The remaining pages describe the various city rules. Refer only to your current city!

City Card Overview
- City name and page reference.
- Number of supported players.
- Exhibition end condition.
- Direction of play: clockwise, counterclockwise, or simultaneously.
- Quick setup reference. Note that these do not replace the rules.
- Potential fan gains.
- Common base(s). Only shown on certain cards.
Home Town

While you're collaborating with other artists, you still want your art to be appreciated and noticed more than anyone else's.
Players: 2-6.
Goal: Most fans - Bonus for tallest structures.
Exhibition End: After a player has 5+ fallen pieces.
Setting Up In Your Hometown
1 Deal 4 Junk Art cards to each player and place the rest in a facedown deck.
2 Set aside any fan tokens earned in other cities so as not to mix them with those won in the Home Town.
Player Turn In Your Home Town
Choose 2 of your 4 cards and offer them to the next player in the direction of play at player must choose 1 of the 2 cards and you receive the other.
Both of you simultaneously find the piece matching your card and place it onto your structure.
For each piece that matches the same color or shape that the active piece touches, that player takes 1 fan from the supply.
Draw 2 cards to refill your hand to 4.
Play continues with the next player in the direction of play.
Fallen Pieces In Your Home Town
Once a player has 5 or more fallen pieces, the end of the exhibition is near.
Exhibition End And Fans Awarded
Once a player has 5 or more fallen pieces, continue until all players have played the same number of turns and then the exhibition ends.
For each fallen piece you have, you must return 1 fan gained in the Home Town to the supply. If you have more fallen pieces than fans, you lose all fans earned in the Home Town.
Finally, find the three tallest structures and distribute bonus fans as follows:
- 1st tallest structure: 5 fans
- 2nd tallest structure: 3 fans
- 3rd tallest structure: 1 fan.

Some districts of Amsterdam might be eye-catching, but you're hoping to turn some heads in your direction with your stunning junk art!
Players: 3-6.
Goal: Tallest structure.
Exhibition End: A player has been eliminated
Setting Up In Amsterdam
Deal 3 Junk Art cards to each player and place the rest in a facedown deck. It's time to take tricks to choose your pieces!
Player Turn In Amsterdam
Each player chooses 1 card from their hand and plays it facedown in front of themselves.
All players reveal their cards at the same time.
The card with the highest numerical value wins the trick. If two or more cards of the same value would win, the strongest color wins the trick. The colors' strength are:
The winner gives a card from this trick to each player, including themselves.
Each player must then find the matching piece and place it onto their structure.
Players draw a new card and play continues until exhibition end.
Fallen Pieces In Amsterdam
You are eliminated as soon as you have 2 or more fallen pieces.
Exhibition End And Fans Awarded
As soon as a player is eliminated, or when all the cards have been played, the exhibition ends.
Find the tallest structures, that player earns 3 fans. Every other player that was not eliminated earns 2 fans.

The Festival of Colors is a magnificent event full of colors and culture. e festival has requested color specific sculptures for the upcoming event.
Players: 2-4.
Goal: Tallest structure.
Exhibition End: A player has 2+ fallen pieces
Setting Up In Gujarat
Give each player all the pieces of one color.
Player Turn In Gujarat
Flip the top card from the Junk Art deck. Each player must place that piece in their color on their own structure.
Once everyone has successfully placed their piece, ip over the next card and continue.
Note: If you reveal a card that shows a piece that has alreaady been placed, discard that card and reveal another one.
Fallen Pieces In Gujarat
The exhibition ends as soon as a player has 2 or more fallen pieces.
Exhibition End And Fans Awarded
When all pieces have been played, or a player has 2 or more fallen pieces in front of them, the exhibition ends after all active pieces have been placed.
Find the three tallest structures and distribute fans as follows:
- 1st tallest structure: 5 fans
- 2nd tallest structure: 3 fans
- 3rd tallest structure: 1 fan

The Indianapolis 500 is coming up and, at the last minute, they decided they'd like some junk art at the race. Thing is, they need something right away!
Players: 2-6.
Goal: Most placed pieces - Bonus for tallest structure.
Exhibition End: All cards played
Setting Up In Indianapolis
Deal each player a deck of 10 facedown Junk Art cards. Any remaining Junk Art cards are not used in this city.
Player Turn In Indianapolis
When the start player says "Go!", all players simultaneously flip the first card from their deck.
Each player must then nd the matching piece and place it onto their structure.
Once you've played your piece, shout "Done!" The turn ends when all but one player has said "Done!" at player does not place their piece and returns the piece to the supply.
Continue as such until all cards have been played.
Note: In case of doubt on whomever said "Done!" last, all players are considered to have placed their piece.
Note: Should a player forget to say "Done!" at the end of a turn, that player will need to remove their last placed piece.
Fallen Pieces In Indianapolis
Fallen pieces are returned to the supply without any effects.
Exhibition End And Fans Awarded
When all cards have been played, the exhibition ends. Players look at their structures and score fans according to the number of Junk pieces in their structure.
- 10 pieces: 5 fans
- 7-9 pieces: 3 fans
- 5-6 pieces: 1 fan
The player who built the tallest structure also gains 1 bonus fan.

Things move fast in Monaco and so will you! Hurry to be the first to create an amazing structure with all of your pieces!
Players: 2-6.
Goal: Most placed pieces - Bonus for tallest structures.
Exhibition End: One player has placed all their pieces
Setting Up In Monaco
Deal each player a deck of 10 facedown Junk Art cards. Any remaining Junk Art cards are not used in this city.
Player Turn In Monaco
When the start player says "Go!", all players simultaneously flip the first card from their deck.
Each player must then find the matching piece and place it onto their structure.
After placing your piece, draw the next card, find the piece, and place it. You do not need to wait after the other players. In fact, the faster you are, the better. Continue until a player has placed all 10 of their pieces.
Fallen Pieces In Monaco
If any pieces fall off a structure, that player must replace those pieces, one at a time in any order, before continuing.
Exhibition End And Fans Awarded
When a player places their 10th piece, the exhibition ends immediately. Any player that still has an active piece must discard it.
Players look at their structures and score fans according to the number of Junk pieces in their structure.
- 10 pieces: 5 fans
- 7-9 pieces: 3 fans
- 5-6 pieces: 1 fan
The player who built the tallest structure also gains 1 bonus fan.

Collaboration is a big part of what makes Canada a great place to live in. Work on a piece of art for a short while and then move onto someone else's art and add your own style to it.
Players: 2-6.
Goal: Be the last artist standing.
Exhibition End: Last artist standing
Setting Up In Montréal
Deal 3 Junk Art cards to each player and place the rest in a facedown deck.
Player Turn In Montréal
Each player chooses a card and plays it in front of the next player in the direction of play.
Each player must then simultaneously find the piece matching the card played to them and place it on their structure.
Note: Players must keep their played cards in front of themselves, with new cards placed so that all players can see how many cards have been played.
After placing their piece, each player refills their hand to 3 cards.
When all players have 3 played cards in front of them, each player must move themselves, and their fan tokens, in the direction of play. estructure in front of you is now yours. Discard the 3 cards in front of you.
Important note: If any pieces fall off a structure during player movement, those fallen pieces are discarded before playing any cards.
Play continues this way until the exhibition ends.
Fallen Pieces In Montréal
If 2 or more pieces fall off your current structure at the same time, you and that structure are eliminated.
Exhibition End And Fans Awarded
The exhibition ends in one of two ways: ere is only one player standing and that player has placed their active piece, in which case that player wins and receives 5 fans from the supply.
OR the remaining players are all eliminated at the same time, or all cards have been played. These players tie for the win and receive 3 fans each.
New York

Compete against other artists to make the most audacious sculpture under cover of darkness in the city that never sleeps. Be on the lookout as the police could come at any moment!
Players: 26.
Goal: Tallest structure.
Exhibition End: When the Star card is revealed.
Setting Up In New York
Cut the Junk Art deck into three roughly equal decks (A, B, and C). Put the Star card (the cops) facedown on top of deck C. Stack decks A and Bon top of deck C.
Deal 3 Junk Art cards faceup to the table and place the rest in a facedown deck.
Player Turn In New York
On your turn, choose one of the faceup cards, nd the matching piece, and place it onto your structure. If the piece you just placed touches another piece of the same color or shape, you must place another piece by choosing one of the faceup cards.
You turn ends when there are no faceup cards left, or if you place a piece that does not touch another piece of the same color or shape.
When your turn ends, reveal cards until 3 are faceup. Play continues with the next player in the direction of play.
Fallen Pieces In New York
Fallen pieces are simply removed from the game without any effects.
Exhibition End And Fans Awarded
As soon as the Star card is revealed, the cops come and everyone runs away. The exhibition ends immediately.
Find the three tallest structures and distribute fans as follows:
- 1st tallest structure: 5 fans
- 2nd tallest structure: 3 fans
- 3rd tallest structure: 1 fan
Shorter Or Longer Game In New York
For a shorter game, during setup, split the deck in two (A and B) and place the Star card facedown on top of deck B, and then stack deck A on top of deck B.
For a longer game, during setup, split the deck in four (A, B, C, D) and place the Star card facedown on top of deck D, and then stack the decks in this order from top to bottom: A, B, C, D.

Paris is known for its street artists. They have requested some artists to help tell the Street Artist story. Street Artists often have to create stories based on their surroundings and whatever the audience throws at them. Use your skills and adapt to the challenges you're given to create amazing art!
Players: 2-6.
Goal: Not be eliminated.
Exhibition End: A player has 3+ fallen pieces
Setting Up In Paris
Players do not have an individual base. Instead, one base is placed in the middle of the table within easy reach of all players.
Deal 3 Junk Art cards to each player and place the rest in a facedown deck.
Player Turn In Paris
On your turn, choose a card from your hand and play it in front of the next player in the direction of play.
That player must find the matching piece and add it to the common structure.
Draw a new card and play continues with that player's turn.
Fallen Pieces In Paris
You are eliminated as soon as you have 3 or more fallen pieces.
Exhibition End And Fans Awarded
As soon as a player is eliminated, the exhibition ends.
All players that were not eliminated win 3 fans.

There's so much love in the air for your fellow artists! Or is that spite? Learn to share your resources with everyone as that's the only way to make art in this city.
Players: 26.
Goal: Be the last artist standing.
Exhibition End: Last artist standing
Setting Up In Philadelphia
Deal each player 3 Junk Art cards and place the rest in a facedown deck.
Player Turn In Philadelphia
At the same time, all players look at their hands, keep 1 card for themselves and give 1 card to both players that are adjacent. You must pass all of your cards before looking at the cards given to you.
Two players: When there are only two players, give the other player 2 cards.
#Players look at their cards, nd the matching pieces, and place them one at a time.
#Once everyone has placed all of their pieces, start over by dealing 3 cards to each player.
Fallen Pieces In Philadelphia
You are eliminated as soon as you have 2 or more fallen pieces.
Exhibition End And Fans Awarded
The exhibition ends in one of two ways: ere is only one player standing, in which case that player wins and receives 5 fans from the supply.
OR The remaining players are all eliminated at the same time or there are not enough cards for each player. These players tie for the win and receive 3 fans each.

It's time to collaborate with other artists in your greatest work of art yet. Just don't make your work resemble the city's famous leaning tower too closely, or it may all come tumbling down!
Players: 2-6.
Goal: Not be eliminated.
Exhibition End: A player has 2+ fallen pieces
Setting Up In Pisa
Players do not have an individual base. Instead, 2 bases are placed next to each other in the middle of the table within easy reach of all players.
Deal to the table one fewer faceup card than there are players. Place the rest in a facedown deck.
(For example, with 4 players, you will reveal and place 3 faceup cards).
Player Turn In Pisa
On your turn, choose one of the faceup cards, nd the matching piece, and place that piece onto the common structure.
Play continues in the direction of play until all cards have been played. At that point, replenish the cards on the table as you did during setup and continue with the player whose turn it was.
Fallen Pieces In Pisa
You are eliminated as soon as you have 2 or more fallen pieces.
Exhibition End And Fans Awarded
As soon as a player is eliminated, the exhibition ends.
All players that were not eliminated win 3 fans.

Tokyo is a city steeped in modernism as well as traditional arts. As the street racers drift around corners, the artists showcase their interpretation of these high speed chases. It's about to get fast and furious!
Players: 2-6.
Goal: Tallest structure.
Exhibition End: All cards played
Setting Up In Tokyo
Deal 10 Junk Art cards to each player. The remaining cards are not used in this city.
Player Turn In Tokyo
Simultaneously, choose 1 card from your deck and place it on top of all your other cards, facedown. en, you must pass that whole deck to the next player in the direction of play.
Flip over the top card on your new deck, nd that piece, and put it on top of your structure.
Continue as such until all cards have been played.
Fallen Pieces In Tokyo
Fallen pieces are simply removed from the game without any effects.
Exhibition End And Fans Awarded
When all the cards have been played, the exhibition ends.
Find the three tallest structures and distribute fans as follows:
- 1st tallest structure: 5 fans
- 2nd tallest structure: 3 fans
- 3rd tallest structure: 1 fan

While Nashville is aptly called "Music City" by many worldwide, fans of the visual arts are striving to establish a scene in the South. What better place than this booming hub of commerce and culture? They've already built a replica of the Parthenon there. What will your contribution be?
Special Note: A copy of Flick 'em Up is required to play this game.
This scenario is very different from the other ones. It is recommended to play it individually. Once familiar with it, you may include it in a World Tour.
Players: 2-4 Goal: Tallest structure - Bonus for loot!
Exhibition End: After the third cactus is revealed.
Setting Up In Nashville

Each player takes a cowboy from a copy of Flick 'em Up. (The color of the cowboy does not matter). Place the bullets nearby and add the 3 cactus pieces to the supply.
Make sure the middle of the table is free of all pieces.
Players must place their bases 50 cm away from one another. Use the tape measure to measure this. With 4 players, you should create a square with 50-cm sides.
Deal 4 Junk Art cards to each player and place the rest in a facedown deck.
Each player then prepares their initial structure by playing 3 of their cards in the order of their choice and placing the matching pieces onto their structures. A player's played cards are placed in their personal discard pile (as shown), with the card matching the last placed piece on top.
Cut the Junk Art deck into two roughly equal decks (A and B). Shuffle 2 Cactus cards into deck A. Place the third Cactus card faceup on top of deck B. Finally, stack deck A on top of deck B.
Play continues starting with the first player and continuing in the direction of play.
Player Turn In Nashville

Draw until you have 2 cards in hand. Play one of those cards on your discard pile and place the matching piece onto your structure.
Playing a Cactus card: When placing a cactus, you must take it from the supply and place it on your structurestanding up as illustrated.
If the card you played matches the color or number of another player's top card on their discard pile, you may take a shot at their structure or cowboy.
If the card matches the color, you get 1 shot. If it matches the number, you get 2 shots. You may only shoot at one player per turn.
Playing a Cactus card: The Cactus card lets you to take one shot against the player of your choice. When on top of a discard pile, Cactus cards count as green cards.
Place your cowboy anywhere around your base, at about 3 cm from your base. You may then take your shot (or shots), following the Flick 'em Up rules.
After taking your shot(s), leave your cowboy where it is and check for fallen pieces. Then, play continues with the next player in the direction of play.
Fallen Pieces In Nashville
- If pieces fall off your structure without being shot, those pieces are removed from the game.
- If pieces fall off the structure you shot, take all of those fallen pieces. You must place one of those pieces on your structure and keep the rest as part of your loot. If there is only one fallen piece, you must place it on your structure.
- If you hit another player's cowboy, you may steal a piece from their loot and add it to yours. That cowboy will stand up again near their structure at the end of your turn.
Note: Unlike in Flick 'em Up, ricochets count! Anything that falls due to being hit by the bullet is valid and counts as a fallen piece or fallen cowboy! - If you accidentally hit a player's structure or cowboy you were not allowed to shoot at, including ricochets, that player places any fallen pieces in their loot. If any cactuses are among those pieces, they replace them on their structure. Finally, they stand up their cowboy near their structure. Bad luck!
Exhibition End And Fans Awarded
When the third Cactus card is on top of the Junk Art deck, continue until all players have played the same number of turns and then the exhibition ends.
Find the three tallest structures and distribute fans as follows:
- 1st tallest structure: 5 fans
- 2nd tallest structure: 3 fans
- 3rd tallest structure: 1 fan
Bonus: Each cactus in a player's structure is worth 1 bonus fan.
Find the three players with the most loot and distribute bonus fans as follows:
- 1st most loot: 5 fans
- 2nd most loot: 3 fans
- 3rd most loot: 1 fan
Cactuses are not worth bonus point when they are part of a player's loot.
The player with the most fans wins the game.
In a World Tour, players move on to the next city or conclude the tour.
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