License Cards
There are 26 total license cards. The license cards establish which boats players are allowed to launch. A player may only launch boats that match the license cards he has purchased.
Every license card, except the Fishermen's Pub, also carries a bonus for the player that has purchased it. Players may have every type of license, and thus every bonus available to them, or players may concentrate on specific licenses/bonuses.
As a player acquires more than one of the same type of license, that particular bonus gets stronger.
Shrimp License (Qty 4)

Each Shrimp license grants the player who owns it a discount on all transactions. Transactions include launching boats from your hand and purchasing licenses during the auction phase.
Owning multiple Shrimp licenses creates a stacking discount bonus. The bonuses for owning Shrimp licenses are as follows:
- One (1) Shrimp license owned: $1 off every transaction
- Two (2) Shrimp licenses owned: $2 off every transaction
- Three (3) Shrimp licenses owned: $3 off every transaction
- Four (4) Shrimp licenses owned: $4 off every transaction
Note: The bonus does not apply until after the shrimp license is purchased and paid for. EXAMPLE:
Cod License (Qty 4)

Cod licenses grant bonuses to players during the Launch Boats and Hire Captains phase.
Depending on the amount of Cod licenses owned, the player may receive a bonus in the form of a card draw and the ability to launch two boats in the Launch Boats and Hire Captains phase.
Each boat launch is a separate transaction and MUST be paid for separately. The bonuses for owning Cod licenses are as follows:
- One (1) Cod license owned: May launch two (2) boats per Launch Boats and Hire Captains phase and draw one (1) card if player launches any boats.
- Two (2) Cod licenses owned: May launch two (2) boats per Launch Boats and Hire Captains phase and draw two (2) cards if player launches any boats.
- Three (3) Cod licenses owned: May launch two (2) boats per Launch Boats and Hire Captains phase and draw three (3) cards if player launches any boats.
- Four (4) Cod licenses owned: May launch two (2) boats per Launch Boats and Hire Captains phase and draw four (4) cards if player launches any boats.
Players may only collect the Cod license card draw bonus at the end of the launch portion of the Launch Boats and Hire Captains phase if they launched a boat during the phase.
Card draw bonuses are drawn from the boat card supply. The bonuses are drawn at the completion of launching and may now be used to hire captains.
Note: Launch card draw bonus is collected only once even when more than one boat is launched.
Lobster License (Qty 4)

The Lobster license grants a player the ability to captain up to two boats instead of just one during the Launch Boats and Hire Captains phase.
Additionally, during each round, at the end of the Launch Boats and Hire Captains phase, the player receives a bonus based on the number of captains he has in his fleet. The bonus improves if the player obtains additional Lobster licenses.
One (1) Lobster license owned: May captain two boats per Launch Boats and Hire Captains phase and receives a draw bonus as follows:
- One (1) card if player has one to three (1-3) captained boats at the END of the phase
- Two (2) cards if player has four (4) or more captained boats at the END of the phase
Two (2) to Four (4) Lobster licenses owned: May captain two boats per Launch Boats and Hire Captains phase and receives a draw bonus as follows:
One (1) card if player has one to two (1-2) captained boats at the END of the phase
Two (2) cards if player has three to six (3-6) captained boats at the END of the phase
Three (3) cards if player has seven (7) or more captained boats at the END of the phase
Bonus cards are taken from the boat card supply after the Launch Boats and Hire Captains phase is over.
Note: Captained boats of all types count toward the captain bonus, not just captained Lobster boats. This bonus is taken every round after the Launch Boats and Hire Captains phase is over.
Tuna License (Qty 4)

The Tuna license grants the player boat card draw bonuses in the Draw phase.
- One (1) Tuna license owned: Draw two (2), keep two (2)
- Two (2) Tuna licenses owned: Draw three (3), discard any card (from hand or just drawn)
- Three (3) Tuna licenses owned: Draw three (3), keep three (3)
- Four (4) Tuna licenses owned: Draw four (4), discard any card (from hand or just drawn)
Processing Vessel License (Qty 4)

The Processing Vessel license grants the player a bonus during the Processing and Trading phase. It gives the player the ability during each round to process one crate of fish per boat onto his Processing Vessel license by moving the crate from the boat onto the Processing Vessel license. Trading happens AFTER processing.
Crates of fish left on the Processing Vessel license after a round may be traded for cards during the Processing and Trading phase in later rounds or used as $1 per crate of fish during any transaction.
One (1) Processing Vessel license owned: May process one (1) crate of fish from each boat and may trade one (1) fish crate from Processing Vessel license for one (1) card from boat card supply during Processing and Trading phase.
Two (2) Processing Vessel licenses owned: May process one (1) crate of fish from each boat and may trade one (1) fish crate from Processing Vessel license for two (2) cards from boat card supply during Processing and Trading phase.
Three (3) Processing Vessel licenses owned: May process one (1) crate of fish from each boat and may trade one (1) fish crate from Processing Vessel license for three (3) cards from boat card supply during Processing and Trading phase.
Four (4) Processing Vessel licenses owned: May process one (1) crate of fish from each boat and may trade one (1) fish crate from Processing Vessel license for four (4) cards from boat card supply during Processing and Trading phase.
Note: Players may process one crate of fish per boat from ANY type of boat, not just Processing Vessel boats, onto their Processing Vessel license.
Fishermen's Pub (Qty 3)

The Fishermen's Pub grants the player 10VP at the end of the game. There are NO boats or other bonuses for the Fishermen's Pub.
King Crab License (Qty 3)

There are three unique King Crab license cards in the game, which grant game end VP bonuses. Additionally, all King Crab boats may be launched against any King Crab license.
A player who has a King Crab license receives the highest VP bonus that he qualifies for based on the printed criteria (rounded down).
Boat Cards
The 96 boat cards include 20 of each Shrimp, Lobster, and Processing Vessel and 12 of each Cod, Tuna, and King Crab. Their VP, Launch Cost, and cash value are as follows:

Note: The number of boat cards in hand is common knowledge. Players may ask each other, "How many cards are in your hand?", although which boat cards are in hand is kept secret.
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