Alternate Game Modes
Teams alternate running out the timer and guess as many cards as they can. Team #1 starts the timer and begins guessing cards.
Once one player has finished another player from the same team continues, then another player from the same team goes and so on until the timer runs out.
When the timer runs out it's the other team's turn to guess as many cards as they can in the 60 seconds. First to collect 21 cards wins.
Solo Blitz
The play begins with one person starting the timer and trying to get his/her team to guess as many cards as they can before the timer runs out. The play then moves counter-clockwise to one member of the other team.
It's now their turn to do the same thing. The first team to collect 21 cards wins.
Hydration Games
Grab your juices boxes and gather around for a few fun games.

One Goes We All Go
This one is simple, every time the buzzer goes off the whole team drinks. So if your team is guessing a word and the timer goes off, yep, you all drink.
Sole Rider
When the timer goes off whoever is describing the word drinks.
This one's a little more confusing but try to follow us. Okay, so when the timer goes off for whichever team is guessing, the opposite team gets to create a rule for the other team.
Make sense? No? Okay, we'll try again. Say team #1 is guessing and the timer goes off while they're guessing team #2 gets to create a rule for team #1.
Example Rule: every time the word on the card starts with "J" everyone on your team has to drink their juice.
Get it? Good. Have some mercy with this one, drinking too much apple juice can give you a tummy ache.
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