Moving around the ship is one of the basic activities of the Characters during the game. Characters will roam through the ship to discover additional rooms, find items that are useful or vital to their survival, complete their objectives, repair dangerous and malfunctioning gear or put out fires, to find - in the end - a way out of this mess.
Rooms and Corridors

Character miniatures may be placed and perform Actions only in ROOMS (keep in mind that Special Rooms, such as the Hibernatorium, Engines or Cockpit are treated as normal Rooms).
Escape Pod tokens are the only exception to the rule above.
Intruder miniatures may also only be placed in Rooms. CORRIDORS connect the Rooms, and are used to move between Rooms, though neither Characters nor Intruders can ever stop in them for any reason.
The effects of moving through any given Corridor are resolved AFTER moving into the Room.
Movement Action
The most common Action used to move around the ship is MOVEMENT. Performing a Movement Action means moving the miniature of your Character to a neighboring Room.
Two Rooms are treated as neighboring when they are directly connected to each other by 1 Corridor. Closed Doors block the "neighboring" status for the players' Movement.
After entering a Room, always resolve the following steps:
If this Room tile was unexplored (face down), turn it over (face up).
After doing that reveal the exploration token lying on that Room tile.
If the Character enters an empty Room (explored or unexplored, with neither Characters nor Intruders), perform a NOISE ROLL.
If there is anyone (either a Character or an Intruder) in the Room the Character is entering, do not perform a NOISE ROLL.
Hint: Aside from the advantage of moving around the ship in groups (entering Rooms that already contain Characters), such tactics may generate an additional risk.
Some events in the game instruct all Characters to perform a Noise roll - in such a case, bigger groups sharing a common Room might be in trouble.
Other Movement Actions
Some of the Actions allow a Character to perform Movement, but modify its rules in some way - like Careful Movement and Reconnaissance.
Important: To perform a Movement Action to leave a Room containing an Intruder , you must use the Escape rule
Exploration Tokens

The front side of each Exploration token displays:
- a number indicating the amount of Items in a given Room
- a special effect symbol
They are resolved in the following way:
1. Set up the amount of items in a room
After revealing the Exploration token, rotate the Room tile until the number shown on the token faces the Item Counter symbol printed on the board, next to the Room tile slot. This is the exact amount of Items that can be obtained from this Room.
You do not set the amount of Items in a Nest or in a Room Covered in Slime.
![]() Item Counter set to 2 Items |
2. Resolve Special Effect
An Exploration token may generate the following effects:
Nothing happens. Do not perform a Noise roll for this Movement. If the Character has a Slime marker on their Character board, then resolve "Danger" instead.
Do not perform a Noise roll for this Movement.
If there is an Intruder in the neighboring Room (and it is not in Combat with any Character), move it to this Room. If there is more than one Intruder eligible, move them all.
If there are no Intruders in any of the neighboring Rooms (or if they are in Combat), place a Noise marker in each Corridor connected to that Room without a Noise marker already placed (counting Technical Corridors if there is an Entrance in the Room).
Place a Status marker in the indicated slot of your Character board to indicate they have been covered with slime.
Place a Fire marker in this Room.
Place a Malfunction marker in this Room.
Place a Door token in the Corridor by which you have entered that Room.
After resolving an Exploration token, remove it from the game.
Exploration tokens are placed on unexplored Rooms, so they are only resolved once, when their Room is entered for the first time in the game.
Noise Roll

Noises echo throughout the Nemesis decks... sometimes from the ship's machinery, but sometimes from Intruders.
Remember: If you are moving into a Room with either another Character or an Intruder - you do NOT perform a Noise roll.
Roll a Noise die and resolve the result:

Result Of 1, 2, 3 Or 4:
Place a Noise marker in a Corridor with a number corresponding to the result of your Noise roll, and connected to the Room you have entered (counting Technical Corridors , if there is an Entrance in the Room).
Any given Corridor may never hold more than 1 Noise marker. If you are instructed to place a Noise marker in a Corridor that already contains one, resolve an Encounter instead.
If there is an Intruder in the neighboring Room (and it is not in Combat with any Character ), move it to this Room . If there is more than one Intruder eligible, move them all.
If there are no Intruders in any of the neighboring Rooms (or if they are in Combat), place a Noise marker in each Corridor connect -ed to that Room that does not already have a Noise marker ( counting Technical Corridors, if there is an Entrance in the Room).
Nothing happens. No Noise marker is placed. If the Character has a Slime marker on their Character board , then resolve "Danger" instead.
Example of Noise Roll:
Even if the Noise marker (blue glow) is in the Corridor with the Closed Door, it affects the WHOLE Corridor. Noise markers NEV- ER affect only a part of the Corridor "on one side of the Door".
When there is a Noise marker in the Technical Corridors space (green glow ), it is treated as if it was in each Technical Corridors Entrance on the whole board.
In this example, there are two Noise markers in Corridors connected to the Canteen : one in the Corridor number 3, with the Closed Door (blue glow ), and the other in the Technical Corridors (green glow).
Additional notes about intruder movement
Intruders move at different times of the game (for example when resolving an Event card during the Event Phase).
Whenever a rule makes you move one or more Intruders, it explains in detail how to do it.
Important: If an Intruder ends its movement in an unexplored Room, do not remove it and don't reveal the Room (or its Exploration token).
If you are instructed to place an Adult Intruder on the board, but all 8 models are already on board - the Adult Intruders retreat. Remove all Adult Intruder models that are not in Combat and put the corresponding Intruder tokens back in the Intruder bag (if possible).
Then, place an Adult Intruder model in the Room where Encounter occured.
Technical Corridors
The technical corridor network of the Nemesis allows the crew to repair its various systems. Unfortunately, it is also a great way for the Intruders to move around the ship. Normal characters can't use technical corridors - the thought of getting lost or meeting an Intruder is enough to discourage them.
Both the Technical Corridors Entrances (present in some Rooms) and the special space of Technical Corridors are not accessible to the Characters.
The Technical Corridors Action card from the Mechanic Action deck and the Technical Corridor Plans Item card are the only exceptions to this rule.
If (for example as the result of a Noise roll) a Noise marker should be placed and the number leads to the Technical Corridor Entrance, this Noise marker should be placed on the Technical Corridors space.
Any given Corridor may never hold more than 1 Noise marker. If you are instructed to place a Noise marker in a Corridor that already contains one, resolve an Encounter instead.
Door tokens can never be placed in Technical Corridors. If an Intruder moves to the Technical Corridors Entrance, then it disappears in the ducts: discard all its Injury markers, return its token to the Intruder bag, and remove its miniature from the board.
If there was a Noise marker on the Technical Corridors space, do not remove it.
- Technical Corridors space
- Examples of Technical Corridors Entrances
Noise Marker
The only function of the Noise markers is to mark Corridors for the purpose of the Noise roll rule.
Slime Marker
As long as the Character has a Slime marker on their Character board, each "Silence" result of a Noise roll (and each " Silence " ex- ploration token ) should instead be considered as " Danger".
A Character may only have 1 Slime marker at a time. If they are instructed to get another while they have one, nothing happens.
Note: A Character may get a Slime marker due to many reasons, not only when resolving an Exploration token.
A Character may get rid of the Slime marker by using the Clothes Item card (see Item cards) or taking a Shower Room Action (see Room sheet).
The Slime marker is an universal Status marker, placed in the Slime slot of the Character board.
Fire Marker
Fire markers have three functions - 1) they wound Characters staying in Rooms on fire, 2) they deal Injuries to Intruders and 3) they may cause the explosion of the whole ship.
Every time a Character ends their round (each round!) in a Room with a Fire marker, this Character suffers 1 Light Wound.
Remember that 1 round is 2 Actions of 1 Character (or 1 Action and pass, or simply pass).
Important: Characters suffer Wounds from Fire only after they finished their round. If the Character passes, they suffer 1 Light Wound from Fire at the end of their round, but they won't suffer any more Wounds from Fire this turn, even if other Characters play their round after them.
During each Event Phase, during the Fire Damage step, each Intruder present in a Room with a Fire marker suffers 1 Injury.
There are 8 Fire markers in the game. If you are instructed to place a Fire marker and there are no more markers in the pool, the ship explodes and the game ends.
Note: Some Event cards may cause the Fire to spread to neighboring Rooms or cause Malfunctions in Rooms already on fire, so be careful!
Any given Room may never hold more than 1 Fire marker. If you are instructed to place another one, nothing happens.
Any discarded Fire marker goes back to the Fire marker pool.
You can still use a Room Action when there is a Fire marker in the Room .You can still use a Search Action when there is a Fire marker in the Room.
Malfunction Marker
Malfunction markers have two purposes - 1) they prevent you from using this Room's Actions and 2) may cause loss of integrity of the ship's hull - meaning that everything on board dies.
If there is a Malfunction marker in a Room, that Room's Action is no longer available.
The Search Action works normally, though.
Various Action cards (like Repair Action cards) and Items ( like the Tools Item card) may be used to discard a Malfunction marker.
Important: A Malfunction marker can never be placed in the Nest or i n the Room Covered In Slime.
Note: A Malfunction marker may be placed in a Room due to many reasons, other than resolving an Exploration token (like some Events or Actions). They disable even Special Rooms (such as the Hibernatorium, Cockpit, Engines).
Note: A Malfunction marker in the Hibernatorium has no effect on already Hibernated Characters.
The status of the Engines (Damaged/Working) is never affected by Malfunction markers placed in their Room.
There are 8 Malfunction markers in game. If you are instructed to place a Malfunction marker and there are no more markers in the pool, the ship loses hull integrity and the game ends.
Any given Room may never hold more than 1 Malfunction marker. If you are instructed to place another one, nothing happens. Any discarded Malfunction marker goes back to the Malfunction marker pool.

If there is a Malfunction marker in a Room with a Computer, the Computer is unavailable - as if there was no Computer Icon.
Door Token
Door tokens are only placed in Corridors. Each Corridor may never hold more than 1 Door token.
Doors tokens do not affect Noise markers.
Doors in each Corridor can have three different status: Open, Closed or Destroyed . Many things can change their status (like Intruder movement, Events, Actions etc)..
Closed doors are marked with a standing Door token in a Corridor.
A Closed Door prevents Characters and Intruders moving through this Corridor (Grenade throwing is also affected).
When an Intruder tries to move through a Corridor with a Closed Door token, the Intruder does not move, but destroys this Door in-stead.
Destroyed doors are marked with a lying Door token. Movement is allowed through this Corridor.
A Destroyed Door can never be Closed again.
The only exception to this rule is the Plasma Torch Item (see the Mechanic's Item cards).
Open Doors - to mark that the Door is Open, simply remove the Door token from the Corridor. At the beginning of the game, all Corridors have Open Doors.
If there are no Door tokens left in the pool when you are instructed to place a Door, take any Door token on the board and place it in the required Corridor.
If several Intruders are moving from the same Room , their movement is considered simultaneous: they destroy the Door and all stay in the starting Room.
If a Noise roll causes an Intruder to come from a Corridor with a Closed Door, the Intruder appears regardless of the Closed Door.
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