Q: What happens if I want to play a New Rule but there's already a New Rule in the center on the table? Does it replace the old New Rule, or do they peacefully co-exist?

A: It all depends on contradictions. There's no limit on the number of New Rules that can be in play at once, as long as they don't interfere with each other.
If the New Rule you are adding has nothing to do with the existing New Rule, both rules remain.
However, if both rules are about the same thing, for example how many cards to Draw, then the new card becomes the rule and the old rule is discarded.
Q: What if a New Rule, such as Play 3, contradicts the Basic Rules?
A: The New Rule still supersedes the Basic Rules, but the Basic Rules card does not get discarded. To help to avoid confusion, the New Rule can be placed to cover-up the portion of Basic Rules it replaces, as shown.
Q: What if the Rules require me to Play 4 but I only have 2 cards?
A: Play as many as you can. Your turn ends when you have no cards left in your hand, even if you are supposed to play more.
Q: Suppose the rule is Play 2 and for my second play I change the rules to Play 3. Do I play one more card or am I done because I played two?
A: All rules take effect immediately, so you would need to play one more card because the rules at that point had become Play 3.
Q: How do I interpret the Play All card? If, by playing my cards, I receive more cards in my hand, do those new cards have to be played as well, so that I will always end up with zero cards in my hand at the end of my turn as long as Play All is on the table?
A: Yes.
Q: If I play a Keeper, and I already had a Keeper, do I have to discard the first one to play the new one? Is there a Limit to the number of Keepers I can have in play?
A: You can have as many Keepers in front of you as you want, unless a Keeper Limit New Rule card is played. Even then, you can play as many Keepers as the current rules will allow during your turn and only decide which ones to keep and which to throw away (so as to comply with the Keeper Limit) when your turn is over.
Q: Suppose there's a Hand or Keeper Limit rule in play when my turn begins, but, during the course of my turn, the limit card is removed and discarded as a result of another Rule card or Action card. Is it still necessary for me to discard down to the limit that is no longer in play?
A: Nope! Just as Rules take effect immediately, their effects also cease the moment the rule disappears.
Q: Does a Hand Limit mean "hold the limit number, unless you already have fewer cards, in which case hold that lower number"?
A: Yes. It's not a quota that you must draw up to in order to meet, it's simply a cap on the number of cards you're allowed to hold.
Q: When discarding cards because of a Limit rule, do you get to choose what to discard, or is it random?
A: You get to choose.
Q: Suppose it's my turn, and the current Goal says you need two Keepers to win, and I have one of them, and someone else has the other Keeper on the table. Can I just grab it from him and win?
A: That would be cheating, unless you play the Steal a Keeper Action card which allows you to do exactly that.
Q: Can I look at the cards in the discard pile?
A: Yes, anyone can look through the discard pile at any time.
Q: If the Trade Hands card is played and the rest of the players have no cards, is that player required to give away the rest of his cards for nothing in return or is the action optional?
A: If you play the card, you have to carry out the action, so yes, you'd have to give away the rest of your hand and get nothing in return if everyone else is empty handed. It says on the card, "This is one of those times when you can get something for nothing". Well, it's also a time when you might give something away and get nothing back!
Q: Do I get to play any cards or take any actions when it's not my turn?
A: When it's someone else's turn, there's not much you get to do - there are no cards you can play out of turn. But you will sometimes need to make minor decisions and perform card maintenance during other players' turns.
For example, if someone plays a Hand Limit and you have more cards in your hand than are allowed, you'll need to decide what to keep and what to discard.
Q: Suppose I play Draw 2 and Use 'Em and I draw two Goals, and one of them will cause my opponent to win. Can I play the two Goals in instant succession, with the one that doesn't make them win on top, so that they don't get to win?
A: No. Any time a Goal is played, it provides a chance for someone to win with those conditions. No matter how briefly that Goal is in play, it counts, and if someone meets the conditions in that instant, they win.
Q: If you play Use What You Take and pull a Keeper, do you use it on the person you took it from or does it go in your own Keeper collection?
A: YOU play the card you stole, so you get to keep the Keeper.
Q: If a card played as a result of Draw 3, Play 2, or Draw 2 and Use 'Em causes me to draw extra cards, do they go into my set aside hand, or are they added to my "temporary hand"?
A: Any additional cards drawn to your hand should go to your set-aside hand.
Q: Can I use a "free action" at any time during my turn, or do I have to do it at the beginning?
A: You can take any of the "free actions" at any time during your turn: before you draw, in the middle of your plays, or after all your plays are done. In fact, your turn is not technically over until you have used, or declined to use those options. If you simply forget, however, and let the next person take their turn, your opponents are not required to point it out to you, and once the next person starts their turn, you've lost the option.
Q: Do the cards you draw as part of the No Hand Bonus count towards the current Draw Rule?
A: No, they are drawn as a "pre-turn" action, as though those three cards were your pre-existing hand. You observe the current Draw rule after having drawn those cards.
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