Starting And Knowledge Cards
During a fight you can use the special abilities of all drawn fighting cards in any order you like. When you activate a special ability, you must finish it before you can use the special ability of another card.

+1 life: You can take 1 life point from the reserve and add it to Robinson's storage (Max. 22 life points).
+2 life: You can take up to 2 life tokens from the reserve and add them to Robinson's storage (Max. 22 life points).
+1 card: You can draw 1 additional fighting card for free (place it on the right side of the hazard card).
+2 cards: You can draw up to 2 additional fighting cards for free (place them on the right side of the hazard card).
1x destroy: Not all fighting cards in the Robinson stack are helpful for you.With this special ability you turn 1 of the other drawn fighting cards face-down.
The abilities of this card are canceled for the actual fight, but the card still counts as a fighting card and has a fighting value of 0. This card cannot be removed anymore by another special ability!
After the end of the fight you destroy this face-down card and remove it from the game.
1x double: You can double the fighting value of 1 of the other drawn fighting cards. You can only double a single fighting value once per fight.
If you have multiple copies of this ability, you must use them on different fighting cards, this ability is not cumulative! This ability is only activated at the end of the fight, when you compare your fighting value with the hazard value.
1x copy: You can copy the special ability of 1 of the other drawn fighting cards, to use it again. You can copy the same ability with several »copy« abilities.
Step -1: If you fight against a hazard in the »yellow Step« or the »red Step«, you can reduce the hazard value by one Step (e.g. if you fight against a »yellow Step« hazard, you now check the green hazard value instead of the yellow one).
This action is only activated at the end of the fight, when you compare your fighting value with the hazard value. This special ability is useless against »green Step« hazards and pirates.
Sort 3 cards: You can draw up to 3 cards one after the other from the Robinson stack and look at them. Afterwards you can discard up to 1 of these cards on the Robinson discard pile and place the remaining cards face-down back on the Robinson stack in the order you choose.
1x exchange: You place 1 of the other drawn face-up fighting cards on the Robinson discard pile (you can choose one card you already used for the special ability) and draw a new card as replacement.
Place it on the same spot of the discarded card. If the new card has a special ability, you can use it now or later during the fight.
2x exchange: You can exchange up to 2 of the other drawn cards. You must finish the first exchange before starting the second exchange. You can directly exchange the newly drawn card during the second time (of course if you do this, you cannot use the special ability of this exchanged card).
1x below the stack: You place 1 of the other drawn drawn fighting cards back below the Robinson stack. If you choose one of the free cards from the left side of the hazard card, you can draw an exchange card.
The Robinson stack must consist of at least 1 single card to use this special ability. If the Robinson stack is empty, shuffle the Robinson discard pile.
Aging Cards
You must use the special abilities of the aging cards during the fight against a hazard card! If you destroy or remove one of these cards with help of another special ability, the special ability is canceled (this is the same while fighting against pirates).
-1 life: At the end of the fight you must pay 1 (additional) life point to the reserve, even if you win the fight. You cannot use this life point to destroy one of the drawn fighting cards!
-2 life: At the end of the fight you must pay 2 (additional) life points to the reserve, even if you win the fight. You cannot use these life points to destroy one (or more) of the drawn fighting cards!
Highest card = 0: When checking for the result of the fight, the highest unchanged positive fighting value of one of your drawn fighting cards counts as 0 fighting points. If you have several cards with the equally highest fighting value, only one card is affected.
Stop: This card stops your drawing of free cards. If you must place this card on the left side of the hazard card, you immediately must stop drawing free cards, even if you did not get all the allowed free cards.
If you place this card as one of the additional cards on the right side of the hazard card, this card only has a fighting value of 0. If you destroy or remove this card during the fight, you might be able to continue to draw free cards, as long as you still get free cards.
Pirate Cards

Five normal pirate cards only show the hazard value A and the number of free cards B , you can draw during the fight against these pirates. Five additional pirates also have special abilities, where these instructions may vary.

Each additional fighting card costs 2 life points: After drawing all the free fighting cards, you must pay 2 life points for each additional fighting card against this pirate (instead of the usual 1 life point for each card). If you only have 1 life point left and still must draw cards, you place this life point back into the reserve and lose the game.
Only half of the fighting cards count (aging cards must be part of this): You can only use the fighting points of half of the drawn fighting cards. You must use all drawn aging cards, they block one of the rare places. If you have an odd number of cards, you can round up in your favor.
Each drawn fighting card counts +1 fighting point: At the end of the fight you add 1 fighting point for all drawn fighting cards (starting cards, aging cards, knowledge cards and via special actions turned cards) to your total.
Fight against all remaining hazard cards: Add up all red hazard points of the remaining undefeated hazard cards (»red Step«) in the hazard discard pile for the hazard value of this pirate.
Add up all values in the white boxes for the number of free fighting cards you can draw for this fight. (At the game end all these hazard cards still count -3 points when you determine your score!)
+2 hazard points for each aging card added to your Robinson stack: Count the number of aging cards you needed to add to your Robinson stack during the game, before you start fighting against this pirate. Each of these cards adds +2 hazard points for the hazard value of this pirate.
You can count the remaining aging cards on the aging storage board (you start with 10 cards on this board, 11 cards in level 3 and 4 ).
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