Here you find an overview of the effects of the cards present in the game and what those cards represent.

These investigators are looking to decipher mysteries tied to the Necronomicon. They are willing to interrogate anyone who has been in contact with incomprehensible beings and stop those who have made a connection with it that is ... too deep.
When you discard Investigators during your turn, choose another player and name a number (other than 1). If that player has that number in their hand, they are knocked out of the round.
If all other players still in the round cannot be chosen (e.g due to Elder Sign or Liber Ivonis), this card is discarded without effect.
Deep Ones

Amphibian creatures that serve Father Dagon and Cthulhu. They mate with human females to increase their numbers. The children that are born gradually get fish-like features, and will eventually return to the sea.
Same effect as Investigators.
When you discard Deep Ones during your turn, choose another player. If they have a 1 in their hand, they are knocked out of the round. If they do not, you name a number (other than 1). If they have that number in their hand, they are knocked out of the round.
If all other players still in the round cannot be chosen (e.g due to Elder Sign or Liber Ivonis), this card is discarded without effect.
Cats Of Ulthar

Due to a strange event in the town of Ulthar, on the other side of the River Skai in the Dreamlands, the cats there have become an object of fear. Ever since, Ulthar has become a haven for cats. The cats speak human language, and might give hints.
When you discard Cats of Ulthar during your turn, choose another player and look at their hand. Do not reveal it to any other players.
If all other players still in the round cannot be chosen (e.g due to Elder Sign or Liber Ivonis), this card is discarded without effect.
Golden Mead

A drink used to heighten senses and see the unseen. It helps greatly in performing magic rituals. It is also said to be a means to reach the Great Library at Celeano.
Same effect as Cats of Ulthar.
When you discard Golden Mead during your turn, choose another player and look at their hand. Do not reveal it to any other players. Then draw a card (you have 2 cards in your hand now) and discard one.
If all other players still in the round cannot be chosen (e.g due to Elder Sign or Liber Ivonis), this card is discarded without effect.
Great Race Of Yith

A psychic entity that, ages ago, fled to Earth as its home planet had been destroyed. On Earth, they inhabit great conical beings. In order to learn everything there is to know, they project themselves on beings of the past and the future, in return imprisoning these psyches into their conical bodies.
When you discard Great Race of Yith during your turn, choose another player. You and that player secretly compare your hands.
The player with the lower number is knocked out of the round. In case of a tie, nothing happens.
If all other players still in the round cannot be chosen (e.g due to Elder Sign or Liber Ivonis), this card is discarded without effect.
Hound Of Tindalos

These hounds hunt their target through time and space and will pass through angles, appearing out of thin air to attack their prey. Time travelers beware: once a hound has your scent, it will hunt you down until your demise!
Same effect as Great Race of Yith.
When you discard Hound of Tindalos during your turn, choose another player. If they are not Insane, they are knocked out of the round. If all other players still in the round cannot be chosen (e.g due to Elder Sign or Liber Ivonis), this card is discarded without effect.
Elder Sign

The most plausible theory is that this is a weapon made by the Old Gods, to fight the Old Rulers. It is a symbol carved into stone, and can be used as a repellent against the henchmen of the Old Rulers.
When you discard Elder Sign during your turn, you are immune to card effects of other players until the start of your next turn.
If all players still in the round other than the player whose turn it is are immune, that player must choose themselves for their card's effects, if possible.
Liber Ivonis

This famous book of magic, originally written by Eibon, the great wizard of Hyperborea, has been translated in many languages over time. This is its Latin edition. As both books contain overlapping information, and are full of hateful, forbidden knowledge, it is often compared to the Necronomicon.
Same effect as Elder Sign.
When you discard Liber Ivonis during your turn, you cannot be knocked out by effects until the end of the round. This includes:
- Sanity checks (you must still do them every turn).
- Someone discarding Investigators or Deep Ones and correctly guessing the number in your hand (just reply yes).
- Having a lower number when chosen by someone discarding Great Race of Yith or Hound of Tindalos (Sane effect).
- Discarding The Necronomicon, or Cthulhu during your turn (Sane effect).
- Discarding Mi-Go Braincase during your turn (Sane and Insane effect).
Professor Henry Armitage

A professor at Miskatonic University. He has researched the unknown, learned magic and can give valuable information to those who dare ask.
When you discard Professor Henry Armitage during your turn, choose a player (including yourself). That player discards their hand (but doesn't apply its effects, unless it is the The Necronomicon or Cthulhu) and draws a new card. If the player cannot draw a card due to the deck being empty, they draw the card that was removed at the start of the round.
If all other players still in the round are immune, you must choose yourself.

A being from Yuggoth. Highly intelligent and knowledgeable, they sometimes steal human brains, carrying them away in laboratory tubes, and are able to travel to far distances in space.
Same effect as Professor Henry Armitage.
When you discard Mi-Go during your turn, choose another player.
You add their hand in yours (you have 2 cards in your hand now). They must take Mi-Go Braincase in their hand (they now have one card). Since you have 2 cards in hand, you discard a card.
If all other players still in the round cannot be chosen (e.g due to Elder Sign or Liber Ivonis), this card is discarded without effect.
Randolph Carter

Also known as "The Dreamer", he can see hidden illusions and speak to cats. He used the Silver Key to disappear through the Silver Door, and hasn't been seen since. To meet him, one needs to step down the seventy steps of shallow sleep and enter the Dreamlands. This, however, is extremely dangerous.
When you discard Randolph Carter during your turn, choose another player and trade your hand with them.
You cannot trade with a player who has been knocked out of the round.

The Crawling Chaos. It is also named "The God of a Thousand Forms", here in its human one which he favors. Its final motive is to fill the world with chaos and destruction.
Same effect as Randolph Carter.
When you discard Nyarlathotep during your turn, collect the hands of all the other players still in the round. You may look at them. Then redistribute one card of your choice to each player.
This effect does not put their cards in your hand, thus you cannot give the card you have in hand away.
The Silver Key

This key, decorated with strange arabesques, has been handed down through generations in the Carter family, a family that has long has been connected to forbidden spells. According to Etienne-Laurent de Marigny, it opens the door to the Other Side. This key, said to be forged in Hyperborea, will appear of its own accord, once the magical conditions are met.
Unlike other cards, whose effects are applied when they are discarded, the text of The Silver Key only applies when it is in your hand.
If you ever have The Silver Key and another card that has a number higher than 4 in your hand, you must discard The Silver Key. Of course, you can always decide to discard The Silver Key when that is not the case, to play mind games with the other players...
The Shining Trapezohedron

A multi-sided object kept in a metal box. It is said that with it, one can summon Nyarlathotep itself.
Same effect as The Silver Key. It is ignored if you are Insane.
Unlike other cards, whose effects are applied when they are discarded, the text of The Shining Trapezohedron only applies when is in your hand.
If you ever have The Shining Trapezohedron and another card that has a number higher . " than 4 in your hand, you win the round.
The Necronomicon

The book "Kitab Al Azif ", written by the "Mad Arab" Abdul Alhazred, was translated and later named "The Necronomicon". Due to its exceedingly dangerous content, most copies have been destroyed and those that are left are mostly incomplete. It is the relic that your cousin A.J. Mc Bride was after. Finding it would likely mean finding him.
If you ever discard The Necronomicon-no matter how or why (so even during a Sanity Check)-you lose the track of your cousin. You are immediately knocked out of the game.
If The Necronomicon was discarded due to a card effect, any remaining effects of that card do not apply (you do not draw a card from Professor Henry Armitage, for example).

In his house at R'lyeh, Cthulhu awaits dreaming. The followers of Cthulhu believe that, when the stars are right, the sunken city of R'lyeh will rise again from the depths of the Pacific Ocean, and with it Cthulhu will awaken.
When it happens, the world will be filled with fear, horror and destruction, and eventually perish.
Same effect as The Necronomicon.
When you discard Cthulhu during your turn, if you already have 2 or more Insanity cards in your discard pile, you win the game. If you do not, you lose the round.
Mi-go Braincase

When you discard this card during your turn, you lose the round.
When you discard this card during your turn, you lose the round.
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