Location Actions

Return the indicated number of Servants from the Servant pool on your Player Board to the general supply.

Lose 1 Servant from your Ship by moving it to the appropriate space on your Player Board, where it stays for the rest of the game.

Move the indicated number of Servants from your Servant pool on your Player Board to the appropriate space on the Game Board or your Ship.

Immediately score the indicated number of VPs by moving your Score Marker on the Score Track.
Score the indicated number of VPs at the end of the game.
List of Travel Tokens

Receive 1 Servant and place it in your Servant pool.

Receive 2 Servants and place them in your Servant pool.

Move your Envoy up 1 space on the Palace track.

Move your Intrigue marker up 1 space on the Intrigue track.

Discard a Gift Card of value 7 or higher from your hand onto your discard pile and receive 1 Jade stone from the general supply.

Take 1 of your discarded Gift Cards back into your hand.

Exchange 1 of your Cards (from your hand or discard pile) with a Card on the Game Board. If you used a Card from your discard pile, place the new Card into your discard pile as well. If you used a hand Card, you may add the new Card to your hand.

Receive 2 VPs.

Take 1 Servant from the general supply and place it on 1 of your Ships on the Grand Canal (or place a new Ship and add the Servant, according to the normal rules of this action). If this is the 3rd Servant on this Ship, you may claim the reward of the Harbor immediately.

Return 3 Servants from your Servant pool to the general supply and receive 1 Jade stone in exchange.

Place 1 Servant from the general supply on the Great Wall. If this completes the Great Wall, score it as usual (see "Great Wall Scoring" in the next section).

This Travel Token counts as 2 tiles when exchanging Travel Tokens into Servants, VPs or Jade stones. Impor- tant: this is the only type of Travel Token you keep face up and do not immediately get a benefit from!
List of Decrees
Level 1:

Immediately score 2 VPs. In each Morning Phase, you may move your Intrigue marker up 2 steps on the Intrigue track.

Immediately score 2 VPs. In each Morning Phase, you may place 1 Servant from the general supply on 1 of your Ships (or place a new Ship to add the Servant, according to the normal rules of this action). If this is the 3rd Servant on this Ship, you may claim the reward of the Ship's Harbor immediately.

Immediately score 3 VPs. In each Morning Phase, you may add 1 Servant from the general supply to your Servant pool.

Immediately score 3 VPs. In each Morning Phase, you may move your Envoy up 1 step on the Palace track. If your Envoy is already in the Palace, score 1 VP instead.

Immediately score 3 VPs. In each Morning Phase, exchange 1 of your Gift Cards with a Gift Card on the Game Board. Note that this happens after the Destiny dice are rolled.
Level 2:

Immediately score 2 VPs. Whenever you perform the Travel action and choose to move your Traveller twice, you may remove 1 Servant fewer to do so.

Immediately score 2 VPs. Whenever you perform the Jade action, you may remove 1 Servant fewer than indicated. This advantage does not apply to other locations where you can obtain Jade.

Immediately score 3 VPs. Whenever you perform the Great Wall action, you may place an extra Servant from the general supply on the Wall. If this com pletes the Great Wall, score it as usual.

Immediately score 3 VPs. Whenever you exchange Gifts, you may now also exchange Gifts of the same value with an Official and perform the action.

Immediately score 4 VPs. Whenever you perform the Decrees action, you may remove 1 Servant fewer than indicated.
Level 3:

At the end of the game, score 1 VP for every 3 VPs you scored during the game, up to a maximum of 10 additional VPs. Score this Decree before other level 3 Decrees. Also respect the order of the end scoring as explained on page 14 and depicted on your Player Board.

At the end of the game, score 8 VPs.

At the end of the game, score 2 extra VPs for every Jade stone you own, up to a maximum of 10 VPs.

At the end of the game, score 2 VPs for each of your Servants on the Decrees, including this one.

At the end of the game, score 2 VPs for each Servant next to the Harbor rewards on your Player Board.
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