
Collect the indicated number of Jerrycans or Tuareks.

Immediately place the specified number of J Explorers on New Territories of your choice, for free.

Immediately fuel up with KERO for free with 8 dice.

These cards are simply worth points at the end of the game.
Permanent Abilities

Roll the specified special die (in this case, the blue die) for free.

Add the indicated resource (in this case, 1 wheat) for free when you collect resources.

You may trade any or all of your wheat resources for the same quantity of Jerrycans.

In the event of a tie, win the New Territory of your choice (no more than once per turn). Explorers must be present on the Territory.

Collect 1 Jerrycan at the start of each of your turns.
None Shall Pass! Cards

The deck contains five "None shall pass!" cards. At the end of the game, they score as many points as the numb3r of matching cards in your possession.
Example: A player with 3 "None shall pass!" cards scores 9 points at the end of the game.
New Territories

Score 1 point per card of the specified color (in this case, green) in your possession.

Score 1 point per set of 3 cards in your possession, regardless of their colors.

Score 1 point, plus an additional 2 points if you have at least 1 card of each color.

Score 1 point, plus an additional 3 points if you have 4 or more cards of the same color.

Score 1 point per New Territory in your possession, including this one.

Collect the specified number of Tuareks and/or Jerrycans.

Play this Tuarek before rolling your dice to add 2 special dice of the color of your choice.

Play this Tuarek before rolling your dice and place it face-up in front of you.
It lets you reroll any dice that land on their side.

Play this Tuarek when the opposing clan wants to fuel up with KERO.
Roll only 5 white dice instead of the usual 8 while your opponent fuels up.

Play this Tuarek to move 1 or 2 of your Explorers to 1 or 2 New Territories of your choice.

Play this Tuarek after rolling your dice to add 2 resources of your choice (excluding Jerrycans).

Play this Tuarek before or after rolling your dice. It lets you fuel up with KERO for free with 8 dice.

Play this Tuarek to remove an opposing Explorer from the New Territory of your choice.
Your opponent must take back his Explorer. Give him 2 Jerrycans as compensation.

Play this Tuarek to discard an additional card at the end of your turn. This lets you remove a card that would otherwise be useful to your opponent, for example, or lets you accelerate the rate at which the cards on the game board are revealed.
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