
- 30 Coin Cards
- 35 Fruit Cards
- 25 Player dice
- 15 Customer Tokens
- 7 Boat Tiles
- 2 Ama dice (2/3 player only)
- 2 Board dice
- 2 Fixed Tiles
- 1 Fruit Stand Tile
- 1 Game Board
- 1 Start Player Marker
Ama is tired. It has been a long day of chasing her grandchildren and she needs a break. Ama has been around for a long time and she has a few tricks up her sleeve. With the promise of her famous fruit salad, Ama sends her grandchildren down to the Damnoen Saduak Floating Market to collect fruit... and to get out of her hair!
Collecting different fruit is no easy task, as the fruit boats - full of Mango, Banana, Papaya, Guava, Grapefruit, Rambutan, and the famous Starfruit - are constantly shifting around the Khlong Damnoen Saduak Canal of Thailand.
Players are eager grandchildren, competing to be the first to collect five different types of fruit for Ama... AND get the first bowl of fruit salad!

In Floating Market, players are vying to be the first to collect FIVE different pieces of fruit from the famous Damnoen Saduak Floating Market.
Players each control Customers (Ama's grandchildren), which they will be assigned to fruit boats (to collect fruit) and to buildings (to receive special bonuses).
Each player will also add a die to the dice pool each round in an attempt to influence a die roll that determines which fruit Boat will hand out fruit.

Give each player: 1 set of five dice and 3 Customer tokens, and 2 Coin cards. Then:
- Place the game board, which represents the Floating Market, in the middle of the play area.
- Place the Fruit and Coin cards in separate face up piles at the side of the game board.
Randomly place one Boat tile face up on each Boat Tile Location on the game board.
- Place the Fixed tiles, Board dice, and Fruit Stand Tile on the game board as shown.
- The player who has most recently eaten fruit salad receives the Start Player Marker.
2/3 Player Setup
Since there are not as many Grandchildren today Ama sends help to make sure that you get the right fruit!
2/3p: Place Customers of an unused color on the "20-23" and "9-13" Boat Locations. These are blocked in the 1st round.
3p: Place one Ama Die in the dice pool. It will return to the dice pool after every roll.
2p: Place both Ama Dice in the dice pool. They will return to the dice pool after every roll.
Flip the Boat Tile in the "29-35" Boat Tile Location face down. That fruit and Location will not be used this game. Return the matching Fruit cards to the box.
Place the
over the Woodworker's Stall
Note: The Artist's Hut and one of the two Market spaces are not used in 2p (marked 3+ on the game board).

Assign Customers

Beginning with the Start Player and proceeding clockwise, each player MUST place one Customer on any unoccupied Building, Dock, or Boat and add any one of their dice to the dice pool.
The dice will be used to determine who gets fruit in the Collect fruit phase!

Players will only add a die to the Die pool when placing their FIRST Customer each round. Buildings may allow Players to add additional dice when placing their 2nd and/ or 3rd Customers.
Play then continues in turn order until all players have placed their two remaining Customers one at a time.
Only ONE Customer may be placed on each Boat Tile, Dock, or Building (unless otherwise indicated).
When a Customer is assigned to a Building it is either activated immediately or during the Collect Fruit phase. (See the Buildings section on page 6).

If, at the beginning of a round, a player does not have any dice, they MUST place their first Customer on the Boatsman and retrieve all of their Player dice from out of play and immediately add a die to the dice pool.
Collect Fruit

The Start Player collects all the dice from the dice pool and rolls all of them at once!
The total die roll is added up to determine which Boat is activated. (Note: Negative dice subtract from the total!)
The activation values, listing which Boats are activated by which die rolls, are printed on the game board below the Boat Tile Locations.
The Customer on the activated Boat receives the fruit Card matching that Boat. For example, if the total dice roll is "14", the Boat at the 14-16 Location activates and any Customer on that Boat receive ONE fruit that matches that Boat.
Any Customer on either Boat directly adjacent (in either direction) to the activated Boat receives TWO Coins. For example. if the Boat at the 14-16 Location activates, then any Customer on Boats at the 9-13 and the 17-19 Location receives two Coins.
A player whose Customer is on the activated Boat may also have a Customer on one or both adjacent boats, receiving two Coins for each adjacent Customer.

Any Customer on the Dock (East or West) on the same side of the river as the activated Boat receives ONE Coin.
Players check Buildings and, when applicable, receive fruit and/or Coins. (See the Buildings section on page 6).
Once all players have collected fruit and/or Coins the Collect fruit phase is complete.
A player may NEVER have more than six Coins. A player may NEVER collect fruit they already have.
2/3 Players: Ama Customers NEVER collect fruit or Coins.
2 Players: If "29-35" is activated, all normal rules apply.

Round End
All rolled Player dice are set out of play. Board dice and Tiles are returned to game board.
All Customers are retrieved from the game board.
The Start Player chooses any two Boats and switches their positions on the game board.
Pass the Start Player Marker to the left, ending the round.
2/3 Players: After returning Board dice and Board tiles to the game board, also return the Ama dice to the dice pool. Before the Start Player chooses two Boats to move, they first rotate both Ama Customers one Boat/Location clockwise
The Start Player then switches the position of any two Boats. The Boats with the Ama Customers MAY be moved.
Temple - Fixed Tiles
Select one of the two actions: a) If Add +4 is selected, the +4 Fixed Tile is added to the dice pool or b) if add -2 is selected, the -2 Fixed Tile is added to the dice pool.
Woodworker's Stall- Add D12/block D12
Select one of the two actions: a) if add D12 is selected, the Floating Market D12 is added to the dice pool or b) if Block D12 is selected, the Floating Market D12 may not be added to the dice pool.
2 Player Woodworker's Stall with tile. Add the -D6 or the D12 to the dice pool.
Artist's hut - add -d6 to pool/+1 player die
Select one of the two actions: a) if add -D6 is selected, the Floating Market -D6 is added to the dice pool or b) if +1 Player Die is selected, choose any one of your dice to be added to the dice pool.
If the player has no more dice, they do not add a die to the pool. Not available in 2p!
Market - Buy Fruit
Spend FOUR Coins to place a Customer here. Immediately take any one fruit that you do not already have. Only one space is available in 2p!
Boatsman - Retrieve Dice
Immediately retrieve ALL of your dice from out of play. This Building can be used by any number of players in the same round.
Fruit Stand - Collect Fruit
Place the fruit stand under another of your customers that is already on a boat. During the Collect Fruit phase, if the boat that customer is on or either adjacent boat activates, you collect fruit from the activated boat.
However, that customer does not receive coins for adjacency to the activated boat.
Note: The customer receives fruit from whichever boat is activated, not necessarily the boat they were on.
North Trader - Collect Fruit
During the Collect fruit phase, any Customer on a Boat one or two spaces away (in clockwise direction) from the activated Boat is considered adjacent and receives TWO Coins.
South Trader - Collect Fruit
During the Collect fruit phase, any Customer on a Boat one or two spaces away (in counter-clockwise direction) from the activated Boat is considered adjacent and receives TWO Coins.
Tailor - +2 Dice
Immediately add any TWO of your dice to the dice pool. If you have no more dice, you do not add a die to the pool.
Office - Assign All
Spend one Coin to place a Customer here. Immediately assign all of your remaining Customers to Buildings and/or Boats.
Fishmonger - Occupied Boat
Immediately assign one of your remaining Customers to any occupied Boat.
End of the Game
The game ends when a player has collected any FIVE different pieces of fruit. That player is the winner!
Bigger bowl of fruit salad: For a longer game, the first player to collect all SEVEN different fruits is the Winner! 2 Players: Collect all SIX different fruits currently in the game.
Game end can occur during either the Assign Customers or the Collect Fruit phase. The game ends IMMEDIATELY when a player collects their last necessary piece of fruit.
If more than one player collects their last necessary piece of fruit simultaneously (this can occur during Collect Fruit), the player with the most Coins is the winner! If players are still tied, they enjoy their shared fruit salad.
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