Dragon Empire

The Dragon Empire is the most prominent among all human kingdoms. Its best warriors fight in the arena united under one banner, with the Emperor's name on their lips. They spill blood for him.
They don't hesitate to give their lives for him. Under his rule the engineers developed the secrets of gunpowder, terrifying for those ignorant of its power.
Under his command powerful magic is bound by ancient spells, and dragons are brought under submission. Each win and each defeat - it's all in the name of the Emperor.

A Charge must travel through an unoccupied space in order to attack successfully. Choose a friendly tile with the Cavalry Feature to perform
a Charge. The tile has to move 1 space (and rotate if necessary) so that it is adjacent to an enemy tile in the direction of the attack. Resolve the attack. A Charge automatically ends the player's turn. Both movement and attack are mandatory to complete a Charge - you cannot do one without the other.
Only tiles with the Cavalry Feature may utilize the Charge Order. Found only in the Dragon Empire faction.
Runes containing this icon have an unlimited area of effect and can be used by any friendly tile on the board.

Melee attack in every direction and special Feature: friendly adjacent tiles receive +1 to Melee attack

Pikeman (3)
Melee attack

Knight (4)
A melee attack with a strength of 2, Armor, and the Features: Maneuver, Toughness, and Cavalry.

Dragon Rider (1)
Melee attack with a strength of 3, Armor, and the Features: Maneuver, and Cavalry.

Swordsman (2)
Melee attack.

Landsknecht (1)
Melee attack (including one with a strength of 2) and Armor.

Arquebusier (2)
Ranged attack and Armor.

Rune of Minor Acceleration (2)
Increases the Initiative of friendly connected tiles by 1.

Rune of Regeneration (3)
If a friendly connected tile suffers 1 or more Wounds as a result of a single attack from a single enemy Board tile, Order tile, or special Feature (such as Poisoning), this Rune is removed from the board and the Wounds are ignored.

Rune of Agility (1)
Friendly connected tiles receive the Maneuver Feature.

Rune of Strength (2)
Increases the strength of all Melee attacks of friendly connected tiles by 1 (does not add a Melee attack to tiles that do not have it).

Rune of Charge (1)
Allows one friendly Champion with the Cavalry Feature to perform a Charge (immediately ending the turn).

Battle/Charge (7)
Choose to either initiate Battle or perform a Charge:
Battle begins. It cannot be played if any player has drawn their last tile. The player's turn ends with the start of Battle.
Perform a Charge with a single Champion with the Cavalry Feature. A Charge can be performed even if any player has drawn their last tile.

Move (4)
Move any friendly tile one space and/or rotate it freely. The tile can only be moved to an unoccupied space.

Net (1)

Choose any enemy tile on the board as a target and put a Net token on it. It is Netted until the end of the next Battle. A Netted tile cannot move, attack, or use any Features.
Lords of the Abyss

Deep beneath the surface lies the realm of abysmal creatures and demonic powers. It is ruled by the lords for whom it is not the sun that brings the light, but the flames of hell.
Their impact on the kingdoms of the surface is stronger than any would like to admit. Their inaccessibility just a delusion.
Not a night goes by without some ambush from the underground, bringing fear and destruction to the surface. It wouldn't be a true gathering at the Monolith Arena, if not for the demonic champions challenging the bravest of the children of light.


Battle (6)
Battle begins. It cannot be played if any player has drawn their last tile. The player's turn ends with the start of Battle.

Move (2)
Move any friendly tile one space and/or rotate it freely. The tile can only be moved to an unoccupied space.

Push (2)
Choose an enemy tile to be pushed by an adjacent tile you control. Move the tile 1 space so that it will no longer be adjacent to the pusher. If multiple spaces meet this condition, the owner of the pushed tile decides which space the tile will be pushed to.
An enemy tile cannot rotate during this move. If the enemy tile cannot be pushed so that the distance increases by 1 space, the Push Order cannot be used.

When playing a tile with the Transformation Feature, the player can remove any (even Netted) enemy tile from the board, excluding the Banner, and place in its place the aforementioned tile.
This is only done once when the tile is first played. A connected Rune of Regeneration does not protect the tile from Transformation.

You can move a tile with the Teleport Feature to any empty space (including those with an empty Monolith segment) once and/or rotate it into any direction.

A successful attack of a tile with the ' " Venom Feature poisons its target.
The player places a Poison marker on the poisoned enemy tile (always 1 marker, regardless of the strength of the attack).
If the attack with the Venom Feature did not deal any Wounds (a ranged attack was stopped by Armor or as a result of the Rune of Regeneration), you do not place a Poison marker on the target.
At the beginning of each Battle, before resolving any Initia- tive Phases, a tile receives 1 Wound for each Poison marker it possesses. If the tile is connected to the Rune of Regeneration, the Rune absorbs all the Wounds from the Venom and is removed from the game.
Common Problems
If all Poison markers have been placed upon tiles on the board, you cannot add new ones or relocate them. Only the elimination of the poisoned tile causes the marker(s) to return to your pool.
If the Lords of the Abyss player, during the same Initiative Phase, poisons more targets than the number of Poison markers available, the player must decide for himself which targets will be poisoned.
Poison marker (5)
A Morlock being disarmed by the Rune of Disarmament is not activated at the beginning of Battle.

Melee attack in every direction and special Feature: adds the Venom Feature to friendly adjacent tiles (their Melee and Ranged attacks gain the Venom Feature). If the tile already has the Venom Feature, nothing happens.

Mygalomorph (3)
Melee attack.

Spike (3)
Melee attack and the Venom Feature.

Chaos (2)
Melee attack with a strength of 2, Ranged attack and Armor.

Horror (2)
Melee attack with a strength of 2 and Net.

Nightmare (1)
Net and the Teleport Feature.

Wraith (2)
Melee attack and the Teleport Feature.

Demon (1)
Melee attack with a strength of 2 and the Transformation Feature.

Rune of Disarmament (2)
Adjacent enemy tiles (including Banners) are treated as helpless as long as they are connected to a Rune of Disarmament: they cannot attack. The remaining Features of the disarmed tile remain unchanged (Runes, Nets, Toughness, Armor, etc. work normally).
If the Champion Charges, moving into a space connected to a Rune of Disarmament, it ends the move according to the Charge rules but does not attack as it is now affected by the Rune.

Rune of Minor Acceleration (2)
Increases the Initiative of friendly connected tiles by 1.

Rune of Teleportation (2)
Friendly connected tiles receive the Teleport Feature.

Rune of Strength (2)
Toughness Feature and increases the strength of ah of melee attacks of friendly connected tiles by 1 (does not add a Melee attack to tiles that do not have it).

Rune of Regeneration (1)
If a friendly connected tile suffers 1 or more Wounds as a result of a single attack from a single enemy Board tile, Order tile, or special Feature (such as Poison- ing), this Rune is removed from the board and the Wounds are ignored.

Rune of Double Attack (1)
Friendly connected tiles can attack again in the next phase (1 Initiative lower than their standard attack). If the tile already performs two attacks, then the additional third attack will occur after the first available lower Initiative. If the tile's lowest Initiative is o, it cannot perform an additional attack.
Guardians of the Realm

The dwarves come from distant parts of the known realm. They hail from their mountain holds, which stand as a barrier against unimaginable powers from the other side of the Eternal Mountains.
They seem to get stronger each time the champions gather at the Arena. Their runes become more and more powerful.
Their blacksmiths and armorers prepare better weapons and equipment. The unique mix ofmagic and technology bringing more horrific, deadly, and amazing machines every time.
We do not know who they fight with beyond the lines of their fortresses, but those battles are honing them into challengers that spark fear in their opponents within the Monolith Arena.


Battle (5)
Battle begins. It cannot be played if any player has drawn their last tile. The player's turn ends with the start of Battle.

Push (3)
Choose an enemy tile to be pushed by an adjacent tile you control. Move the tile 1 space so that it will no longer be adjacent to the pusher. If multiple spaces meet this condition, the owner of the pushed tile decides which space the tile will be pushed to.
An enemy tile cannot rotate during this move. If the enemy tile cannot be pushed so that the distance increases by 1 space, the Push Order cannot be used.

Fire Concoction (2)
Deals 1 Wound to 3 tiles (excluding Banners, but including your own tiles) on spaces adjacent to each other in the configuration shown on the icon on the tile.

Entrenchment (1)

Choose a friendly tile, including the Banner, to receive the Toughness Feature. To mark it, place a Toughness marker on it. The marker is removed after the tile it is on receives its first Wound.

Rotation (2)
Rotates any friendly tile freely. You cannot use it on a Netted tile.
False Order (1)
You can Move any enemy tile, including the Banner.
Common Problems
Guardians' Banner
A Netted Banner does not affect adjacent tiles. If during Battle, the enemy tile Netting the Banner is eliminated, the Feature of the Banner affecting friendly adjacent tiles will start working from the next Initiative Phase.
Example: The Nightmare Nets the Guard- ian's Banner, which is adjacent to a friendly tile. The Fire Concoction Order is used, with all 3 tiles being in the area of effect. The Nightmare is eliminated, together with the friendly tile. The special Feature of Banner will not work in time to add the Toughness Feature to the friendly tile.
RUNE OF REGENERATION If adjacent to the Guardians' Banner, it can receive the Toughness Feature which makes it harder to destroy (it may receive 1 Wound and still remain on the board), but does not affect its ability.
It is still removed when it regenerates the Wounds received by a friendly connected tile.

A tile with a Rotation Feature may rotate freely as chosen by the owner once per turn.
It is not possible to rotate the netted tiles.

Melee attack in every direction and special Feature: adds the Toughness Feature to friendly adjacent tiles. When such a tile receives one Wound, it will not be eliminated. Place a Wound token on it instead.
If the tile moves away from the Banner, or if the Banner is Netted, it immediately loses this extra Hit Point (in other words, if it remained on the board only due to the Toughness Feature, the tile is removed immediately).

Axeman (3)
Melee attack on Initiatives 2 and 1.

Crossbowman (3)
Ranged attack with a strength of 2 and the Toughness Feature.

Veteran (2)
Melee attack (including 1 with a strength of 2) and Armor.

Golem (2)
Armor and dual Toughness Feature. Cannot attack.

Combat Platform (1)
Ranged attack.

Pupil (1)
Melee attack and the Maneuver Feature.

Wyvern (1)
Melee attack and the Toughness Feature.

Rune of Agility (1)
Feature Rotation. Friendly connected tiles receive the Maneuver Feature.

Rune of Reinforcement (2)
Increases the strength of all Melee and Ranged attacks of friendly connected tiles by 1 (does not add a Melee/Ranged attack to tiles that do not have them).

Rune of Double Attack (1)
Friendly connected tiles can attack again in the next phase (1 Initiative lower than their standard attack). If the tile already performs two attacks, then the additional third attack will occur after the lowest Initiative. If the tile's low- est Initiative is 0, it cannot perform an additional attack.

Rune of Regeneration (2)
If a friendly connected tile suffers 1 or more Wounds as a result of a single attack from a single enemy Board tile, Order tile, or special Feature (such as Poisoning), this Rune is removed from the board and the Wounds are ignored.

Rune of Penetration (1)
A Ranged attack of a friendly connected tile can strike multiple enemy tiles in a single attack. All enemy tiles in the line of fire receive 1 Wound. Such attacks can be reinforced with Runes ofAccuracy and Runes of Reinforcement.
Armor still protects according to the standard rules, but does not stop the attack (the tiles behind the tile with Armor still receive a Wound).
Harbingers of the Forest

Dark forests, primeval and pulsing with magic - this is the elves' domain.
There, hundreds of other races, creatures, ghosts, and beasts roam. Some are highly intelligent, while others are as wild as nature itself.
The Harbingers are hardly just the elves, and each gathering of champions at the Monolith Arena holds a mystery: what monsters will arrive to fight side-by-side with the elves this time?
What old powers will they awaken to tip the scales of victory to their side? Which creatures from the oldest myths and stories will you have to face?


Battle (6)
Battle begins. It cannot be played if any player has drawn their last tile. The player's turn ends with the start of Battle.

Move (4)
Move any friendly tile one space and/or rotate it freely. The tile can only be moved to an unoccupied space.

Precise Shot (1)
Deals 1 Wound to any ene- my tile on the board. It does not work on an opponent's Banner.
Common Problems
The Morlock can only attack before the initial phase of Battle. The Rune of Regeneration cannot save the Mor- lock during its attack. If the Morlock does not activate before the initial phase of Battle (for example if it is Netted),
it cannot attack this Battle (even after being released from the net). If the Morlock is not adjacent to a target for it to attack, nothing happens. Runes lowering Initiative do not affect the Morlock.
Effects activated at the beginning of Battle happen simultaneously.
The Rune will be removed at the beginning of Battle as a result of the Morlock's special attack and will not be able to save the Banner from the effect of poison, also resolved at the beginning of the Battle.
Double Attack
If a tile has 2 attacks in non-subsequent Initiative Phases (for example the Hunter) and is connected to the Rune of a Double Attack, then the additional attack will occur on the Initiative following the first attack.
For example, in the case of attacks on Initiative 3 and 0, the additional attack will take place in Initiative Phase 2.

Melee attack in every direction and special Feature: friendly adjacent tiles receive the Maneuver Feature.

Morlock (2)
At the beginning of Battle (before the highest Initiative Phase), the Morlock attacks the adjacent enemy tile, indicated by the lightning bolt icon, eliminating it. At the same time, the Morlock itself is also eliminated.
Both tiles are removed from the board. The Morlock does not damage Banners. In these situations, he is simply removed from the board.

Spark (4)
Ranged attack.

Hunter (2)
Ranged attack on Initiatives 3 and 0.

Sorcerer (1)
Ranged attack with a strength of 2.

Herne (2)
A melee attack with a strength of 2, and the Maneuver Feature.

Assassin (3)
During Battle, in its Initiative Phase, the Assassin deals 1 Wound to any (not necessarily adjacent) opponent tile on the board, including Banners. In addition, this attack is treated as a normal Melee attack and may be strengthened by Runes that increase the strength of Melee attacks.

Wyrm (1)
Melee attack in every direction on Initiatives 2 and 1, and the Maneuver Feature.

Rune of Minor Acceleration (3)
Increases the Initiative of friendly connected tiles by 1.

Rune of Greater Acceleration (1))
Increases the Initiative of friendly connected tiles by 2.

Rune of Regeneration (2)
If a friendly connected tile suffers 1 or more Wounds as a result of a single attack from a single enemy Board tile, Order tile, or special Feature (such as Poisoning), this Rune is removed from the board and the Wounds are ignored.

Rune of Accuracy (1)
Increases the strength of all Ranged attacks of friendly connected tiles by 1 (does not add a Ranged attack to tiles that do not have it).

Rune of Double Attack (1)
Friendly connected tiles can attack again in the next phase (1 Initiative lower than their standard attack).
If the tile already performs two attacks, then the additional third attack will occur after the first available lower Initiative. If the tile's lowest Initiative is 0, it cannot perform an additional attack.
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