11 - Carrying Pole
The player immediately gets 1 Thaler.
12 - Barn
The player adds this additional building to his player board. With this building, the player can store 1 unit of wood, food or coal. If the resource stored during the winter storage phase is a food, the player gains 2 victory points.
13 - Pickaxe
The player obtains the tile with the improved farmhand. The improved farmhand can do the same as the farmhand but the improved farmhand can also obtain development tiles, just like the farmer.
The player can place the "Improved farmhand" tile on top of the Farmhand on the player board.
14 - Hauling Cable
The player obtains the corresponding action marker. The action marker can be used once at any time in a later phase. The player can use the marker to immediately remove 1 pit water and gain 1 victory point. After use, return the action marker to the general supply.
15 - Charcoal Burner
The player adds this additional building to his player board.
With this building, at any time the player can exchange 2 wood for 2 coal and 1 victory point. The coal is taken from the general supply.
21 - Bucket
The player no longer obtains pit water during the pit water phases in spring and autumn.
22 - Wheelbarrow
The player obtains the corresponding action marker. The action marker can be used once at any time in a later phase. The action marker with the yellow disk can be used as if it is a yellow action disk. After use, return the action marker to the general supply.
At game end the player gets 1 victory point for each section in the coal tunnel with the corresponding cart symbol where all coal cubes have been removed.
23 - Ladder
The player obtains the corresponding action marker. The action marker can be used once at any time in a later phase. The action marker with the brown disk can be used as if it is a brown action disk. After use, return the action marker to the general supply.
24 - Coal Storage
The player adds this additional building to his player board.
With this building, the player can store 1 unit of coal and 1 unit of wood. If a coal is stored during the winter storage phase, the player gets 1 victory point.
25 - Windlass
The player can remove 1 pit water immediately.
The player obtains the corresponding action marker. The action marker can be used once at any time in a later phase. The marker can be used to activate the Haspelknecht to do 3 reeling actions without pay. After use, return the action marker to the general supply. If the Haspelknecht is paid in the phase when the action marker is used, the Haspelknecht can be activated twice that phase.
31 - Mining Timber
The player obtains immediately a) 3 wood and receives 1 pit water or b) 1 Thaler.
Pit water is placed on the current pit water field of the player board.
32 - Oil Lamp
The player immediately gets 1 Thaler.
The player obtains the corresponding action marker. The action marker can be used once at any time in a later phase. The action marker can be used to exchange 1 action disk in a reserve pool with 1 action disk in the accompanying action pool. After use, return the action marker to the general supply.
At game end the player gets 1 victory point for each section in the coal tunnel with the corresponding oil lamp symbol where all coal has been removed from.
33 - Hammer and Pick
The player obtains 1 wood. The player can immediately move either a) 1 coal cube from the Pinge to his farm area or b) 1 coal from the tunnel to the shaft. The coal has to be accessible.
The player obtains the corresponding action marker. The action marker can be used once at any time in a later phase. The action marker with the black disk can be used as if it is a black action disk. After use, return the action marker to the general supply.
34 - Coal Sacks
The player immediately can exchange either a) 1 coal for 1 coin or b) 2 coal for 1 coin and 1 food. The coal has to come from the player's farm area.
35 - Water Mill
The player adds this additional building to his player board. With this building, during a later action phase, the player can use 2 yellow action disks to obtain 1 food and 2 victory points or the player can use 2 black action disks to obtain 1 Thaler.
41 - Coal Driver
The player immediately gets 1 Thaler. At game end the player gets 1 victory point for each "hammer and pick" symbol on achievement tiles obtained by the player.
42 - Lorry
The player immediately gets 2 coal markers placed on his shaft and a wood from the general supply. At game end the player gets 1 victory point for each section in the coal tunnel with the corresponding lorry symbol where all coal cubes have been removed.
43 - Handcart
The player immediately gets 1 food.
At game end the player gets 1 victory point for each "fork" symbol on development tiles obtained by the player.
44 - Horse and Cart
The player immediately gets 1 Thaler and 1 food.
During the scoring points phase of each winter, the player gets 1 victory point for each coal he has on his farm. The coal chart no longer applies.
45 - Small Coal Mine
The player immediately gets 3 Thaler.
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