Activate: turn a card 45 degrees, and immediately gain any resources it gives (top right-hand corner). You may also use its other effects this turn. You can never activate a card that was previously activated this turn.
Active Cultural Policy: The topmost Cultural policy, ie. the policy a player most recently developed.
Archive: When you archive a card, choose any card in your City that you did not activate this turn, and remove it from the game. If you archive a card that has a Knowledge card attached, the Knowledge card is discarded. Place the archived cards under your Warlord card.
Basic Buildings: Workshops, Laboratories, and Archery Ranges.
Basic Resource: Production, Science, and Military are basic resources. Gold and Culture are not basic resources.
Bonus: The effect at the bottom of a cultural Policy, which is immediately gained when that policy is developed, and whenever any future policies are developed.
Coastal Province: Any province that is adjacent to a Water tile.
Complete A Wonder Section: You may finish a section on a Wonder that you already have under construction or complete the first section of a Wonder from the Development display, moving it next to your city.
Controlled Province: A province that has any number of Warlords and/or Soldiers on it.
Copy: Use the effects of another card, even if that card has already been activated this turn. Any resources given by the card (top right-hand corner) are gained again. You can only copy the effects of cards in your city, or Cultural Policies you have already developed.
Destroy: Destroyed units are moved to their owner's Capital tile.
Discard: When you discard a card, choose any card in your City that you did not activate this turn and put it in your discard pile. This should not be confused with the discard pile of the Development display (see Replenish Display below).
Draw A Card / Draw X Cards: Draw the specified number of cards from the top of your City deck. If you ever need to draw a card from your City deck but it is empty, shuffle your discard pile and place it face down as your new City deck. If your discard pile is also empty then you may not draw any more City cards.
Draw X Cards And Use Y: Draw the specified number of cards from the top of your City deck and choose the specified number of cards to use. For each card you choose, use all of its effects, including generating any resources. Once all chosen cards have been used, place all drawn cards in your discard pile.
Gain: Take the matching resources from the common stock and place them in a personal supply beside your City. Resources can be gained by cards, by the Production tokens on the map, by Market tokens and by Free Town tokens.
Some cards (such as the Mine) require you to have gained specific basic resources to use the card's effect. Gained basic resources are considered to be those in your personal supply. The resources required for these effects (such as the Mine) are not consumed and can be used for other purposes.
Move: Move the specified Warlord, Soldier or Explorer from their current province to an adjacent province. Units can never move into water or Capitals tiles.
Pay: Some effects require you to pay resources. These must be taken from your personal supply and returned to the general supply.
Reinforce: At the end of your turn, keep a card you activated in your City and do not discard it. If you reinforce a card that has a Knowledge card attached, the Knowledge card is discarded.
Spend: Some effects (such as the Forum) require you to spend resources to gain other resources or effects.
Take: Take a Development card or a Basic Building card (as indicated by the ability), and put it on the top of your deck, ignoring its cost.
Terrain Value: The printed number on each province tile, between 0 and 4.
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