Radiation poisoning is a very real danger for survivors in this new world. It is possible to gain Toxicity while:
- Diving for resources
- Drawing Ocean Tiles
- Completing a lap on the Survivor Track

Each time you gain Toxicity, advance your Toxicity tracker one space forward on your Toxicity Track.
Whenever that tracker reaches the last space of its Track, advance your Scoring Penalty Marker one space, then return your Toxicity tracker to the first space on the track.
At the end of the game, you will gain or lose equal to the amount indicated under your Scoring Penalty Marker.
Additionally, players with lower Toxicity break ties (for Guild Seal majorities, and also for final scoring).
Survivors and the Survivor Track
During the game, it is possible to rescue Survivors while:
- Playing certain Crew cards (as a bonus effect)
- Diving for resources
- Gaining Influence with the Speakers' Guild

When you rescue a Survivor, advance the Survivor tracker one space clockwise around the Survivor Ring, and gain any bonuses you land on or pass. These bonuses could be , a new Crew card, or a Milestone.
When you land on the Milestone space, take the following steps:
- Gain 2 Toxicity
- Draw a tile from the Artifact bag
- Choose a Guild Dial, and increase its value by one (maximum 4).
Artifacts represent culturally significant objects from the old world. These artifacts can be discovered or procured in ways that include:
- Whenever you place an Ocean Tile that completes a full Artifact circle graphic of the same color.
- Whenever you rescue a Survivor that allows you to advance the Survivor track onto the Milestone space.

Whenever you gain an Artifact, draw a random tile from the Artifact bag, and immediately resolve its Discovery Reward effect.
Then, flip the tile over and insert it into the appropriate slot on the Hub board, such that the nearest Guild dial matches the Artifact's color. These Artifacts will henceforth contribute to the bonuses that Skysiders collect whenever they roll Research dice that feature three or more results that match that Artifact's color.
Note: If no Artifacts have been added to the Hub board yet, you can still gain the bonus printed on the board under the first slot. Once that slot's icon is covered, it is no longer counted towards these bonuses.
If you would ever draw an Artifact tile, but none remain in the bag, instead gain 4 .
Sonar Track and Sonar Stations

The Sonar Track determines the value of the Sonar icon on all Dive dice. At the start of the game, when the Sonar Track is at its first space, each Sonar icon rolled on a Dive die represents one Toxicity.
As a Skysider, whenever you assemble a circle of three tiles that form a completed Sonar Station, you immediately advance the Sonar Tracker one space on the Sonar Track, and score the indicated under that space.
Advancing this track changes the Sonar icons on all Dive dice to:

Gain one Survivor and one Toxicity.

Gain one Survivor.

Gain one Survivor, then roll another Dive die of the same type and add it to your results. You cannot roll more dice in total than currently remain in the supply.

Gain one Survivor and an additional , then roll another Dive die of the same type and add it to your results. You cannot roll more dice in total than currently remain in the supply.
If you would ever need to advance the Sonar Track, but it is already at the farthest space on the Track, instead gain 5 .
Turning from Sinkside to Skyside
Whenever you play your Captain, you may choose to turn to the Skyside and join the Flotilla if you wish. There is no requirement to do this, and you may do it at any point in the game-on your very first turn, your very last turn, any time in-between, or even never at all!
To join the Flotilla, take the following steps as printed on your reference card (after you resolve your Captain card):
Pick up all of your Skiffs from your Ocean Tiles, and sell each of them at the value printed on the Docks tile. The later you join the Flotilla, the less your Skiffs will be worth!
For example, when playing with four players, the first player to join the Flotilla may sell their Skiffs for 16
each. The second player to join the Flotilla sells their Skiffs for 12
each, etc.
Move any resources that were on your Skiffs into your supply.
Pick up each of your non-Starter tiles with Outpost markers on them, and return them to the bag. Return those Outpost markers to the game box.
Pick up all of your remaining Ocean Tiles, flip them over to their Skyside, and add them to your reserve (in a stack beside your player board).
Flip all of your Crew cards over to their Skyside.
Flip your Starting Tile over to its Skyside, leaving it attached to the Hub Board at its same location. If your Starting Tile had an Outpost on it, set that Outpost aside, and place it back on your Starter Tile's Construction Site after you flip it.
You may build a number of Ocean Tiles from your reserve up to the applicable number printed on the Docks tile. The later you join the Flotilla, the more Tiles you may build at this time.
Outpost Objectives
You may use a Transaction and an indicated amount of currency to purchase an Outpost Objective tile. The amount of currency is indicated beside the topmost available Outpost token on your player board-the first being 20 , with that price rising for each Outpost you've built.

To build an Outpost, you must have an available Construction Site. If you do not, you may pay the additional fee printed on your player board (10 for Sinkside, 20
for Skyside)-the first to ignore this requirement, and build a Floating Outpost on the open water instead. In any case, move the Outpost token to its destination.
When purchasing an Outpost Objective tile, choose one of the tile stacks, and score the objective printed on its topmost tile immediately. These objectives will scale to your accomplishments over the game.
The first two tiles that are purchased from a stack are removed and set aside. The third and bottom tile in the stack remains, and can be purchased any number of times by any number of players without being removed.
Sail and Income Effects

All Sinkside cards feature a number, known as its "Sail" value. A card's Sail value tells you how many total spaces you may move your Skiffs. For each point of Sail value, you may move one of your Skiffs to an adjacent tile. If you have multiple Skiffs, you may divide your Sail value among those Skiffs.
Whenever one of your Skiffs lands on or passes by you may move any resources from that Skiff to your personal reserve. Note: dropping off resources does not end your Skiff movement!
Likewise, each Skyside card features a number, known as its "Income" value. Whenever you play a Skyside card, you immediately gain the currency printed on that card.
Fully resolve Sail and Income effects before you resolve the card's text ability.
Crew Card Keywords
Two Keywords appear on several Crew cards.
To Retire a Crew card, return it to the game box instead of placing it into your discard pile after its ability resolves. Retiring a Crew card will often provide a powerful optional effect.
Refers to the topmost Crew card of a given discard pile. Many effects, like the Scholar's, will care about what your opponents have Topside.
The Golden Rule: If a game component's text contradicts the rules as written in this manual, always resolve the game component's text as printed.
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