- 9-square playing board
- 6 red Gobblets
- 6 yellow Gobblets
- Instructions
Object of the Game
Like Tic-Tac-Toe, you must be the first player to get 3 pieces in a row to win.
Game Play
Each player chooses a color. Then, in turn, you can either:
Put a new Gobblet on the board, on an empty space or over a smaller Gobblet.
Move one of your Gobblets already on the board to an empty space or over a smaller Gobblet.
Once you touch a Gobblet on the board, you must move it. When you move a Gobblet on the board, make sure to lift it so that you only move one Gobblet at a time.
End of the Game
If you are the first player to align 3 pieces in a row, you win!

Tips on Strategy
You don't have to start with your bigger pieces. Do not hesitate to gobble up your opponent's pieces. You can gobble up your own pieces.
The first player to align 3 pieces in a row wins, so when you wish to move a piece try to remember what is under it.
Always look at what your opponent is doing, think ahead and have fun.
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