
- 294 Scenarios on 147 Cards
- 3 2-Sided Blank Cards
- 18 Love It! Chips
- 18 Hate It! Chips
- Chip Bag
- 6 Speech Bubbles
- 6 Dry-Erase Markers
- Bubble Tray
- Instructions
Object of the Game
Be the first player to get three Love It! Chips and three Hate It! Chips by guessing what other players love and hate about the given scenarios.
Place the Bubble Tray in the middle of the playing area, along with the Cards.
Each player (except the one who will be the first Subject) takes a Speech Bubble and a Dry-Erase Marker.
Game Play

The person who owns the game is the first one to be the Subject of a scenario and all other players' attention!
The Subject takes a Card and reads it aloud. Each Card states a scenario with blanks needing to be filled in about what you think the Subject (the player reading the Card) would love and what the Subject would hate.
For example: Lisa chooses a Card and reads it aloud, "If I were going to be on the cover of a magazine, I would love it if it were _____ and hate it
if it were ____". Now, Dan, Brian, Erin and Jen each fill both blanks with answers they think Lisa would like the best.
All players except the Subject secretly write their answers on the coordinating sides of their Speech Bubbles using their Dry-Erase Marker, guessing what the Subject would love and hate in the situation. The Subject waits quietly while everyone else fills in the blanks for them.
Once everyone has written answers on both sides of their Speech Bubbles, all players put them in the Bubble Tray. Be sure the Subject does not see what is written on the Speech Bubbles.
The Subject reads the Card aloud again.
The player to the left of the Subject takes the Speech Bubbles out of the Bubble Tray, then holds one Speech Bubble so other players can see the Love It! side, over the Subject's head, and reads it aloud. All players, except the Subject, should see what's written on the Speech Bubble. Read all of the Love It! Speech Bubbles, one at a time.
The Subject then decides which answer is their favorite.
The player who wrote the chosen answer reveals themselves and takes a Love It! Chip. If two players wrote the same (or very similar) chosen answer, both get to take a Love It! Chip.
Now the reader and the Subject repeat the process for the Hate It! side of the Speech Bubbles. The player who wrote the chosen answer gets a Hate It! Chip.

Next Round
Return one Speech Bubble to each player, except the one who will be the next Subject. Erase the writing on both sides and get ready for another round!
Play moves to the left, with a new player selecting a Card and becoming the Subject.
Continue playing until one player has collected three Love It! Chips and three Hate It! Chips. If, along the way, a player wins a round and they already have three of those Chips, they do not get another Chip, but they have kept someone else from collecting more!

Sample Round
Lisa chooses a Card and reads it aloud, "If something got stuck on the bottom of my shoe, I would love it if it were _____ and hate it if it were ____".
Now, Dan, Brian, Erin and Jen write on their Speech Bubbles what answers they think Lisa would like the best. They put their Speech Bubbles in the Bubble Tray when they are done.
Lisa reads the Card again and Dan holds up the Love It! sides of the Speech Bubbles one at a time and reads what is written on them: "A $100 bill", "Movie tickets", "Money" and "Something easily cleaned off".
Lisa chooses the "Money" answer as her favorite. Dan, who answered "Money", gets a Love It! Chip The friends agree that Jen, who wrote "A $100 bill", also gets a Love It! Chip since it is basically the same answer as "Money".
Now Dan holds up and reads the Hate It! Speech Bubbles: "Dog doo", "Gum", "Toilet paper" and "Dead bug".
Lisa chooses the "Dog doo" answer as her favorite. Erin, who answered "Dog doo", gets a Hate It! Chip.
End of the Game
If you're the first to collect three Love It! Chips and three Hate It! Chips, you win!
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