The Mafia business is thriving but there are whispers that the Capo appears old and tired. Time to make your move! Of the five families competing for control of the business, you know that YOUR family is the one that is best suited for leadership.
As you use every Gangster under your control to gain the most respect, others are sure to stand in your way. But it's "nothing personal", right?

- 1 Game Board
- 5 Player Boards
- 80 Money Tokens
- 125 Player Influence markers
- 25 Neutral Influence markers
- 50 Gangster Cards
- 94 Influence Cards
- 5 Wood Scoring Meepsters
- 5 Checkmark markers
- 8 Gold-Tone Blackmail Coins
- 2 Silver-Tone Omerta Coins
- 1 Gold-Tone Capo Ring
- 3 Six-Sided Dice
- Instructions

Place the board within easy reach of all players. Each player chooses a family and takes the corresponding Player Board. Give each player:
- A Scoring marker,
- All 25 Influence markers,
- $5.
Find the Gangster card "Killer" Mac Pheeto and place him face-up in the Capo position.
Shuffle the remaining Gangster cards. Deal a card face-up into the 8th position (Underboss) then the 7th (Counselor) and so forth in order down to the 4th position (Bean Counter).
If at any time a dealt card is a Gangster type that is the same as any previous Gangsters dealt, (Thug, Hitman, Conman, Gambler) remove that card and deal a new card to that position until it is of a different type than all previously placed Gangsters. Continue this process so that all the Gagsters in positions 8-4 are of a different Gangster type.
Shuffle all remaining Gangster card and deal cards into positions 3, 2 and 1 as well as all three remaining Associate positions.
All remaining Gangster cards are placed facedown where indicated on the board. This forms the Gangster Deck.
Shuffle the Influence cards and deal four to each player. Place the remaining Influence cards facedown where indicated on the board. This forms the Influence Deck.
Place a Checkmark on the first space of the Phase Track: "The Commission". Place the remaining 4 Checkmarks near the Phase Track. The player who looks most like a mobster takes the Capo Ring and is the First player. If players cannot agree, the first player to say an accurate quote from a Gangster movie goes first.
Starting with the player with the Capo Ring and continuing clockwise, each player places one Influence Marker on any Gangster on the board. This is repeated two more times, so that each player should have a total of three Influence Markers on the board.
All unused neutral Influence markers and Coins are placed near the board so that they are easily accessible to all players.
Each player places their scoring token on the "0" spot on the Respect track.
Object of the Game
Earn the most respect for your family by controlling key mafia Gangsters in the different organizational positions over the course of five turns.
Game Play
Nothing Personal consists of five rounds in which players will try to gain the most Respect by controlling key Mafia members. Each round is made up of 6 phases:

The Commission
Gain control of Gangsters and take Influence actions.
The Crew
Determine control, receive money / Respect and take Gangster actions.
The Fence
Draw more Influence cards.
The Feds
Determine if Gangsters are arrested by the Feds. Rotate Gangsters upright.
The Family
Fill all empty Gangsters positions of the board.
Place the Checkmark on the next open square in this space. Place a new Checkmark on "The Commission" space to start a new round.
Players will resolve all the actions for each phase before moving the Checkmark to the next phase. When all the actions have been resolved at the end of the Bookkeeping phase, this marks the end of one round.
After each round, leave the Checkmark on a square space so that everyone knows what round it is. When all 5 spaces are filled on the Bookkeeping phase space, the game ends.
Players take turns in clockwise order, with the player having the Capo ring going first.
I. The Commission
In The Commission phase, players use Influence cards to gain control of Gangsters and take other "influential" actions.
Starting with the first player, each player must perform one of the following actions:
Play an Influence card to place the indicated number of Influence markers on the selected Gangster(s).
Discard an Influence card and take the action listed on that card. Or discard an Influence card to place one Influence marker on any Gangster, ignoring everything else on the card.
Pass and do not play an Influence card. That player may take no more actions in the Influence phase.
During the Influence Phase, all players, beginning with the Capo, take one action or pass in player order. When all players have passed, The Commission phase ends.

Placing Influence Markers:
A Player may play an Influence cards to add Influence markers to a specific type of Gangster listed on that card (Thug, Hit man, Gambler, Conman).
Play the Influence card and place that number of Influence markers on ONE Gangster that matches the color(s) icons on the card. In addition, follow these rules when placing Influence:
A player must place all of the Influence markers listed on the played Influence card - even if this may cause their own Gangster to have maximum Influence. If a player cannot, the card cannot be played to place Influence.
Influence markers can be divided among multiple Gangsters. If an Influence card shows multiple icons, player may place the Influence markers on any combination of Gangsters they see fit that match those icons.
Influence markers of one type may not be split between two different Gangsters.
If there are no Gangsters on the board that are of the type(s) shown is on the Influence card, players cannot place any Influence markers of that color.
Players are limited by the twenty-five Influence markers of their family.
Example: The Chief has an Influence card with a 3 Conman (yellow) icon but only has two Influence markers. He cannot play the card to place yellow Influence. Meanwhile, Eric has an Influence card with a 3 Thug (purple) icon
and a 1 Gambler (green) icon
He puts all three Influence markers on one Thug and one Influence marker on one Gambler. He cannot place two Influence markers on one Thug and one on another Thug, since the card only allows him to place three Influence markers on ONE Thug.
If Eric only has two Influence markers remaining, he cannot place any influence on a Thug, and can only place one Influence marker on a Gambler.

Red Icons
Some cards show a red icon, with a position listed instead of a Gangster type. This means the Influence marker is placed on the Gangster in that position, regardless of the Gangster type (color).
Example: Sam has an Influence card with a red "3" that says "Third Guy". He places three Influence markers on the Gangster in the Third Guy position, regardless of who or what type of Gangster card it is.

Discarding an Influence Card
Players may discard an Influence card and take the action listed on that card.
Players may discard an Influence card and place an Influence marker on ANY Gangster on the board. That player cannot perform any other instructions or privileges that are shown on that Influence card.
Second Round of Playing Influence Cards
Players that have not passed in the Influence phase now have a new option available to them: "The Ante".
A player may pay money to the bank in addition to playing an Influence card to add a cost to playing any further Influence cards. This amount becomes the "Ante".
Any subsequent player who wants to play or discard an Influence card must pay an amount of money that is equal to or greater than the Ante or pass. If the player pays a greater sum, then that sum becomes the new Ante.
Example: After all the other players have played an Influence card or passed, Tom plays an Influence card along with $4, which goes to the bank. The Ante is now $4.
If Bob, the next player, wants to play an Influence card he must pay $4 to the bank or pass. Bob decides to pay $4, and adds $2 more, then plays his Influence card.
Steve, the next player, throws his cards down in disgust as he only has $5 and needs to have at least $6 to play more Influence cards. He could discard one of the cards in his hand to get the necessary money, but doesn't want to lose of one of his valuable cards.
Players continue playing Influence cards in order or passing. (Remember, players can discard an Influence card at any time to take $8). Once a player passes, they cannot play any additional Influence cards that round.
When all players pass, The Commission phase ends, and the Checkmark is moved down to the space: "The Crew"
Influence Cards - Other Effects
Some Influence cards have other effects - these effects always take place after the Influence markers have been placed.
Example: Jim has a 3 Hitman (blue) Influence card, with the special ability, "After placing, must allow one other player to place one Influence on any Gangster".
Jim first places the three Influence markers and then chooses another player who can place one of their Influence markers on any Gangster.
Any card that says "pay $5 to place an additional influence" must have that extra influence placed on the same Gangster as the rest of the influence given by that card.
"OR" Special Abilities
Influence cards with this keyword may use their special ability instead of placing Influence markers. Some of these cards are explained in greater detail at the end of the rules.
"Play During The Crew"
These Influence cards can be played at any point during The Crew phase, not just during The Commission phase. If these cards are played during The Crew phase, a player must pay $5 to the bank in order to play the card.
This may result in a change of control of the Gangster (see Controlling the Gangster - The Crew phase).
Some Influence cards allow players to place Blackmail coins. Blackmail is explained on page xx
II. The Crew
In The Crew phase, the following steps occur in order:
- From Capo downwards, determine who controls each Gangster.
- Calculate receiving and/or losing money and Respect for the position.
- From Third Guy upwards, the controlling player of each Gangster chooses an action for that Gangster.
1. Controlling the Gangster
Starting with the Capo Gangster (#9), in descending order, determine which player controls that Gangster. The player with the most Influence markers on a Gangster is the controlling player for that Gangster. The controlling player will collect money and/or Respect for that Gangster.
Gangsters will not have a controlling player in either of the following situations:
- There are no Influence markers on the Gangster.
- The most Influence markers on a Gangster are the neutral Influence markers.
If there is a tie between two or more players for Influence on a single Gangster, the player with the Capo Ring decides which player controls that Gangster. Players may use any methods of their choice to influence this decision. (See: "Negotiation" page 9)
"Play at Any Time"
Players can use a "play at any time" card (even in The Crew phase), to add Influence markers to a Gangster to gain control of him. Multiple players can use these cards on the same Gangster during the Influence phase.
If there are disputes when using "play at any time" cards, the cards are resolved by order of the cards played. The first player to play their card places their Influence first, etc.
If there is a question regarding timing, then the player with the Capo Ring plays their card first or whichever player is closest clockwise to the player with the Capo Ring.
Controlling the Capo
The player that controls the Capo immediately takes the Capo (First player) Ring. If no one controls the Capo, the player who currently has the Capo Ring retains it.
The Capo Ring moves as soon as a new player has the most Influence markers on the current Capo - even if it is in the middle of a phase!
2. Calculating Money And Respect
Starting with the Capo Gangster (#9), calculate how much money and Respect the controlling player receives from the Gangster. It is possible to lose Respect and/or money for controlling a Gangster!
Both the Gangster position on the board and each Gangster card have separate modifiers for money and Respect. Combine these modifiers to calculate the total money and Respect for the Gangster.
Example: "Eager" Jim Redio is in the Racketeer Position. The player controlling him gets 4 Respect points (2+2) and $3 (1+2). Or, Mikey "Jaws" Rudmanilli is in the Underboss Position, the player controlling him loses 4 Respect (2 + 2) and gains $5 (2+3).

Playing a Snitch Card
Players may play a Snitch card at any time to immediately send a single Gangster with ten or more Influence markers to Prison. The Snitch card can be used to prevent a controlling player from collecting money and Respect, and from doing a Gangster action.
3. Taking a Gangster Action
After each Gangster has had their money and Respect calculated, the Gangsters, in ascending numbered order, may each take one action.
Starting with the Third Guy Gangster (# 1), the controlling player decides what action to take with that Gangster. The controlling player may do ONE of the following actions:
- Use the special ability for the position (printed on the board);
- Use the special ability for the Gangster, if applicable (printed on the card);
- Make a Move against another Gangster;
- Eat a cannoli and do nothing (Pass).
The controlling player of the next highest-ranking Gangster, Second Guy (#2), continues and decides the action of that Gangster. This continues until the Capo takes an action, at which point Phase B ends.

"Making a Move"
Gangsters can attempt to move to a different position in the organization by "Making a Move". The controlling player may only Make a Move on an adjacent position, as indicated by the arrows on the board. To Make a Move:
The player rolls the Move die and adds the result to the Respect printed on the card of the Gangster making the move. (The Position Respect bonus is NOT added).
If the total sum is greater than the position number of the target's position, the player succeeds. Otherwise it is considered a failure.
A roll showing a always succeeds, and a roll of a
is always a failure, and also kills the Gangster attempting to make the move.
Example: Bob wishes use (on the Second Guy Position) to Make a Move on the Racketeer position. The Racketeer position is number 5 so Bob needs 6 or more to be successful.
Guistono's card has a Respect value of 2 so Bob must roll a 4 or higher (2+4=6). Bob rolls a 3, which gives him total of 5 (2+3=5), so he fails (5<6).

Adding a Neutral Influence Marker
After making a move, a neutral Influence marker is added to the Gangster card that attempted to make the move. The neutral Influence is added regardless of the outcome of the action, unless the Gangster is dead.
Make a Move Results
Success - The Gangster making the move swaps places with the target Gangster.
Turn both Gangsters sideways in their new positions to indicate that they can no longer take actions this turn. (The Gangsters cannot use special powers or attempt another move).
The player controlling the successfully moved Gangster steals 4 Respect from the player controlling the target Gangster. They move their Respect token up 4 spaces, while the target Gangster's controller loses 4 Respect. A neutral Influence marker is added to the successful Gangster.
Failure - The Gangsters do not exchange places.
The controlling player loses 4 Respect as a result of the humiliation of failing the attempt. A neutral Influence marker is added to the Gangster attempting to make the move
Death - The active Gangster was caught and killed while trying to Make a Move.
All Influence markers on the active Gangster are returned to their owners. The Gangster is moved to "Sleeping with the Fishes"
Second Chance Die Roll
Players are allowed to pay $10 to re-roll the die. Any player can pay $10 to re-roll the die for all of the results of the Make a Move action. Any player may do this multiple times.
Example: Ryan attempts to Make a Move on Geoff. He rolls a "4", although he needed a "5" for success. Ryan pays $10 to the bank for a re-roll and gets a success - a "5"!
Tom, who is still angry from an earlier betrayal, then pays $10 to force a re-roll, and Ryan now rolls a "1". Ryan pays $10 for another re-roll - a failed "3", and yet another $10, for a success of "5"!
Ryan is content in his victory, until Geoff produces $10 to force yet another re-roll!
Players can use Blackmail coins to prevent Gangsters they don't control from performing actions. Here's how Blackmail coins work:
The Blackmail coin is placed with an Influence marker when played. The Blackmail coin itself does NOT count as an Influence marker,
The Influence marker on the Blackmail coin DOES count when determining control of the Gangster,
Each Gangster may only have ONE Blackmail coin on them at any given time. More Blackmail coins may NOT be added, unless the Blackmail coin is removed for any reason,
If an Influence marker on the Blackmail coin is removed, the Blackmail token is also removed,
If a player uses an ability to switch two Influence markers, they may switch control of the Blackmail coin.
Blackmailing the Controlling Player
After the controlling player receives Respect and money, if there is a Blackmail coin on the active Gangster, the controlling player can only choose an action with the permission of the player controlling the Blackmail coin.
If the blackmailer and controlling player of the Gangster cannot come to an agreement, the controlling player must use the Pass action with that Gangster. Blackmail coins have no other effect.
Example: Bob controls Eric "The Voice" Summerino in the Third Guy Position, while Tom controls a Blackmail Token on Eric. Bob decides to "Whack" the Capo as his action.
Since Tom controls the Capo, he refuses to allow this to happen. Bob instead decides to "Whack" the Bean Counter, who Jim currently controls. Tom tells Bob he will allow this for the low cost of $5.
Since Bob is unwilling to pay this, and he and Tom cannot come to an agreement, Eric cannot take an action this turn.

III. The Fence
In The Fence phase, players gain more Influence cards by:
- Drawing Influence cards based on how many Gangsters they control
- Buying more Influence cards for $10 per card.
1. Drawing Influence Cards
Starting with the Capo and continuing clockwise, each player draws Influence cards based on how many Gangsters their family currently controls:
- 0 Gangsters = 4 cards
- 1 Gangster = 3 cards
- 2 or more Gangsters = 2 cards
They may also buy more Influence cards for a cost of $10 each.
Ties are NOT broken during this phase. Each Gangster that ties formore than one controlling player does not count toward any family.
2. Buying from the Fence
After drawing cards, players may buy more Influence cards for $10 each. Players must decide how many cards to buy before drawing them.
IV. The Feds
All Gangsters are checked to see if they attracted the attention of the Feds! Any sideways Gangsters are rotated to the upright position.
1. Attention Check
Each Gangster is checked to see if they have attracted the attention of the government. If any Gangster has reached their Influence maximum, they are arrested by the police, removed from play and placed in Prison. All the Influence markers are returned to the players.
The amount of Influence markers needed to send a Gangster to Prison is determined by number of players.
- 3 Players: 9 or more Influence markers
- 4 Players: 10 or more Influence markers
- 5 Players: 11 or more Influence markers

Example: In a 5 Player game, Eric "The Voice" Summerino has 11 Influence tokens on him. During the Feds phase, he is sent to Prison.
2. Rotate Gangsters
At this time, any sideways Gangsters from the "Making a Move" action are now rotated back into their original positions.
V. The Family
All empty Gangster positions on the board are filled. The Capo position is filled first. All other empty Gangster positions are filled; moving downward in rank.
1. Filling the Capo Position
The Capo is the first empty position that is filled. The highest-ranked active Gangster remaining on the board moves up to the Capo spot and the player controlling that Gangster takes the Capo Ring.
2. Filling in the Rest of the Positions
Starting with the highest open position then proceeding downwards from Underboss to Third Guy, Follow the directional arrows on the board to complete filling all empty positions on the board, as follows:
First choose a Gangster from a space with a lower-ranking number that is directly connected to the empty space with an arrow.
If those spaces are empty, choose any Gangster with a lower ranking number. If there are no lower ranking Gangsters, choose an Associate. If there are no Associates, draw the top Gangster from the deck to fill the position.
Example: If the Underboss is empty, the player controlling the Capo decides who fills the position. If the First Guy is empty, the Enforcer decides who fills the position.
After all positions are full; all empty Associate positions are replaced by Gangsters drawn randomly from the deck.
No Gangster can be "promoted" to more than one new position. Once a Gangster is advanced, they can no longer be promoted to another position.
5. Bookkeeping
The Checkmark is left in this space, on any open square. Take a new Checkmark and place it on the first phase: " The Commission" for a new round. When the 5th Checkmark reaches the "Bookkeeping" space, the game has ended.
End of the Game
After five complete rounds, when the fifth Checkmark reaches the Bookkeeping phase, the game ends. A winner is determined by following these steps:
Players look at the board and calculate and award Respect for each Gangster one final time (money is not awarded, and no actions are allowed for each Gangster).
Players cash in all of their cards for money - receiving $8 for each card.
Players then exchange their money for Respect. For every $10 (rounded down) exchanged, a player is awarded one Respect.
Players then compare their total Respect, and the player with the most Respect is the winner!
Follow this procedure for any ties:
The tied player with the Capo Ring wins. If neither player has the Capo Ring...
The tied player who controls the highest numbered active Gangster wins. If neither player has any active Gangsters...
The tied player with the most money wins. If the tied players have the same amount of money...
The player with the most Influence markers on the board wins. If they players have the same amount of Influence markers on the board...
The player with the most Influence cards in hand wins. If the players have the same number of Influence cards...
The player who rolls higher on the die wins. If this also is tied...
The first player to physically throw the game off the roof wins.
Game Variants
(include either or both of these)
Binding Deals
For a more controlled game, players can agree that all vocal deals must be binding. For example, if Bob offers Tom $7 to Whack one of Ryan's characters, and Tom takes the money - he must follow through.
Random Setup
Start with any Gangsters in the Capo position and others. Simply draw 9 random Gangsters from the deck.
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