
- 104 story cards
- 8 suggestion cards
- 1 die
- 1 scorecard
- 8 storyboards
- 8 dry erase markers
- Chips - Blue (5 points), Red (2 points), White (1 point)
Object of the Game
Be the first player to earn 16 squares on the scorecard. Players accomplish this by sharing stories, life experiences, and memories sparked by the story starters on the story cards.
A roll of the die determines the method the other players retell the story - either as a Headline, Tweet, Text, or Comic Strip/Picture.
The storyteller ranks the responses based on how well each player makes the Long Story - Short!
The group reviews the rules and writes each players name in the designated space on the scorecard. Each player takes a storyboard and a marker.
Game Play
Each player rolls the die and the high roller becomes the first Storyteller. The Storyteller's role is the same each round. The Storyteller for the round takes the first card from the card deck and chooses one of the story starters listed.
The Storyteller may pick any of the story starters on the card.
The storyteller briefly thinks about the story starters and then tells a story or experience to the group. The Storyteller uses the story starters to spark a memory and shares as many details of the story as possible.
Stories may be funny, serious, personal, crazy, bizarre, unique, strange, unbelievable, etc.
Is the story true or false
The Storyteller may tell either a true or a false story.
Each player guesses if the story told by the Storyteller is true or false by circling the'T or "F" on their storyboard.
Once the story has been told, the Storyteller rolls the die. A roll of the die determines the format the other players submit their "short stories".
Roll a..
- Headline
- Tweet
- Text
- Comic Strip / picture
- Storyteller chooses any method for all players
- Each player chooses their own method
Each player (except the Storyteller) retells their short version of the story by writing or drawing a response on their storyboards. Players may retell the events of the story anyway they choose.
Responses may be told as a 3rd party witness, in first person, exaggerated, or with a preferred outcome.
Each player then places their storyboard facedown in the middle. The Storyteller collects the storyboards, reads the responses aloud, and awards points by placing the scoring chips on the storyboards.
The Storyteller may determine the selection criteria used each round, i.e. - funniest, most creative, clever, bizarre, alternative outcome, preferred twist, etc.
Players earn points based on the chips awarded by the storyteller. The Storyteller awards points by placing the scoring chips directly on the storyboards.
Blue (3 points), Red (2 points), White (1 point).
Players earn 1 additional point by guessing correctly if the story told is true or false. The Storyteller wins 3 points if all of the players guess the true or false incorrectly. Each point equals 1 space on the scorecard.
Points are tallied on the scorecard and the person to the left of the Storyteller becomes the Storyteller for the next round.
End of the Game
The first player to earn 16 spaces on the scorecard wins the game.

1. Headline
Use the storyboards to write a headline for the story told. A headline is a short, direct sentence without extra adjectives or adverbs. When writing a headline, identify the underlying theme and keep it simple.
2. Tweet
Use the storyboards to write a tweet of the story told. Twitter is an online social networking service that allows users to send and read text-based posts of up to 140 characters, known as "tweets".
Each tweet has a maximum of 140 characters and must use mentions (@) or hashtags (#). For example @thegamechef and #didthatreallyhappen. Tweets that exceed 140 characters or do not include a mention or hashtag may be disqualified.
TWeet suggestion: TWeet your responses directly to the Storyteller via a Smartphone, laptop or tablet using mentions and hashtags, use the hashtag #LSS so other players around the world can read the stories and share in the fun.
3. Text
Use the storyboards to write a text message of the story told. Text messaging, or "texting", is the exchange of brief written text messages between mobile phones.
Keep responses short by abbreviating words and substituting words with numbers (such as "2" instead of "to", or "4" instead of "for").
Each player must use an acronym or emoticon in their text response (see suggestion card), use one from the suggestion card or create your own. Text responses that do not include an acronym or emoticon may be disqualified.
Text Suggestion: No need to put away your phones during Long Story Short This is one game where "being on your phone" is encouraged!
If everyone has a phone with the "texting" feature, each player may text responses directly to the storyteller instead of using the storyboards (standard text messaging rates may apply). The Storyteller will read the responses from their phone and award points.
4. Comic Strip or Picture
Use the storyboards to draw a comic strip or picture of the story told. A comic strip is a sequence of drawings arranged in panels to display brief humor or form a narrative with text in balloons and captions. Be sure to use humor, dialog, and exaggerations.
Playing Tips
Lobbying and "table talk" is encouraged! Players can comment on responses and try to convince the Storyteller to rank specific responses higher - either their own or a favorite choice.
Submitting a response that appeals to the Storyteller may improve your chances of winning points. There is no shame in trying to "butter up" the Storyteller with the hope that your entry is awarded points.
Periodically, you might need to clean the story boards. To do so, place a little rubbing alcohol on a cloth and wipe clean.
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