- 15 transit cards
- 6 summary cards
- 6 subway boards
- 6 dry-erase markers
- Instructions
Object of the Game
Compete against your opponents by traveling through as many subway stations as possible using a finite number of movements.
Visit the most stops, score the most points, and win the game.
Give each player a subway board, dry-erase marker, and summary card.
Decide on which subway map you'll be traveling across this game. (We recommend the "Metro City" map if this is your first time playing).
Shuffle the 15 Transit cards, and place them in the middle of the playing area to form the Transit deck.
Take a look at your board. Although the map may look confusing at first, each route consists of the same core elements:

Game Play

Whoever most recently took a ride on public transit is in charge of flipping over the top card of the Transit deck each turn.
At the start of every turn, the designated card flipper reveals the top card of the Transit deck and discards it face-up next to the deck.
All players must now simultaneously pick a route on their own board with an empty Train Car Window, filling it in with either a number or X based on the revealed card, and subsequently mark off the appropriate stations along the train's route
Once all players have marked their boards, any player who completes a route announces it to the rest of the group. The first player who completes a route circles the gold diamond icon and receives those points as a bonus at the end of the game.

All other players cross out the gold diamond on their board. After that turn, any other player who completes the route will circle and receive the points in the white square at the end of the game.
If multiple players complete a route 'first' on the same turn, they each receive the gold diamond bonus. Once all players have marked their boards, the card flipper reveals the next card of the Transit deck and a new turn begins.
Card Types 
There are 4 types of Transit cards. Details about each can be found below. Note that the number next to each card type is its frequency in the Transit deck.

Number (9x)
Fill in any empty Train Car Window with the number on the card. Then, on that Subway Route find the first empty station space from the Start Point and cross it off.
Continue crossing off adjacent stations on that route until one of the following conditions occur:
You cross off a number of stations equal to the number on the Transit card.
You encounter a previously crossed off station.
You reach the route's End Point.

Note: If you draw the "Re-Shuffle" (6) card, at the end of the turn (after players have announced whether they've completed any routes) collect all of the Transit cards from the discard pile, including the "Re-Shuffle" card, and shuffle the entire Transit deck.
Example: A 3 Number card is revealed, and Abigail decides she wants to use it to start crossing off stations along the B line (on the Metro City map).
Abigail writes a "3" into an empty B line Train Car Window, and then crosses off the first three stations along the route (shared with the A line).

Skip (3x)
Skip cards function the same as Number cards with one exception: you can skip over previously crossed off stations along a route.
Example: A 2 Skip card is revealed, and Josh decides he wants to cross off more stations along the M line (on the Tube Town map).
The empty station space on the left is the first empty space from the Start Point, and previously Josh crossed off some stations along intersecting routes.
If a Number card had been revealed, Josh would only be able to cross off the station on the left, but since it's a Skip card, he may cross off the station on the left, skip over the two Xs and continue crossing off the adjacent station.

Transfer (2x)
Fill in an empty Train Car Window with an X. Then, on that subway route find the first empty station space from the Start Point and fill it with a number equal to twice (2x) the number of train lines that make a stop there.
You will score points for transfers at the end of the game.
Example: At this station (on the Metro City map), the F and G lines pass through the station while the A line terminates here
In total, 3 subway lines make a stop here, so a player scoring this station with a Transfer card would write "6" in the station space, and an "X" in a Train Car Window of the F, G, or A lines.

Free Space (1x)
Do not fill in an empty Train Car Window. Instead, cross off any one empty station, anywhere on your board, even if it's not the first empty space from the Start Point or adjacent to a previously crossed off station.
You may always choose to cross off fewer stations than the number shown on the Transit card, however you must always fill in a Train Car Window, even if you do not (or cannot) cross off any spaces.
In the rare case that all the stations on a route are filled in, but it has an empty Train Car Window available, you may still write a number or X in the Train Car Window and ignore the station(s).
End of the Game
The game ends after all the Train Car Windows are filled. (This should happen at the same time for all players). Players will announce one last time if they've completed any routes, and then add up their final scores.
Each board contains spaces to calculate your final score:
Completed: Add up the total points from all completed routes (circled gold diamonds and white squares) and enter it here.
Transfers: Add up the total of all numbers written in station spaces (from Transfer cards).

Empty: Unless you are incredibly lucky, it's impossible to complete all of the subway routes.
Tally up the number of empty stations left on your board and enter it in the small circle. Refer to the table below to see what number should be written in the large circle.

The player with the most points wins! In the event of a tie, the player with the fewest empty stations is the winner. If there is still a tie, all tied players may declare themselves equally victorious.
Solo Variant
When playing solo, you'll always circle the gold diamond upon completing a route. All other setup and rules remain the same. At the end of the game, total your score, and refer to the following table to see how you did!

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