- 64 Coin/Building cards
- 1 Main Square card
- 16 Worker cards in the 4 Player colors
- 36 workers in the 4 player colors
- 1 Resources Board
- 12 Character cards in the 4 Guild symbols
- 1 Rulebook
Oddly enough, several of you have been hired to build the city of OddVille, home to four powerful worker guilds.
You will use your workers to obtain resources, coins, and building projects in order to build the most valuable buildings and to gain the favour of guild members.
At the end of the game, each player calculates his/her* score by summing the values of the buildings he has built in the city, his leftover resources, his presence in the Main Square, and the character cards in front of him. The player with the most points wins.

Each player chooses a color (purple, blue, red, or yellow), then:
- takes the 4 Worker cards of the chosen color into his hand;
- takes the 9 workers of the chosen color and places them in front of himself. 9x
Place the Main Square card in the middle of the table. Then, leaving enough space to build the City at the sides and below the Main Square card,
place the Resources Board on the table (with either the 2 or 3/4 Players side face-up, according to the number of the Players);
sort the Character cards according to the Guild to form 4 piles, shuffle each one and place them on the table face-up (With fewer players, remove random characters from each guild: 3-player, remove 1 Character from each; 2-player, remove 2 from each);
shuffle the Coin/Building cards, form a deck and place it on the table, Coin-side-up. Then draw 6 Cards, Building-side-up and form a row to the left of the deck.
Randomly choose a First Player. Starting from the last player and proceeding anticlockwise, each player chooses 1 resource.
In order to indicate that he owns that resource, he places 1 worker from his supply on the Resources Board in the upper slot of the corresponding resource (i.e. the one with 2 Coins depicted). Each Player has to choose a different resource.
Then the game proceeds clockwise starting with the First Player.

Whenever a Player gains coins, he places the card in front of himself Coin-side-up.
Whenever a Player obtains a building, he places the card in front of himself Building-side-up.
Whenever he has to pay coins, he discards the requested number of Coin cards from his supply. He places them on the top of the deck Coin-side-up.
Game Play
The game plays clockwise and lasts several rounds. On his turn, the player must perform 1 (and only 1) of the following actions:
- Play 1 Worker card (to obtain Coins, Buildings, or Resources) OR
- Develop OddVille (build 1 Building card)
The player's turn is over. Next player takes his turn. When one player places his 6th worker in the city, the game ends.
A. Play 1 Worker Card
When a player chooses this action, he must:
- select 1 of the Worker cards in his hands,
- play it by placing it in front of himself face-up.
- declare which ability he wants to use and perform the relevant action.
He must choose 1 (and only 1) of the following abilities:
- Obtain Coins OR
- Obtain 1 Resource OR
- Obtain 1 Building
Note: The played Worker cards will remain in front of the Player (and therefore cannot be used) until he recovers the Worker cards (see Recover the Worker Cards).
Recover the worker cards
If, at the beginning of his turn, before playing the Worker card, the player
has no more Worker cards in his hand, he must pick up all the previously played Worker cards and place them back in his hand.
has one or more Worker cards in his hand, he may pick up all the previously played Worker cards and place them back in his hand, but he pays 1 coin for each Worker card he still had in his hand.
After recovering them, the player has 4 cards in his hand. He now plays 1 Worker card, and performs the chosen action.
Obtain Coins
The player plays 1 Worker card, draws from the deck as many cards as the coins indicated on the Worker card he played, and places them in front of himself Coin-side-up.

Note: This worker does not allow you to obtain Coins.
A player can never have more than 5 Coin cards in front of him. If, for any reason, he obtains more than 5 Coin cards, he must discard down to 5.
Note: Players are not allowed to look at the Coin cards in their supply to see which Building is depicted on the Building side.

Blue plays this Worker card and puts it in front of himself face-up. He chooses to use it to Obtain Coins.

He draws 2 cards from the deck and adds them to his supply, placing them in front of himself Coin-side-up.
His turn is over.
Obtain 1 Resource
The player plays 1 Worker card, and obtains 1 resource.
He must choose 1 of the resources indicated on the played Worked card. In order to indicate that he owns that resource, he places 1 worker from his supply in the cheapest available slot of the corresponding resource on the Resources Board.
Then he pays the cost (if any) indicated on the occupied slot. Only 1 worker can occupy any single slot of the lower row of each resource (i.e. the ones that cost 0 or 1 Coin).
On the other hand, there is no limit to the number of workers (of the same or multiple players) that can simultaneously be present on the upper slot of each resource (i.e. the one that costs 2 Coins).
At any time during the game, players can remove 1 or more of their workers from the Resources Board and place them back in their supply.

Example: Red plays this Worker card and puts it in front of himself face-up.
He chooses to use it to Obtain 1 resource. He can choose between Wood and Clay.

He chooses the Clay. He places 1 of his workers on the cheapest available slot of the Clay space in the Resources Board and pays 1 Coin. His turn is over.
Obtain 1 Building
The player plays 1 Worker card, chooses 1 of the 6 Building cards from the Buildings Row, pays the related cost, if any, and places the card in front of himself Building-side-up.
The cost is indicated on the played Worker card. It is free of charge if the position of the card is depicted in green. It costs the indicated amount, if the position is depicted in red.
Then, if necessary, move the remaining Building cards to the left, so that there is only 1 empty space next to the deck. Draw 1 card from the deck and place it in the empty space Building-side- up.
A player can never have more than 2 Building cards in front of him.
If, for any reason, he obtains more than 2 Buildings, he must discard the excess Building Card of his choice, placing it at the bottom of the deck Coin-side-up.

Example: Purple plays this Worker card and puts it in front of himself face-up.
He chooses to use it to Obtain 1 building.
He chooses the 5th card from the left (E) and places it in front of himself Building-side-up. He pays 1 Coin.

Then he moves one card (F) to the left and draws a new card (G) for the Buildings Row from the deck. His Turn is over.

B. Develop Oddville
When a player chooses this action, he must:
select 1 of the Building cards he has in front of him,
pay the required resources (indicated at the bottom of the card), removing his workers from the cheapest available slots of the corresponding resources on the Resources Board (workers are returned to the player's supply and can be used again, even immediately),
place the Building card in the City, respecting the construction rules (see ahead),
place 1 of his workers on top of the Building card to indicate that he owns it.
Construction Rules:
- the Building card must be placed adjacent (orthogonally, not diagonally) to at least one previously placed Building card or the Main Square card;
- the position of the Main Square card determines the upper available row. So, it is allowed to build in the row of the Main Square card and in the rows below but it is not allowed to build in the rows above.
- the Building card cannot be rotated;
- edges must be respected: houses must be placed adjacent to houses; streets must be placed adjacent to streets.
- once placed in the City, Building cards cannot be moved nor removed.
The Player immediately gains (in any order he wants):
the bonus depicted in the upper-right corner of the Building card just placed (see below Building's bonus) and
the bonus depicted in the upper-right corner of each adjacent (orthogonally, not diagonally) Card (Building or Main Square) directly connected by streets.

If the placed Building card has the symbol of a Guild, the player:
if possible, immediately takes the topmost card of that guild's pile. If instead there are no more cards on the pile, all players, including the player who has just placed the building, must return all the Characters of that guild.
Shuffle them and form a new pile. Then the player who is performing the action takes the card on top of the pile.places it in front of himself face-up. He can then benefit from its power (See Characters).
The Character card will then stay in front of the Player (and therefore he can benefit from its power) until he has to give it back.
Note: the player only takes the Character Card for the just played Building card (the adjacent cards, even if linked by streets, do not allow the players to gain additional Character Cards).
End of the Game
After a player places his 6th worker in the City, he finishes his turn, then the game ends.
Each player calculates his score, summing up:
- the value of each Card (Buildings or Main Square) in the City that has one of his worker on (calculated as described in the Victory Points section),
- the Points indicated on the Character cards he has in front of him, and
- 1 Point for each worker he has on the Resources Board.
The Player achieving the highest score is the winner.
In case of a tie, the tied player who triggered the end, or is closest (clockwise) to the player who triggered the end, wins.
Building's Bonus
Obtain 1 resource. You may place 1 of your workers from your supply on the cheapest available slot of the corresponding resource on the Resources Board. You do not have to pay.
Transform 1 resource. You may move 1 of your workers, already placed on the Resources Board, to the cheapest available slot of another resource. You do not have to pay.
Obtain 1 Coin. You may draw 1 card from the deck and place it in front of yourself Coin-side-up.
Obtain 1 resource of your choice. You may place 1 of your workers from your supply on the cheapest available slot of a resource of your choice. You do not have to pay.
Double 1 resource. You may place 1 worker from your supply onto the cheapest available slot of a resource you already own. You do not have to pay.
Victory Points
Diamond card. The owner gains the indicated Points (5 or 4 depending on the card).
The owner gains 3 Points for each adjacent card (orthogonally, not diagonally).
The owner gains the sum of the Points depicted on the shield, if any, of each adjacent Card.
Main Square card. There can be more than 1 owner. Each owner gains 4 Points. Note: The only way to place a worker on the Main Square card is to use the "Traveller".
The owner gains 3 Points, plus 1 Point for each Diamond card present in the City, if any.
The owner gains 1 Point, plus fl 1 Point for each card present B^^fl in its column (the card
itself counts as 1 card in the column)
The owner gains the indicated Points (1 or 2 depending on the card), plus 1 Point for each card of the indicated Guild present in the city (the card itself counts as 1 card of that Guild).
The owner gains 1 Point, plus 1 Point for each adjacent card (orthogonally, not diagonally).
The owner gains 2 Points, plus 1 Point for each card present in its row (the card itself counts as 1 card in the row).
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