Roof markers have the following functions:

Take one olive (take one grape)
The player takes one olive/grape and places his player marker in the corresponding den on his farm.

Take one grain or one olive
The player takes one grain or one olive and places his player marker in the correspon- ding den on his farm.

Take any harvest good
The player takes any harvest good (olive, grain, grape) and places his player marker in the corresponding den on his farm.

Take two different harvest goods
The player takes two different harvest goods and places two of his player markers in the corresponding dens on his farm.

Take One Pig
The player takes one pig and places his player marker in one of his pig dens. If the player has no empty space for the pig, he has to sell it immediately.

Upgrade One Resource Free Of Charge
The player may upgrade any one of his resources free of charge and move it from its field or den to the corresponding den for upgraded goods.

Carry Out One Delivery
The player may carry out one delivery

Play One Card Or Draw One Card
The player plays one of his cards from his hand to his farm (keeping the cost for farm extensions in mind, see 6.0!) or draws the top card from the draw /deck into his hand.

Receive 1 Victory Point
The player receives 1 victory point from the pool.

Receive 2 Silver
The player receives 2 silver from the pool.

Flip Over One Roof Marker
The player flips a used roof marker so it is face up, making it available to be used a second time.

Advance One Or Two Steps On The Siesta Track
The player may advance one or two steps on the siesta track. He advances his marker disc accordingly by one or two spaces on the track.
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