Extra action: Build one additional settlement from your personal supply.

Build one settlement on a hex of the same terrain type as your played terrain card. Build adjacent if possible.

Build one settlement on a grass hex. Build adjacent if possible. Skip this action if there is not a single unoccupied grass hex on the game board.

Build one settlement on a desert hex. Build adjacent if possible. Skip this action if there is not a single unoccupied desert hex on the game board.

Build one settlement at the edge of the game board. Choose any of the 5 suitable terrain type hexes. Build adjacent if possible.

Build one settlement at one end of a string of at least 3 of your own settlements. The orientation of the string does not matter. The chosen hex must be suitable for building.
Extra action: Move one of your existing settlements.

Move any one of your existing settlements to a hex of the same terrain type as your played terrain card. Build adjacent if possible.

Move any one of your existing settlements to a water hex. Build adjacent if possible. This is the only way to build settlements on water hexes.

Move any one of your existing settlements two hexes in a straight line in any direction (horizontally or diagonally) to an eligible hex. You may jump across any terrain type hex, even water, mountain, castle and location, and/or your own and other players' settlements. The target hex must not necessarily be adjacent to one of your own settlements.
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