The rules of the beginner game and the advanced game apply with the following additions:
Shuffle the 12 additional tasks and place them face down off to the side. Turn over twice as many additional tasks as there are players, and place them face up within easy reach of all players.
Example: In a three-player game, turn over 6 additional tasks.
Game Play
At the beginning of each turn, set the timer to 5 minutes.
During the turn, you may take up to 2 additional tasks and place them in front of you. You keep these until the end of the turn; you may not give them up, and no one may take them away from you.
You may take additional tasks even if you have not yet fulfilled them. But you may only first take an additional task if you have at least 3 tiles placed on your board.
It is not mandatory to take additional tasks. You may refrain from doing so. As soon as you have jumped out, you may no longer take any additional tasks.
An additional task counts only for the player who has taken it and placed it in front of himself.
If the player has fulfilled the task, he receives as many plus points as are given on it. If he has not fulfilled the task, he receives the corresponding amount of minus points.
Next Turn
Shuffle all 12 additional tasks anew and turn over twice as many tasks are there are players.
Additional Tasks

At least 3 buffalos in the same plains landscape (enclosed and mistake-free).

At least 3 elephants in the same plains landscape (enclosed and mistake-free).

At least 3 pandas in the same forest landscape (enclosed and mistake-free).

At least 3 parrots in the same forest landscape (enclosed and mistake-free).

At least 3 snakes in the same desert landscape (enclosed and mistake-free).

At least 3 scorpions in the same desert landscape (enclosed and mistake-free).

Plains Animals
All 4 different plains animals at least once in the same landscape (enclosed and mistake-free).

Forest Animals
All 4 different forest animals at least once in the same landscape (enclosed and mistake-free).

Desert Animals
All 4 different desert animals at least once in the same landscape (enclosed and mistake-free).

A completely mistake-free board within the time alloted, no empty spaces, and all edges match.

Completely covered board within the time alloted, no empty spaces, misconnections are allowed.

First one to jump out (taking the 4-point bonus chip).
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