- 50 Lightning Dice cards
- 6 colored pawns
- 36 colored dice
- Instructions
Standard Rules
The game is simple. Draw a card and place it face up in the middle of the table. (The FLIP)
You now have only 3 options as everyone begins to roll their dice. (The ROLL)
Try to meet the requirements on the card and get 2 points. (The MATCH) You may keep or re-roll any number of dice each time your roll. Be careful... if you yell "Got it!" and your dice do not match the card you will lose 2 points!
Try to roll all six dice to match your player number and get 1 bonus point - then try to meet the requirements on the card for an additional 2 points.
Example: Player 4 would need to roll six 4's, yell out "Bonus 4!", then move up 1 point, pick up all the dice and continue to try to meet the card requirement for an additional 2 points.
Try to roll all six dice to match an opponent's player number and cause them to lose a point - then try to meet the requirements on the card for an additional 2 points for yourself.
Example: Player 4 would need to roll six 3's, then yell out "Thunder 3!" Player 3 would then move their pawn down a point. Player 4 would then pick up their dice and continue to try to meet the requirements for the face up card for an additional 2 points.
Once the requirements on the face up card are met only the player to yell "Got It!" first gets the points and moves up 2 spaces on the score board. The next card is immediately flipped over and the game continues.
End of the Game
The game ends as soon as someone reaches 20 points and this player is the winner.

Quick Game Rules
(No game board needed)
Shuffle all the cards and place them in the middle of the table. Each player takes 6 dice.
Turn the top card over and all players, at the same time, roll their dice to match the criteria on the card. The first player to match the card takes the card.
Repeat step 1 until all the cards are gone. The player with the most cards at the end of the game wins!.

Tournament Play

Tournament rules are for players that wish to take their competitive die rolling skills to the next level. A judge (non- player) must be assigned to watch the game play.
The judge will:
Flip the cards
Validate any "criteria matches", "bonus" rolls, or "thunder" rolls.
Watch to make sure players are not breaking any of the tournament rules, whether intentionally or accidentally.
Tournament Rules
You may not touch any dice while they are still in motion. You must wait for them to come to a complete stop.
You may only SLIDE dice to the side while putting dice to the side to save them.
Once a die is picked up it may not be set back down - it must be re-rolled.
Dice must remain on the table during the roll. Any dice that roll off the table must be re-rolled.
Dice (singular or plural) must be rolled - not dropped and bounced. The judge will determine what is a drop or a roll.
It is acceptable for a player to use their free hand (the hand not rolling the dice) to stop dice from rolling off the table or to keep rolling dice to a confined area in front of each player so long as it does not block the view of what is happening from the judge.
Dice must be rolled by hand unless there is a physical handicap that prevents a player from doing so, in which case a dice tower or other mechanism may be used.
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