In this Bohnanza expansion, the players can invest the profits from their harvests in buildings in Virginia City, near the Bohnderosa Ranch.
The buildings have special attributes, which they offer their owners during the game and at the game end. Also, at the game end, the largest landowners earn bonus thalers.
With the buildings and the new Cognac beans in this expansion, players will find new ways to play and new tactics for winning.
As before, the player with the most thalers at the end is the winner. Players add together the thalers from the earnings stack, the bonus, and those invested in the buildings.

- 36 building cards
- 22 Cognac beans
- 5 summary cards
- Instructions
For High Bohn, the players use all the bean types, except cocoa, coffee, and wax, and the "3rd bean field" cards from the basic game.

From this expansion, use the building cards that match the bean types found in the basic game.
Leave the Cognac bean cards and the four distillery building cards in the box. They are used in the cognac variant.
The game preparation is the same as with the basic game. Players sort the building cards by type and price and place them aside. Each player takes a summary card.
The Building Cards
For each bean type, there is a corresponding building. For example, the Saloon belongs with green beans and the bank with black-eyed beans.
For each building, there are four cards, one each with the price of one, two, three, and four thalers. The higher the price, the better attribute the building offers its owner.
Note: althougher a player discards the thalers invested in buildings, they are not lost as the building price counts toward a players total score at game end.
Legend for Building Cards: (example Building Card "4 Bank")

Buying Building Cards
A player may only buy a building by spending thalers of the corresponding bean type. For example, to buy one of the four Saloons, a player must spend thalers with green beans on the other side and to buy one of the banks, a player must spend thalers with black-eyed beans on the other side.
Note: this is contrary to the basic game where the bean shown on the other side of a thaler has no significance! The price of a building is shown by the golden stack of thalers at the bottom of the card.
Thus, the 3 Saloon costs 3 thalers, but each must have a green bean on the other side. Similarly, the 1 Bank costs one thaler with a black-eyed bean on the other side.
A player may only buy one building of each building type. Thus, for example, a player may buy only one saloon or one bank. A player may buy several buildings at once when he has the necessary thalers.
There is no restriction as to which building of a type is bought first, second, etc. The price of a building does not direct the buying order of the buildings.
Basically, a player can buy buildings at any time, even when he is not taking his turn. If several players want to buy the same building at the same time, the player currently taking his turn has priority. If he does not want the building, the other players have priority in clockwise order from the player taking his turn.
Flayers place the bean thalers they pay for buildings on the disc aid stack. A player may immediately begin using the attribute of a building as soon as he buys it.
Playing with Building Cards
On a player's turn, the game is played, as in the basic game, with four phases:
- 1st phase: plant bean card(s)
- 2nd phase: draw, trade, & donate bean cards
- 3rd phase: plant drawn, traded, & donated beans
- 4th phase: draw new bean cards
The play of the phases can be altered by the attributes offered by the various buildings that players have acquired. These attributes can change or nullify the normal rules as written for the basic game. These attributes apply only to the player who owns the building.
The 1 buildings offer their owners no special attributes during the game. However, they do offer their owners something at game end. Like all other building cards, players may earn bonus points for their buildings at the game end (see GAME END).
Depending on the number of players, some building cards will be removed at specific times during the game. When and which cards are removed is described below, based on the number of players:
With three players: when two players each have a building of the same type, for example, the 2 farm and the 4 farm, the other two buildings of this type are removed from the game.
In this case, the 1 farm and the 3 farms. The third player cannot buy a farm building.
With four players: when three players each have a building of the same type, for example, the 1,3, and 4 banks, the fourth building of that type is removed from the game.
In this case, the 2 bank is removed from the game. The fourth player cannot buy a bank building.
With five players: only with five players will no buildings be removed from the game. So players may buy buildings of a type until all are gone.
Of course, this means that after the fourth building of a type is bought, the fifth player cannot buy a building of that type.
The Buildings
The attributes of 2, 3, and 4 buildings allow players to change the rules during play. These rules are described on the cards. In addition, the more information on these cards is detailed below.
Garden Bean ' Gold Mine

The owner of the 2 Gold mine pays only 1 thaler for a "3rd bean field".
The owner of the 3 Gold mine uses the beanometer on the gold mine card instead of that on the garden bean cards when harvesting garden beans.
In addition, he can harvest a single garden bean even when other fields have more beans. This only works for garden beans.
The 4 Gold mine is an additional bean field. If the owner buys a "3rd bean field", he has four bean fields.

Red Bean ' Indian Tipi
At game end, the owner of a Indian tipi earns an additional thaler (from the discard stack), for each 8, 6, or 5 thalers in his earnings stack, depending on which Indian tipi the player owns.
Black-eyed Bean ' Bank

The attribute of the Bank must be taken at the exact time indicated on the card. If the player does not use the attribute at that time, he may not take it later.
Soy Bean ' Farm

The attribute of the 2 Farm allows a player to plant soy beans in a field that already has other beans (numbered 14 or higher).
If a soy bean is already on a bean field, the player cannot use the 2 Farm for that field. The player may continue to plant both kinds of beans in the field until he harvests it.
The owner of a 2 Farm may also not use that attribute with a bean stew field (see also 3 and 4 Saloon). The owner of the 3 Farm must always, like others, plant at least one bean card in phase 1.
He may also plant two or three bean cards in phase 1, instead of only two. With the attribute of the 4 Farm, the owner earns 5 thalers from a harvest that would normally earn him exactly 4 thalers.
The attribute of the 4 Farm works very well with some other buildings. For example, the 3 Saloon, the 4 Saloon, and the 3 Jail. For example, if a player owns the 4 Farm and the 3 Jail, he can harvest eight blue beans for a total of 5 thalers.
Green Bean 1 Saloon

The 2 Saloon is like a "3rd bean field", but only green beans may be planted there. For this "field", the normal harvesting rules apply.
This means that a player may not harvest a single bean from the 2 saloon when other field(s) have 2 or more beans. Also, a player may not harvest a single bean from another field when the 2 saloon has 2 or more beans on it.

And, the saloon allows a player to break the rule and have two fields with green beans, as long as the 2 saloon is one of the fields with green beans.
The owner of a 3 or 4 Saloon may choose to plant one bean each of different types in one or more of his fields. In such a field, the player may not have 2 beans of the same type. This planting is called bean stew.
When a player harvests a bean stew field, he uses the beanometer on the 2 or 3 saloon card he owns. He places the thalers so earned under the saloon. Thus, he may not use such thalers to buy buildings or a 3rd bean field.
At game end, these thalers are added to the players earnings stack (before applying Indian tipi). When a player buys a 3 or 4 saloon, he may immediately use its attribute in a normal field with just one bean planted, converting the field to a bean stew field.
Stink Bean ' General Store

The owner of a 2, 3, or 4 General Store, may store one, two, or three beans (depending on which general store he owns) directly on the general store card.
The General Store can act as a storehouse for beans played in phase 1, drawn from the draw deck in phase 2, or received in trades or donations in phase 3, that the player does not want to plant.
Such stored beans may only be traded or donated to other players. The player may never plant beans stored in his general store on any of his bean fields.
Also, a player who receives a bean (either in trade or donated) from another players general store, must plant it and may not place it in his general store.
Chili Bean' Blacksmith

The 2 Hacksmith is like a "3rd bean field", but only chili beans may be planted there. For this "field", the normal harvesting rules apply. This means that a player may not harvest a single bean from the 2 blacksmith when other field(s) have 2 or more beans.
Also, a player may not harvest a single bean from another field when the 2 blacksmith has 2 or more beans on it. And, the blacksmith allows a player to break the rule and have two fields with chili beans, as long as the 2 blacksmith is one of the fields with chili beans.
The owner of the 3 Blacksmith uses the beanometer on the 3 blacksmith card when harvesting chili beans instead of the beanometer on the chili bean cards.
The owner of the 4 Blacksmith may harvest a field with only one bean. The field harvest may be any bean type.
Blue Bean ' Jail

The owner of the 2 or 3 Jail uses the beanometer on his 2 or 3 jail card when harvesting blue beans instead of the beanometer on the blue bean cards. The owner of the 4 Jail must watch for any harvest of blue beans by any player (including himself).
If any blue bean harvest results in a payment of at least one thaler, the owner of the 4 jail, takes one thaler from the discard stack as a bonus for have the 4 jail.
He also gets this bonus when blue beans are harvested at game end, if such a harvest results in a payment of at least one thaler.
End of the Game
With three and four players, the game ends when the draw deck is exhausted for the third time. With five players, the game ends when the draw deck is exhausted for the fourth time.
Now, players can buy more buildings. This begins with the player who was taking his turn when the game ended and continues clockwise until all players have had their chance to buy buildings. Now, the game is scored.
Each player counts the thalers in his earnings stack, including thalers from building like 3 or 4 saloon.
Next he adds the Indian tipi thalers and the prices he paid for all his buildings. If a player owns four or more buildings, he earns bonus thalers for his buildings as shown below:
- for 4 buildings = 1 bonus thalers
- for 5 buildings = 2 bonus thalers
- for 6 buildings = 3 bonus thalers
- for 7 buildings = 5 bonus thalers
- for 8 buildings = 8 bonus thalers
The player with the most thalers is the winner!.
Example: a player has 6 thalers in his earnings stack. He owns the following buildings: the 2 Saloon, the 2 Blacksmith, the 4 Jail, the 3 Goldmine, the 4 Indian tipi, and the 4 Farm.
His six buildings have a combined value of 19 thalers. His 4 Indian tipi earns the player an additional thaler for each thaler in his earnings stack - in this case, 1 thaler.
As he has six buildings, he earns 3 bonus thalers for the buildings. Thus, his total score for the game is 6+19+1+3 = 29 thalers.
Cognac Variant

For this variant, add the Cognac beans and their associated buildings, the Distilleries.
Thus, there are nine types of beans and nine types of buildings in the game.
The High Bohn rules are unchanged, except for the special attributes of the Distillery building cards.
Cognac Bean Distillery

The player buying the 2 Distillery must use the attribute immediately after buying the building.
When a player harvests a field of bean stew, he must give one of the thalers earned to the owner of the 3 Dstillery
The player harvesting the bean stew chooses which thaler to give to the owner of the 3 distillery.
At game end, when a player harvests a bean stew field, he must also give one thaler to the owner of the 3 distillery. At game end, the thalers collected under the 3
The player buying the 2 Distilleiymust use the attribute immediately after buying the building. When a player harvests a field of distillery are added to that players earnings stack (before applying the Indian tipi).
The owner of the 4Distillery uses the beanometer on the 4 distillery card instead of the cognac beans when harvesting cognac beans.
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