- 15 hand-shaped cards
- Insructions
3 Games in 1
Clowning Around
Match the characters on the cards finger tip to fingertip.
If you match a clown to another clown, you get an extra turn I
Mad Rush
Race other players to match the character images as fast as you can.
Hide and Seek
Search the grid to see if you can find the five people on your hand. Can you remember where you saw them last?

Game 1: Clowning Around
For 1-5 Players
Object of the Game
Get rid of your cards before any other player.
Game Play
Match a clown to another clown and get an extra turn!
Deal out 7 cards to each player and then place an additional card, face up, in the center of the playing area.
To start, all players turn up the card on the top of their stack.
Decide who goes first. If you are the first player, try to find a character on your card that is the same as a character on the card in the center of the table.
If you match a clown to another clown, you get another turn.
If you find a match:
Place your card in the center of the table so that the two matching characters are touching.
When you place a matching card, you must make sure that your card only touches the card it matches, and not any other cards already placed.
Also, the only fingers that are allowed to touch are the matching ones. You can move other cards around a bit to accomplish this, as long as you don't change which fingertips are touching.Once you have placed your card, turn up the next card in your stack.
If you matched two clowns together, well done! You've been CLOWNING AROUND and get to playagain! Otherwise, your turn is over.
If you can't make a match, your turn is over.
Play always passes to the player on your left.
If you get rid of all your cards before any other player, you win the game!
Game 2: Mad Rush
Object of the Game
Get rid of your cards before any other player. Speed counts. Match as quickly as you con!
Game Play
Deal out 7 cards to each player and place one additional card, face up, in the center of the table.
This card is called the target card.
To start, all players turn up the card on the top of their stack.
Race against other players to see if you can spot a character that is found both on your card AND on the target card. If you can see one, you can make a match.
When you can make a match, throw down your card on top of the target card and say out loud which character you are matching. Only one player can match to each card.
After playing a match, turn the next card in your stack face up.
Keep trying to match the card in front of you to the target card as quickly as you can.
If you get rid of all of your cards before any other player, you win the game I
For a more challenging version, don't allow the same character match twice in a row. That means if you match a nurse to the target card, the next match can't also be a nurse.

Game 3: Hide and Seek
Object of the Game
Find a match for each of the characters on the card in front of you before any other player. You have to match the characters, in order, from thumb to pinky.
Deal out 1 card to each player. Next, deal out a grid of 3 cards by 3 cards (9 in total) face down In the middle of the playing area.
To start, all players turn the card in front of them face up.
Decide who goes first. If you are the first player, you try to find a match for the character on the thumb of the card in front of you by turning a card in the grid face up
All players must have a chance to see the turned-up card. If the card you turn up has a match for the character on the thumb of your card, you claim the card. (It doesn't matter which finger the character appears on).
After you make a match, refill the empty spot on the grid with a card from the remaining stack.
When you make a successful match, you keep playing until you're unable to find the next character you're looking for. You must match the characters on the card you were dealt in the order of thumb, index finger, middle finger, ring finger and pinky.
If you can't make a match, you turn down the card in the grid and play continues to the left.
If you find a match for all of the characters on your card before any other player, you win the game!

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