Two teams of grasshoppers are both trying to knock over all their blades of grass. Take turns making your grasshoppers hop toward the blades of grass. It takes a lot of skill to aim and launch them accurately! The team that knocks over all their blades of grass first wins!

- 19 Wooden blades of grass
- 2 Grasshoppers
- 1 Fabric bag
- Instructions
Game 1: Knock It Over
Object of the Game
The first team to knock over all the blades of grass of their color, and then knock over the red blade of grass wins!
You need a lot of space on the table to play this game. You can also play on the floor. First, place the red blade of grass in the middle of the table and make two circles around it with the other blades of grass.
There will be six blades of grass in the inside circle (three light green and three dark green). There will be 12 blades of grass in the outer circle (six light green and six dark green).
Arrange the blades of grass in the circle so that they alternate between light green and dark green. Leave a space the length of one grasshopper between the red blade of grass and the inside circle. Leave the same amount of space between the inside and outside circles as well.

Divide up into two Grasshopper Teams
Now all the players should divide themselves into two teams: You can decide how you divide your players. You can play two against two, or one against three, or two against one, etc.
Each team chooses a grasshopper: One team plays with the light green grasshopper, the other with the dark green one. The light green blades of grass belong to the team with the light green grasshopper, the dark green ones belong to the team with the dark green grasshopper.
The two grasshopper teams should sit on the two opposite sides of the table or across from each other on the floor.
Game Play
The team with the youngest player goes first. One player takes the grasshopper and chooses a spot for making the first jump. Place the grasshopper so that it is aimed at a blade of grass of its own color.
The starting place for the first can be anywhere, but the grasshopper has to stay at least half an arm's length away from the blades of grass for all jumps. To make the grasshopper jump into the air, you press down on its two wingtips with your finger and then let go.
For Game 1, we recommend a distance of half an arm's length between the grasshopper and blade of grass.
For Game 2, we suggest keeping a distance of one arm's length. These are just guidelines. The distance can be adjusted based on the age and ability of the players
With a little practice, you'll be able to control the direction, height, and distance that the grasshopper jumps.

All the blades of grass that the grasshopper knocks over have to be taken off the table and out of the game, no matter whether they are light green or dark green.
If a player knocks over the red blade of grass and there are other blades of grass of that player's color still standing, the player has to set the red blade of grass up again. In addition, the opposing team gets to choose any one of their blades of grass and remove
it from the game. An important note: This rule still applies even if you knock over the red blade of grass and your team's last blade of grass at the same time!
If the grasshopper doesn't knock over a blade of grass, nothing happens. Afterwards, the player takes the grasshopper from the table and sets it up for the next player.
Now it's the other team's turn and the game continues as described above. Make sure that each player on your team takes turns being the one to make the grasshopper jump.

End of the Game
Once a team has knocked over all of their own blades of grass, they have to knock over the red blade of grass.
The first team to knock over the red blade of grass wins!
Game 2: Grasshopper Obstacle Course
Object of the Game
The first team to complete the obstacle course and then knock over the red blade of grass wins!
This version of the game is best played on the floor and in an area where you have a lot of space. Create your own obstacle course with the wooden blades of grass.
Look around the room for suitable places to set up the blades of grass for your grasshopper to knock over. Set up two blades of grass in a row (a light green one and a dark green one) at each spot you choose.
The distance from one obstacle to the next should be at least a one arm's length * Set up the red blade of grass at the end of the obstacle course. After that, everyone should agree on a starting place, which should be at least one arm's length from the first blade of grass. Place your grasshoppers on that point.
Tips: You can be creative as you're building the obstacle course. You can set up the blades of grass at different heights or in places where they are slightly obscured from view.
Arrange the obstacle course so that it's somewhat easier at the beginning. Think up more difficult obstacles when you've had some more practice.
Make sure that the blades of grass aren't too high up off the ground (about 15 inches maximum) so your grasshoppers can actually reach them.

Divide Into Teams
Now all the players should divide themselves into two teams. You can decide how you divide your players. Each team chooses a grasshopper they'll use to go through the obstacle course: One team plays with the light green grasshopper, the other with the dark green one.
The light green blades of grass belong to the team with the light green grasshopper, the dark green ones belong to the team with the dark green grasshopper.
There is no set playing field for this version of the game. Throughout the game, the teams can move through the space as they wish.
Game Play
The team with the youngest player goes first. This team places their grasshopper on the obstacle course's starting place.
An important note: You have to knock the obstacles over in order, even if there's another one that's easier to get to.
To make the grasshopper jump into the air, you press down on its two wingtips with your finger and then let go. The first team launches its grasshopper.
If a player's grasshopper knocks over his or her team's blade of grass, he or she can remove it from the course. If the player also knocked over the opposing team's blade of grass, set it up again where it was.
Since the player knocked over one of his or her own blades of grass, the player gets another turn and can move on to try to knock over the next obstacle.
If the player knocks over the next of his or her team's blades of grass, he or she gets another turn to jump, and so on.
If the grasshopper only knocks over the opposing team's blade of grass, the blade of grass has to be set up again. That player does not get to remove a blade of grass from the course that turn.
If the grasshopper doesn't knock anything over, nothing happens.
Now it's the other team's turn and the game continues as described above, with the teams taking alternating turns. Make sure that each player on your team takes turns being the one to make the grasshopper jump.
An important note: Throughout the course of the whole game, the grasshoppers cannot be repositioned! Wherever the grasshopper lands is the place where it should jump from next.
The next player on the team has to make its grasshopper jump from wherever this grasshopper landed last. However, you are allowed to turn the grasshopper around to make it easier to hit one of the blades of grass.

End of the Game
Once a team has finished the obstacle course, they try to knock over the red blade of grass. The first team to knock over the red blade of grass with their grasshopper wins!
Warning! Risk of Injury!
While you're playing this game, be careful not to make the grasshopper jump into another player's face.
Keep some distance from the player who's making the grasshopper jump.
Make sure that you only play with the grasshopper where it won't cause any damage.
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