- 250 Name Cards
- Dry Erase Score Pad
- Markers & Eraser
- 60 Second Sand Timer
- Instructions
Divide all the players into a blue team and a GREEN team and randomly distribute all 250 NAME CARDS among the players.
We have created 4 sets of identities on the name cards. Choose one set to play - purple, green, orange or blue. Have each team create a deck of 25 name cards by selecting identities in the chosen color.
have each team TRADE their deck of 25 NAME CARDS with the OTHER team,

Game Play - the Identity Round
The youngest player will be the 1st Clue Giver and their team will start. Give them the name card deck created by the other team and the Sand Timer.
The Clue Giver starts the Timer and begins giving unlimited clues for the identity (in the chosen color!) on the name card.
Example: for Ellen DeGeneres say "She's a talk show host who loves to dance and is married to Portia De Rossi" and so on.
When a team member guesses correctly, the Clue Giver moves on to the next name card and play continues until the Timer runs out. If the Clue Giver can't get their team to identify the name, they put the name card at the back of the deck and move on to the next name card.
Try different dues when the name card appears again during another Clue Giver's turn.
The team puts all their correctly identified name cards to the side to total up at the end of the round and keeps the remainder of their deck of name cards to play during their next turn.
The 1st Clue Giver on the opposing team starts the Timer and begins giving clues for the name cards in their deck.
Play goes back and forth until one team has identified all the name cards in their deck.
Both teams count up all the NAME CARDS they correctly identified (1 Point per NAME CARD) and mark their score on the Dry Erase Score Pad.
Starting the Next Round
Return any name cards that weren't identified to the game box. Take the correctly identified name cards from both teams and shuffle them together to create one single deck of name cards for the crisis round.
This name-card deck will be passed back and forth between both teams until they have all been identified!

The Crisis Round
The team with the lowest score plays 1st. Pick a Clue Giver and give them the deck of correctly identified name cards along with the Sand Timer.
The Clue Giver starts the Timer and gives a one-word clue for the identity on the name card. Choose your one-word clue carefully! HINT: Try a word from the clues given in the Identity Round. For Ellen DeGeneres, say "Portia".
When a team member guesses correctly, the clue giver moves on to the next name card and play continues until the Timer runs out. If the Clue Giver can't get their team to identify the name, they must let the Timer run out OR they can shout "CRISIS!" which means the other team can guess!
If they are correct, the name CARD goes to them and they get the point. If the other team can't identify the name, the Clue Giver can put the name card at the back of the deck and move on to the next name card. Try a different one word clue when the name card appears again during another Clue Giver's turn.
The team puts all their correctly identified name cards to the side to total up at the end of the round and the remaining deck is handed to the next Clue Giver on the opposing team.
The 1st Clue Giver on the opposing team starts the Timer and begins giving one-word clues for the name cards in the remaining deck.
Play goes back and forth until all the name cards have been identified.
Both teams count up all the name cards they correctly identified (1 point per name card) and mark their score on the Dry Erase Score Pad.
End of the Game
The high score wins the game!
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