The following are important game terms and referenced with small caps throughout the rules.
Value: Determined by the quantity of Faction Blocks on either side of the card: one, two, or three. (Special Cards have no value).
Faction color: Determined by the color of Faction Blocks on e ther side of the card: blue, white, or red. (The background color of Personality Cards determines where Faction Blocks can be placed but has no effect on faction color).
Discard: Once played, cards are typically discarded to a common pile. As soon as the deck is exhausted, shuffle the discard pile to form a fresh deck. The A and B designations no longer apply an the two sets will be mixed together from now on.
Returned to the box: Some Special Cards target players' personal displays and permanently remove a card from the game. These cards are returned to the box and never re-enter the game.
Stack: One to three Faction Blocks of the same faction color placed on top of each other, along with a player's Control Token. Stacks determine control of a Province and return votes during the Election Phase.
Personal display: During the Action Phase, cards are played directly from a player's hand. He may choose to save up to four cards (five if any show a Sans-Culottes symbol) in his personal display: an area on the table in front of that player.
These cards may then be advanced during the Battle and Election Phases to break ties. Any cards remaining in the personal display are returned to the player's hand at the start of a new turn, allowing a player to recycle useful cards. Players should consider keeping Generals and high value cards.
Tie: Given the struggle between factions, ties occur frequently. Each Phase outlines where a tie may occur and how to resolve it, typically by advancing cards from a personal display.
Advance: During the Battle and Election Phases, tied players may push forward (play) a card from their personal display in orde5 to break the tie. The card value (and sometimes the faction color) is important when determining which card to advance. All advanced cards are discarded whether the tie is resolved or not.
Controlled: A Province is controlled by a player if his stack is higher than any other stack in that Province, including other stacks of the same faction color. Controlled Provinces are also important during a sudden-death victory (see Royalist Counter-Rev7lution on p. 6).
Vote: During the Election Phase, each Province m ay return one vote for the faction of the matching stack. Paris may return up to three votes. The player controlling this stack holds one Faction Block until the end of the Phase and advances that faction's Election Marker one space. Votes are also important during a sudden-death victory.
Government: The faction that receives the most votes during the elections forms the government. The player with the most matching votes is awarded 5 Victory Points (VPs). The player with the second most votes is awarded 2 VPs.
Opposition: The faction that receives the second most votes during the elections is the opposition. The player with the most matching votes is awarded 3 VPs.
Presence: All players holding a vote in the faction color of the current government have presence in that government. presence is a prerequisite to playing some Special Cards.
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