The player owning the most gold may upgrade one of their own deployed knights. In case of a tie, all tied players are granted this reward.

The player employing the most squires recruits a new knight with strength 1 from the reserve for their own supply. In case of a tie, all tied players are granted this reward.

All players gain 3 power points for every 2 counties occupied by their own knight.

Players may buy 1 voting marker for 1 gold each. In player order and beginning with the start player, each player decides how many voting markers they want to buy.

Players may expend 1 squire and 1 gold for 3 power points each. In player order, beginning with the start player, each player decides how many gold/ squires they want to expend.

Players may take 1 extension tile and place it at their castle for every 2 conflicts they are involved in with their own knights.

Players recruit 1 squire from the general supply for each of their own deployed knights with strength 2.

Players receive 1 squire, 1 voting marker, and 1 gold from the general supply for every 2 conflicts to which they have deployed at least 1 of their own knights.

Players who have no deployed knight with strength 2 may upgrade 1 of their knights.

All players who have deployed their knight with strength 3 may swap him against their knight with strength 4, if still available from the reserve.

Players gain 5 power points for every 3 extension tiles in their castle.

Players gain 3 power points for each conflict to which they have deployed at least 1 of their own knights.

Players gain 8 power points for every 3 counties in which they have deployed at least 1 of their own knights.

Players who currently have deployed all their 3 knights with strength 1 gain 5 power points.

Players recruit 1 new knight from the reserve to their court for every 3 nobleman tiles at their company at table.

Players may buy 1 power point for 1 gold each. In pla- yer order and beginning with the start player, each player decides how many power points they want to buy.

Players may expend 1 squire for 1 power point each. In player order, beginning with the start player, each player decides how many squires they want to expend.

Players who currently have deployed knights of all four strength levels gain 6 power points.
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