In One Night Ultimate Vampire, the sun has just set, and vampires have descended on your sleepy little town, slowly turning the villagers into even more vampires. Fortunately, the village has several residents with special powers, with most of them willing to help eliminate this fanged menace!

- 14 Unique Roles on Thick Sturdy Tiles
- 15 Role Tokens
- 29 Marks
- 2 Marks Boards
- 4 Voting Tokens
- Getting Started Guide
- Rulebook
The Original Werewolf Game
Vampire includes changes from the original One Night Ultimate Werewolf game and its sequel Daybreak.
Be sure to read the Getting Started Guide before you jump in and start playing. The sections indicated below highlight some of the differences between the Werewolf games and Vampire.
Setup: Vampire requires some additional setup. See Setup below.
Dusk: Dusk is a period before the regular night roles take their actions.
Marks: Marks are additional tokens given to every- one at the start of the game. They can change during the"Dusk" period.
Assassin and Apprentice Assassin: The Assassin and Apprentice Assassin are two new teams that can win in conjunction with another team. See the"Assassin" and "Apprentice Assassin" sections below.
Vampires and Werewolves in the same game: It is possible to have both Vampires and Werewolves playing, but if this happens some of the rules change slightly.
When playing Vampire, you may use any combination of roles, but always include three more role cards than there are players.
Each player receives one card (face down, which they look at secretly) and one Mark of Clarity, which is placed face down near their card. While you may use any number of Vampires, we recommend using any combination of two Vampires for the best results.
Place the three extra cards in the center of the table facedown.
Below the 3 cards in the center, place the Marks boards. Place the corresponding Marks above these boards, and flip Marks that are in the game face down.
In Vampire, several roles take their action before the "regular" One Night roles that take their action at night
Dusk is when the Copycat, Vampires, Diseased, Cupid, Instigator, Priest, Assassin, and Apprentice Assassin all wake up and perform their actions.
At the end of Dusk, before Night begins, all players open their eyes and view their Marks. They then dose their eyes and all roles with Night actions are called in order.
In Vampire, each player is given a Mark of Clarity at the start of the game. During the "Dusk" phase, additional Marks may enter the game, changing one or more players' Marks to a different Mark.
During the Night phase, the Pickpocket and the Gremlin may move players' marks, and the Marksman may view a player's Mark.
No player may ever have more than one Mark; as soon as a player gives a Mark to a player, the receiving players Mark is returned to the empty spot on the Marks boards.

The Mark of the Vampire is given to any player (except an existing Vampire) by the vampires who wake up together.
The player who receives this is now a Vampire, but they can still use their Night or vote action. If the Master ends up with this Mark, he still has his Master voting power. If Renfield ends up with this Mark, he is a vampire.

The Mark of Fear is given to a non-Vampire player by The Count (it may not be given to the same player who was given the Mark of the Vampire).
The Player who receives this may not do their night action (however, they may still do their Dusk action, as they won't know that they have this Mark until after Dusk).

Renfield takes the Mark of the Bat and replaces his current Mark with it. The Mark does not have any other special power.

The Diseased gives the Mark of Diseasetoeitherthe player to the left or to the right of themselves. Any player who votes for the player with the Mark of Disease cannot win, though the player with this Mark can win.

Cupid hands out two Marks of Love to any two players. Immediately after Dusk, players with this Mark wake to see who is in love with them.
If a player with a Mark of Love dies, the other player with the Mark of Love dies too, even if that player was protected during the vote (for instance, if the Master has a Mark of Love, and the other player with a Mark of Love dies, The Master dies too, even if a Vampire was pointing at him during the vote).
Players who are in love are woken up after Dusk, and before the regular night actions take place.

The Instigator chooses a player who will be a traitor to his team by giving them the Mark of the Traitor. The player with this Mark only wins if a player on his team dies. If he is the only player on his team, the Mark of the Traitor has no effect.

One Mark of Clarity is dealt out face down to each player before the game begins. Marks of Clarity are also used by the Priest to remove other Marks. Players with this Mark have their role and team defined by their current card.

The Assassin gives the Mark of the Assassin to any player. The Assassin only wins if the player who has this Mark is killed.
Playing with the Vampire Roles
This section describes all of the roles in One Night Ultimate Vampire and also explains how they interact with roles from the original One Night Ultimate Werewolf game and its sequel, Daybreak.
For the roles below, "Vampire" includes the regular Vampire, The Master, and Tne Count. If any Vampire is killed at the end of the game, the vampire team loses. If you're a One Night Ultimate Werewolf veteran, play Vampire first with no Werewolves.
Once you get the hang of how the Marks work, you can add Werewolves.

The Copycat wakes up and must look at one of the center cards. From that point on in the game, the Copycat is the role he viewed. If that role is called, the Copycat wakes up and does that roles action.
The role seen by the original Copycat goes with that card if the Copycat card is moved to another player.
The Copycat is on the team he first views.
"Copycat, wake up and look at one of the center cards. You are now that role. If that role is called, wake up and do that action".
The Copycat opens his eyes and must look at one of the Center cards. He becomes that role and will wake up again later if that role has a Dusk or Night action.
"Copycat, dose your eyes".

Vampires (including The Master and the Count) wake up and look for other Vampires.
Then the Vampires must place the Mark of the Vampire in front of one other non-vampire player, taking that player's original Mark (without looking at it) and placing it face down on the Marks boards in the empty Vampire spot.
The Vampire is on the vampire team.
"Vampires, wake up and look for other Vampires. Give any non-Vampire player a Mark of the Vampire".
The Vampires opens their eyes, look around for other Vampires, and then must place a Mark of the Vampire in front of any non-Vampire.
"Vampires, close your eyes".
The Master

The Master wakes up with the Vampires.
Then the Vampires must place the Mark of the Vampire in front of one other non-Vampire player, taking that player's original Mark (without looking at it) and placing it face down on the Marks boards in the empty Vampire spot.
The Master's special power occurs during the vote: if another Vampire (the regular Vampire, the Count, or the player with the Mark of the Vampire) votes for him, the Master is protected and cannot be killed.
Instead, the player with the 2nd most votes (greater than 1) is killed.
The Master is on the vampire team.
The Count

The Count wakes up with the Vampires. Then the Vampires must place the Mark of the Vampire in front of one other non-Vampire player, taking that player's original Mark (without looking at it) and placing it face down on the Marks boards in the empty Vampire spot.
He also wakes up after the Vampires have closed their eyes, and must place the Mark of Fear on any non-Vampire (he may not place it on the player who has the Mark of the Vampire, as that player is now a Vampire).
The Mark of Fear prevents a player from using their Night action (if they have one).
The Count is on the vampire team.
"Count, wake up and place the Mark of Fear in front of any non-vampire player".
The Count opens his eyes, and then must place a Mark of Fear in front of any non-Vampire.
"Count, close your eyes".

If Renfield is in the game, the Vampires must point at the player with the Mark of the Vampire when they dose their eyes and leave their fingers pointing until Renfield doses his eyes.
Renfield wakes up and sees who the vampires are and who they are pointing at. Then Renfield must take the mark of the bat and place it in front of him face down, placing his original mark (without looking at it) face down on the empty bat spot on the marks boards.
Renfield wins as long as no vampires are killed, even if Renfield himself dies.
If the Mark of the Bat ends up on another player, it has no effect on that player.
Renfield is on the vampire team (but he is not a Vampire), unless no players are Vampires (or have the Mark of the Vampire), in which case he is on the villager team.
"Vampires, point at the player who has the Mark of the Vampire and closes your eyes. Renfield, wake up and look around for the Vampires, then place the Mark of the Bat in front of you".
Renfield opens his eye and looks around to see who the Vampires are and to see who they are pointing at, and must place the Mark of the Bat in front of himself.
"Vampires, put your hands down. Renfield, close your eyes?

The Diseased wakes up and must place the Marie of Disease face down on a player adjacent to her, returning that player's original Mark (without looking at it) face down to the Marks boards.
Any player who votes for the Diseased player (or the player with the Mark of Disease) cannot win, even if their team wins.
However, any vote cast against this player still counts, and if the Diseased/Maikof Disease player gets the most votes, they die just like any other player, and players on the winning team who did not vote for the Diseased/Mark of Disease players win.
The Diseased is on the villager team.
"Diseased, wake up. Place a Mark of Disease in front of the player to your left or right".
The Diseased opens her eyes, and then must place a Mark of Disease in front of a player directly to their left or to their right.
"Diseased, dose your eyes".

Cupid wakes up and may place up to two Marks of Love face down in front of any two players, placing those players' original Marks face down (without looking at them) in the empty Love spots on the Marks boards.
Players who receive the Marks of Love wake up when called after Dusk to learn who they are in love with. If either player is killed, the other dies as well. Players with the Mark of Love remain on their current teams.
Cupid is on the villager team.
"Cupid, wake up. You may give any two players a Mark of Love;
Cupid opens her eyes and then may give a Mark of Love to two different players.
"Cupid, dose your eyes".

The Instigator wakes up and may place a Mark of the Traitor face down in front of any player, placing that player's original Mark (without looking at it) face down in the empty Traitor spot on the Marks boards.
A player who receives the Mark of the Traitor only wins if someone else on his team is killed.
If the player with the Mark of the Traitor is the only person on his team, the Mark of the Traitor has no effect.
The Instigator is on the villager team.
"Instigator, wake up. You may give any player the Mark of the Traitor".
The Instigator opens her eyes and then may place a Mark of the Traitor in front of any player.
"Instigator, close your eyes".

The Priest wakes up and must place a Mark of Clarity in front of himself and may place a Mark of Clarity in front of one other player, placing both his and that player's original Mark (without looking at them) face down in the empty Oarity spots on the Maries boards.
The Priest is on the villager team.
"Priest, wake up and give yourself a Mark of Clarity. You may also give any other player a Mark of Clarity".
The Priest opens his eyes, gives himself a Mark of Clarity and may place a Mark of Clarity in front of any other player.
"Priest, close your eyes".

The Assassin wakes up and must place the Mark of the Assassin on any player, placing that player's original Mark (without looking at it) face down in the empty Assassin spot on the Marks boards.
The Assassin can only win if the player with the Mark of the Assassin dies, regardless of what that player's team is. The Assassin does not have to be alive at the end of the game in order to win.
The Assassin is unique in that if he wins, other teams can still meet their winning conditions and win, so it is possible to have the Assassin win along with the Vampires, the villagers, or even the Tanner.
If it happens that the Assassin ends up with the Maik of the Assassin at the end of the game, he only wins if he himself dies.
The Assassin is on his own team.
"Assassin, wake up and place the Mark of the Assassin in front of any player".
The Assassin opens his eyes, and then must place a Mark of the Assassin in front of any player.
"Assassin, dose your eyes".
Apprentice Assassin

The Apprentice Assassin wakes up immediately after Assassin places the Mark of the Assassin in front of a player, while the Assassin's eyes are still open.
The Apprentice Assassin looks for the Assassin (and the Assassin looks for her).
The Apprentice Assassin wins if the Assassin dies. The Apprentice Assassin does not have to be alive at the end of the game in order to win.
If there is no Assassin, the Apprentice Assassin must place the Mark of the Assassin in front of any player and only wins if the player with the Mark of the Assassin (including herself) dies.
The Apprentice Assassin is on her own team.
"Assassin, wake up. Place the Mark of the Assassin in front of any player".
The Assassin opens his eyes, and then must place the Mark of the Assassin in front of any player.
"Apprentice Assassin, wake up and look for the Assassin. If there is no Assassin, place the Mark of the Assassin in front of any player".
The Apprentice Assassin opens her eyes and looks for the Assassin (whose eyes are still open). If she doesn't see the Assassin, she then places the Mark of the Assassin in front of any player.
"Assassin and Apprentice Assassin, dose your eyes".
After Dusk, all players must open their eyes and look at their Marks (but not at their cards).
"Everyone, wake up and secretly view your Mark".
Everyone wakes up and secretly looks at their Marks.
"Everyone, dose your eyes".
Players in Love

After players dose their eyes, the players who are in love (who have the Mark of Love) are called to wake up and look for the player they are in love with.
The players with the Marks of Love are linked: if one of them dies, the other one dies as well.
It is possible that only one player will have the Mark of Love at this time if the Instigator, Priest, Assassin, and/or Apprentice Assassin are in the game. In this case, the Mark of Love has no effect on the player who has it.
Having the Mark of Love does not change that player's team affiliation.
"If you are in Love, wake up and look for your love interest".
Players who have a Mark of Love must wake up and look around for another player who has their eyes open.
"Lovers, dose your eyes".

The Marksman wakes up and may view one player's card and/or another player's Mark (but not the same player if viewing both a Mark and a card).
The Marksman is on the villager team.
"Marksman, wake up. You may view the card of one player and the Made of another player".
The Marksman opens his eyes and may look at the card in front of one player and the Mark in front of another player.
"Marksman, close your eyes".

The Pickpocket wakes up and may exchange his Mark for the Mark of another player, and then views his new Mark.
The Pickpocket is on the villager team.
"Pickpocket, wake up. You may exchange your Mark with another player's Mark, and then view you mew Marx".
The Pickpocket opens his eyes, and then may exchange his Mark with another player's Mark. If he does so, he then looks at his new Mark.
"Pickpocket, close your eyes".

The Gremlin wakes up and may switch marks or cards (but not both) between any two players, but may not look at those Marks or cards.
The Gremlin is on the villager team.
"Gremlin, wake up. You may switch Marks or cards between any two players".
The Gremlin opens his eyes, and then may switch Marks or cards between any two players (including himself).
"Gremlin, close your eyes".
Artifacts & Vampire

Artifacts are tokens that are given w to a player by the Curator, a role available in Daybreak. Artifacts can be found in Daybreak, Sonus Pack 1, and Bonus Pack 2.
When playing with Artifacts, role-changing Artifacts (like the Claw of the Werewolf) always override a player's card and Mark.
For instance, the Cudgel of the Tanner Artifact overrides the Mark of the Vampire (which overrode the team of that player's original card), making that player a Tanner and not a Vampire.
All other Marks affect the role that the Artifact has changed the player into (if any).
If you are using all the Artifacts, you could end up with an Epic Battle (because there might be Vampires, Werewolves, and Villagers in the same game). If this happens, refer to the section on Epic Battles to determine the winners).
Doppelganger & Vampire

When playing with the Doppelganger (from the original One Night Ultimate Werewolf game), place an additional set of Marks (referred to as Doppelganger Marks" below) on the other side of the Marks Boards.
These are for use specifically and only by the Doppelganger if she needs to use a Mark. There is no Doppelganger Mark of the Vampire.
The Doppelganger initially wakes up before the Vampires (use the included "-7" token in place of the one that came with One Night when playing with Vampire). She also may wake up later, if there are night roles (such as the Gremlin) present.
The Doppelganger does the following based on what she sees (roles marked with a are actions that the Doppelganger does immediately):
Copycat: The Doppelganger-Copycat does nothing and instead becomes the role that the Copycat views (but does not wake up at night when the Copycat uses his new center card night power if any).
Vampire: The Doppelganger-Vampire wakes up with the other Vampires.
The Master: The Doppelganger-Master wakes up with the other Vampires. If a Vampire (including the original Master) points at the Doppelganger- Master, the Doppelganger-Master will not die. If the Doppelganger-Master points at the Master, the Master will not die.
The Count: The Doppelganger-Count wakes up with the other Vampires. She wakes up after the Count and must place the Doppelganger Mark of Fear on any player.
Renfield: The Doppelganger-Renfield wakes up after Renfield (in this case, the Vampires never lower their hands, and continue pointing at the recipient of the Mark of the Vampire after Renfield closes his eyes). She must take the Doppelganger Mark of the Bat and places it on herself.
Diseased: The Doppelganger-Diseased must place the Doppelganger Mark of Disease on an adjacent player when she first wakes up.
Cupid: The Doppelganger-Cupid may place the two Doppelganger Marks of Love on any two players when she first wakes up; this could result in more than two people waking up in love and more than two people who have Marks of Love at the end of the game, with up to four people dying if any one of them is killed at the end of the game.
Instigator: The Doppelganger-Instigator may place the Doppelganger Mark of the Traitor on any player when she first wakes up.
Priest: The Doppelganger-Priest wakes up after the Priest and must place a Doppelganger Mark of Clarity on herself and may place a Doppelganger Mark of Clarity on one other player.
Assassin: The Doppelganger-Assassin must place the Doppelganger Mark of the Assassin on any player when she wakes up after the Assassin. The Apprentice Assassin doesn't know who the Doppelganger Assassin is, but wins if either the Assassin or the Doppelganger Assassin is killed.
The Assassin and Doppelganger-Assassin both win if any player with a Mark of the Assassin dies (even if that was not the Mark of the Assassin that they originally placed in front of a player).
Apprentice Assassin: The Doppelganger-Apprentice Assassin wakes up after the Apprentice Assassin during the Assassin's Dusk action - the Assassin doesn't close his eyes until the Doppelganger Apprentice Assassin completes her action.
Marksman: The Doppelganger-Marksman wakes up after the Marksman.
Pickpocket: The Doppelganger-Pickpocket wakes up after the Pickpocket.
Gremlin: The Doppelganger-Gremlin wakes up after the Gremlin.
Epic Battles: Vampires vs. Villagers vs. Werewolves

You can have Vampires, Villagers, and Werewolves (from One Night ana Daybreak), in the same game.
If all three are in the game and active (i.e. actually in front of at least one player, not just in the center card group), at least two players will be killed during the vote: the player with the most votes and the player with the 2nd most votes (in this case 1 vote counts if it is the 2nd highest number).
If there is a tie for most votes, only those tied for the most votes are killed. If there isn't a tie for the most votes, and there is a tie for 2nd most votes, the person with the most votes is killed and those with the 2nd most votes are also killed.
If it is determined that either Werewolves, Vampires, or Villagers were not in play (because those cards were in the center), then only the players) with the most votes (as long as they have at least 2) are killed.
Both of the win conditions below must be fulfilled for each team to win:
Win condition 1 | Win condition 2 | |
Vampire Team | At least 1 Werewolf must be killed | No Vampires may be killed |
Villager Team | At least 1 Vampire must be killed | At least 1 Werewolf must be killed |
Werewolf Team | At least 1 Vampire must be killed | No Werewolves may be killed |
In cases where all Werewolves, Vampires or village team members are in the center, winning conditions are normal, and only one player is killed.
Special Cases When Combining Games
If the Prince (Bonus Pack 1) has the Mark of the Vampire, he is a Vampire and on the vampire team, but he cannot die.
If the Cursed (Bonus Pack 1) has the Mark of the Vampire, and a Werewolf points at him during the vote, he's still a Vampire.
If the Bodyguard (Daybreak) has the Marie of the Vampire, the player he points at still cannot be killed.
If a player has the Shield token from the Sentinel (Daybreak), only his card is protected, not his Mark.
If the Copycat card starts as a (enter card, and is later given to a player by a card like the Drunk (OneNight) or the Witch (Daybreak), that player is on the village team and has no special power.
A player with the Mark of Fear may not do any part of their night action, including opening their eyes. How- ever, if another night action requires that you put out your thumb, you must do that.
The exception to this is that the Dreamwolf (Daybreak) with a Mark of Fear cannot put out his thumb initially when Werewolves wake but must put out his thumb for the Minion (One Night) or Squire (Bonus Pack2).If a Werewolf (One Night) has the Mark of the Vampire, he still wakes up with the other Werewolves, but he is a Vampire and wins with the vampire team.
If there is no Mark of the Assassin in the game, the Assassin (or Apprentice Assassin) is a simple villager and wins with the Village team. This can happen if the Assassin (or Apprentice Assassin) card starts in the middle and is given to a player via the Witch (Daybreak), Drunk (OneNight), or another role.
When playing Epic Battles, if all Werewolves are in the center, but at least one player is a Minion (One Night) or Squire (Bonus Pack 2), only one player dies during the vote (because there are no Werewolves).
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