Favour Cards
Press Conference: Gain 1 Prestige Point for each Public Opinion token on the board. At the end of the game, choose one Continent. You may ignore any Public Opinion tokens on that Continent during Final Scoring. This will only affect your Museum.
Express Delivery: Allows you to place an Object card (worth 1 to 4) from your Personal Reserve (your hand) into your Museum without paying its cost.
New Archaeologycal Team: To be played at the beginning of your Exploration Phase. Take the 2 currently available Object cards from the Continent space of your choice, and put them at the bottom of the deck.
Then draw 4 new cards from the same Continent. Choose 2 and put them face up on the Continent space, then put the two remaining cards on the bottom of the pile.
Special cases: This action is not possible on a Continent closed by a Headline card. If the number of available cards has been reduced to 1, take 2 cards instead of 4 and choose one only.
If the number of available cards has been increased by 1, then draw 6 cards and choose 3.
If one of the drawn cards is a Public Opinion card, it is discarded and a Public Opinion token is added to the Continent concerned. The active player may not draw another card to replace it.]
Charity Ball: Allows you to place an Object card (value from 1 to 4) from any Common Pool (discard) into your Museum for free.
Private Collector: Take an Object card from your Personal Reserve (your hand), and remove it from play permanently. You gain the same number of Prestige points as the card value, plus 1.
Archaeological Discovery: The active player draws as many cards from a Continent as the number of players, plus one.
The active player then reveals them, and takes one. Going around the table in order of play, each player then takes one of the remaining cards, with the last one going to the active player.
Special cases: This action is not possible on a Continent closed by a Headline card.
If the number of cards available has been reduced by 1, then the number of cards drawn is reduced by 1 as well. The active player will therefore not receive a second card.
Similarly, if the number of available cards has been increased by 1, you can draw one more card, and the active player will receive 3 cards instead of one.
If one of the drawn cards is a Public Opinion card, that card is discarded and a Public Opinion token is added to the relevant Continent. The active player may not draw another card to replace it.
Inventory: Allows you to take one or more cards (up to a total value of 5) from your Common Pool (your discard) and place them in your Personal Reserve (your hand).
Bank Loan: Take 4 Prestige point tokens.
Good Hiring: You may hire one Expert for free ORTake the top 3 cards from the Expert deck. Hire one for free and place the remaining two at the bottom of the deck.
Headline Cards
Africa and the Middle East/Asia/Europe/America and Pacific at War: The Continent concerned is closed for this turn. Any available Object cards are returned to the top of the Continent deck.
Place the rectangular "Embargo" token on the Continent space as a reminder. Removed Objects are returned to their place when the effect of the card ends.
Instability in Africa and the Middle East/Asia/Europe/ America and Pacific: The number of cards available on the Continent concerned is reduced to 1. Take the card closest to the Headline deck and put it back on top of the Continent pile.
Replace this card with the Customs Token on its -1 side as a reminder. This Object is returned to its place when the card effect ends.
A Patron in Africa and the Middle East/Asia/Europe/ America and Pacific: The number of cards available on this Continent is increased by 1. Draw a third card and place the Customs token on its +1 side as a reminder.
Mysterious death!: Experts cost +1 to recruit.
A school at the Museum: Experts cost -1 to recruit.
Deflation: When the active player displays an Object card in their Museum, they must pay 1 additional Prestige point.
The Roaring Twenties: When the active player displays an Object card in their Museum, they receive 1 Prestige point.
Grants Awarded: The active player may take 1 additional Object card from the same Continent during the Exploration phase.
Expert Cards
Cards with a War I Culture I Agriculture I Religion I Architecture I Navigation Icon: This Expert counts as an additional card in your corresponding Domain Collection at the end of the game.
You may use an Expert to create a Domain Collection (i.e. to go from 2 Objects to 3).
Experts with a color: This Expert counts as an extra card in your corresponding Civilisation Collection at the end of the game.
You can use an Expert to +create a Civilisation Collection (i.e. to go from 2 Objects to 3).
Patricia Turner: You can have up to 10 Object cards in your hand.
Ulf Van der Noot: Exhibiting an Object Card in your Museum Costs 1 less.
Balminder Singh: Exhibiting a Masterpiece in your Museum Grants you 2 Prestige Points instead of 1.
Richard Bellota: You can have up to 5 Favour cards in your hand instead of 3.
Boch and Wilhelm: You can ignore the effect of the current Headline card.
Patron Cards
Quadruple Collections: Patron cards of this type require you to collect 4 different, small Collections. Quadruple Collections are among the simplest Patrons cards to achieve.
Legacy Cards: These cards require you to collect a Civilisation Collection of 5, 8 or 11 cards. As they oblige you to specialize enormously, Legacy cards are one of the most difficult Patrons to fulfil.
Continents: Continent Patrons require you to collect as many Objects as possible from the same Continent: 6, 10 or 14. As this type of Objective gives you a little freedom in the Civilisations and Domains that you acquire, it is quite a simple Patron card.
The Perfect Collection: This Patron requires you to make Collections of 5 Cards (either a Domain or a Civilisation), containing Objects with the values 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
The Masterpieces: This Patron requires you to gather a certain number of Masterpieces (Objects with a value of 5) in your establishment: 4, 6 or 8. As Masterpieces are rare and expensive to obtain, this is a difficult Patron card.
The Greatest Team: Each Expert you recruit earns you 5 Victory Points.
Fountain of Knowledge: This Objective requires 1, 2 or 3 Domain Collections of 5 cards.
A Glimpse of the Past: This Objective requires a Civilisation Collection of 7 cards and a Domain Collection of 6 cards.
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