in any Collection or in the Draw Line. It only copies the Instant Effect, nothing else.
Vulture: You may add cards from your hand to the one drawn to pay for the Origami.
End of the Game
When the deck runs out for the second time, reshuffle the discard pile as normal, then play the current round to the end (until the beginning of the Starting Player's next turn).
Each player now gets one final turn. The last player to take a turn will always be the one sitting to the right of the Starting Player. It's time to tally your score!
Your score is equal to the total of the points on all the Origami in your Collections (each = 1 point) plus any points you earn from any Scoring effects on the Origami in your Collections (it does not matter if they have been covered by other Origami).
The player with the most points wins! Ties are broken by counting the leftover cards in the tied players' hands. If they are still tied, they share the victory!
Example: You have three cards in hand when the game ends. In your Collections, you have:

Notes on the Origami
Some Origami allow you to play another Origami as part of their special action or effect.
Unless it says otherwise, you must still pay the fold cost (by discarding cards), like you would if you played the Origami normally.
Unless specified otherwise, when a card instructs you to discard a card, pass a card, etc. it always refers to the cards in your hand, not in your Collections.
The Starting Payer Origami
Start with colored side up. Fold in half both ways and unfold
Fold diagonally both ways and unfold Fold the upper layer only
Collapse into "Waterbomb base"
Fold the upper layer only
Fold the corner past the edge
Fold behind. Do not flatten here.
Fold along the center line.
Press flat here and let go.
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