- 4 hand bands (machine-washable)
- 2 cans of sculpting clay
- 2 drawing pads
- 60 challenge cards
- Instructions
Object of the Game
Earn cards by completing challenges without using your thumbs and fingers!
Get a timer and two pens or pencils from home. You'll need these for some challenges. Some of the DO IT challenges require additional items from home. (See the list on the back page). Gather as many of these items as you can!
Shuffle all the challenge cards together and place the deck face down in the center of the table.
Decide how many fingers per hand you're allowed to use during challenges. Remember, no thumbs allowed! We suggest older players use two fingers and younger players use four.

Putting on the 'no-thumb' Bands

On your turn, wrap up both your hands. For a greater challenge, tuck in additional fingers!

Game Play
Take turns competing against each other. The youngest player goes first!
Draw the top card from the challenge deck, read it aloud and pick an opponent.
Put the 'no-thumb' bands on both hands and do the challenge!
The winner keeps the challenge card and starts the next challenge by turning over the top card and picking an opponent. (You may not pick the player you just competed against).
Keep playing until someone collects three cards.

The Challenges
Sculpt It
Get Ready! Take the sculpting clay out of its can and put it in front of you.
Put your fingers on the table, then count down from three.
Go! You have the amount of time shown on the card to sculpt the object. Use your imagination and creativity!
Talk It Out! Sha re your sculpture with the other players and explain why yours is better than your opponent's. Be creative! If you want, make up a story about your sculpture.
Vote! The other players pick a winner based on whose sculpture they think is the best. If there's a tie, the players should complete another challenge. The winner gets both cards!
Draw It
Get Ready! Grab a pen or pencil and a piece of paper. Put your fingers on the table, then count down from three.
Go! You have the amount of time shown on the card to draw the image.
Vote! The other players pick a winner based on whose drawing best matches the image. If there's a tie, the players should complete another challenge. The winner gets both cards!
Do It
Get Ready! Gather any items needed for the challenge. (If you don't have the items, draw a new challenge card). Put your fingers on the table, then count down from three.
Go! Do the challenge on the card. There should be a clear winner.

End of the Game
The first person to collect three cards wins the game!
Ramp Up the Challenge
Keep the fun going by designing your own no-thumbs challenges using items from home!
Clean Up
To clean the sculpting clay from surfaces, allow it to dry and then scrape or vacuum it. The 'no-thumb' bands are machine-washable.
Do It Challenge Items
- 12 plastic or paper cups
- 4 elastic bands
- 2 pairs of shoes with laces 2 button-up shirts
- 2 zip-up jackets
- 2 pillows with pillowcases 2 coins of the same size
- 2 resealable bags
- pad of sticky notes
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