In this section, you will find an overview of all of the market cards and a more detailed description of the way they work. Wait to read these explanations until a given market card comes into play.
Entrance, Sarcophagus, and Paved Path (2 of each)

When you get a market card like this, immediately place 1 of your stones from the quarry on the corresponding site. The stone is placed on the next available space, following the normal rules of building on that site. The card is then placed on the discard pile.
Pyramid Decoration, Temple Decoration, Burial Chamber Decoration, and Obelisk Decoration (2 of each)

When you get a market card like this, it remains face up in front of you until the end of the game. At the end of the game, you earn 1 point for every 3 stones (your own stones plus others' stones added together) found at the corresponding site.

Example: In the burial chamber, there are 13 stones at the end of the game. That means that there would be 4 points granted for the burial chamber decoration card.
Statue (10x)

When you get a market card like this, it remains face up in front of you until the end of the game. At the end of the game, you count up the number of statue cards you have and receive points in accordance with the following

Example: One player has 3 statue cards at the end of the game. For those, she gets 6 points.
Blue Market Cards
You can only use exactly 1 blue market card per turn. The use of a blue market card is not in addition to, but instead of, the use of one of the three other action possibilities: "Get new stones", "Place 1 stone on a ship", or "Sail 1 ship to a site". There are four different types of blue market cards:
Level (2)

When you get this market card, it remains face up in front of you until you use it. In a later turn, you can perform the following action a single time: Sail 1 ship to a site. Decide for yourself what sequence to follow when unloading the stones.
As always, of course, both conditions for sailing a ship must have been met. After play, the card is placed on the discard pile. If you have not used the card by the end of the game, you will get 1 point for it.
Hammer (2x)

When you get the market card, it remains face up in front of you until you use it. In a later turn, you can perform the following action a single time:
Take 3 stones from the quarry and place them on your supply sled token. Then, place 1 stone from your supply sled token on 1 ship.
After play, the card is placed on the discard pile. If you have not used the card by the end of the game, you will get 1 point for it.
Sail (3x)

When you get this market card, it remains face up in front of you until you use it. In a later turn, you can perform the following action a single time: Place 1 stone on 1 ship and sail this ship to a site.
As always, of course, both conditions for sailing a ship must have been met. After play, the card is placed on the discard pile. If you have not used the card by the end of the game, you will get 1 point for it.
Chisel (3x)

When you get this market card, it remains face up in front of you until you use it. In a later turn, you can perform the following action a single time: Place 2 stones on 1 ship or 1 stone on each of 2 ships. After play, the card is placed on the discard pile. If you have not used the card by the end of the game, you will get 1 point for it.
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