Now, it is time to explain the different abilities of all 12 Animal Species.
You can also check the Overview Sheet, listing the details for all Species, and giving you a detailed list of the Card values.
If you cut the Overview Sheets along the dotted lines into six separate Cards, you can always place the 6 Animal Species for all the 64 suggested combinations face up on the table.
If not mentioned otherwise, if you play Cards of a single Animal Species in your turn, you can always only move one Animal Disc of that Species!

1. The Donkeys (3 Discs) - Light Brown
The Donkeys are stubborn and shy away from the river. The Donkey moves through resorts, forests, hills, and plains. Thus, it never crosses the river and always stays on its part of the land, where it starts the race.
"NO, Ronald. The donkey neither moves across the bridge!"

2. The Rabbits (3 Discs) - Purple
The Rabbits are fast runners on the plains.
Independent of the number of Cards you play for the Rabbit, add 2 movement points to your total of points.
The Rabbit only moves through plains.

3. The Unicorn (1 Disc) - Pink
The Unicorn is unique and always wants to be seen. Thus it will never hide itself in the forest. As it is smug, too, it avoids running long distances.
The Unicorn moves through resorts, hills, plains, and mountains. It moves across the bridges to cross the river!
You can only play a single Card per turn to move the Unicorn.

4. The Human (1 Disc) - Rose
For the Human, a relaxing holiday must be in resorts only ... Their slogan: You can see all the nature "on the run".
For every 3 movement points, the Human moves along a path from a resort directly to the next resort without stopping in between.
YES, Ronald, even if the yellow path is missing on the bridges, the Human runs across them to the next resort.
The Human picks you up either on or adjacent to a resort space, or while moving adjacent or on a space with a path. It only drops you on or adjacent to the resort space.

Example: The yellow Sloth plays 6 points for the Human.
For 3 points, the Human moves along the path to the first resort 1, and for the remaining 3 points to the second resort 2. While moving on the second path, the Human picks up the Sloth 3.
After stopping on the resort, the Human drops the Sloth onto the tree space, where the happy Sloth collects its next Leaf 4.

5. The Crocodiles (2 Discs) - Green
The Crocodiles are good swimmers, but also move through the riverbanks.
Independent of the number of Cards you play for the Crocodile, add 1 movement point to your total of points.
The Crocodile moves through the river and directly adjacent riverbanks, if these are resorts, forests, and plains. It ignores the restrictions of entering and leaving the bridges.
The Crocodile cannot cross hinterland borders (borders, which are not next to river spaces).

Example: The shortest way for the Crocodile to get to the other side of the peninsula is moving 4 spaces 1. It cannot cross the hinterlands border between the two plains, as that border is not next to a river space 2.

6. The Dolphin (1 Disc) - Blue
The Dolphin is the fastest Animal in this area. Sadly, its movement is restricted to the river.
The Dolphin moves through the river, thus it ignores the restrictions of entering and leaving the bridges.
As all tree spaces are on land, you cannot collect a Leaf "on the go" while being carried by the Dolphin.

7. The Elephants (2 Discs) - Gray
The Elephants are big and can easily walk through the river. As they have strong trunks, they can throw you a few extra spaces.
Independent of the number of Cards you play for the Elephant, subtract 1 movement point from your total of points.
The Elephant moves through plains and the river, thus it ignores the restrictions of entering and leaving the bridges.
At the end of its movement, the Elephant throws you up to 3 spaces with its trunk, so you are flying this distance. To be clear, the Elephant drops you anywhere between its own space and up to 3 spaces away! It cannot throw you across mountains, but of course it can throw you like a curve ball.
If you fly across a tree space, you cannot collect your Leaf! You can only collect a Leaf while on the ground. Thus, if you are dropped on a tree space, you can pick up the Leaf.

Example: The yellow Sloth plays 3 points for the Elephant (subtracting 1 for a total of 2 movement points).
The Elephant picks up the Sloth 1 and moves2 spaces through the river, ignoring the restrictions of the bridge 2.
At the end of its movement, it throws the Sloth 2 spaces to the tree space, so the happy Sloth can collect the Leaf 3.
By throwing the Sloth 3 spaces, it would have flown above the tree space, missing its Leaf.

8. The Giraffes (2 Discs) - Yellow
The Giraffe has an advantage with its long neck.
The Giraffe moves through plains and the river, thus it ignores the restrictions of entering and leaving the bridges.
With its long neck, the Giraffe picks you up and drops you again up to 2 spaces away. To be clear, the Giraffe does this anywhere between its own space and up to 2 spaces away. It cannot pick you up and drop you across mountains, but it can curve its neck.
If the Giraffe lifts you across a tree space, you cannot collect your Leaf.

Example: In their respective turns, the Giraffe can pick up the yellow Sloth across the river 1, and the green Sloth by curving its neck 2.
Even if the purple Sloth is also 2 spaces away, the Giraffe cannot pick it up, as it cannot reach across the mountains 3.

9. The Eagle (1 Disc) - Light Blue
The Eagle is like a taxi, really! If you call it, it comes for a price and picks you up, independent of the distance to come to you.
As opposed to all other Animals walking on ground, the Eagle flies during its movement. Only if it lands (and when none of you is moving it) it stays on resorts, forests, hills, plains, mountains, and bridges.
The Eagle flies across all landscape types!
You must play at least 6 movement points to activate the Eagle. Then, independent of where its Disc is staying, move the Eagle to your space or a space adjacent to you, even if there is another animal on that space. Then, the Eagle picks you up.
Then, the Eagle flies up to 6 spaces while carrying you, before it lands again on a space without another animal. Then, the Eagle drops you on its space or an adjacent space.
If you fly across a tree space, you cannot collect your Leaf! You can only collect a Leaf while on the ground. Thus, if the Eagle picks you up on a tree space, if it lands on a tree space, or if it drops you off on an adjacent tree space, then you can pick up your Leaf.

Example: The purple Sloth plays 6 points for the Eagle, so the Eagle flies across the Game Board to the adjacent space of the Sloth 1. It picks up the Sloth and flies 6 spaces adjacent to the next tree space 2, where it drops offthe Sloth, which then collects its next Leaf 3.

10. The Mountain Goats (2 Discs) - Ivory
The Mountain Goats are fabulous climbers, so walking through the mountains is simple for them.
The Mountain Goat moves through resorts, forests, hills, plains, and mountains. It moves across the bridges to cross the river! The Mountain Goat enters or moves through mountains for 0 movement points.
After spending its last movement point, it cannot enter an adjacent mountain anymore.
"NO, Ronald. Even if entering the mountain does not cost a movement point, if you spend all points, the Mountain Goat stops".

Example: The Mountain Goat moves for 1 point onto the hill next to the mountain 1. Then, it enters the mountain area and moves to the rightmost mountain space for 0 points 2. Finally, for moving onto the adjacent forest space, it needs 1 point 3.

11. The Ants (10 Discs) - Dark Red
The Ants act as a team, which first try to organize themselves into chains, and second will carry you around.

First, move the Ants: As opposed to most other Animals, first you move any number of Ants without them carrying you.
The Ants move through resorts, forests, hills, and plains. They move across the bridges to cross the river!
For 1 movement point each, you move any number of Ants of your choice space by space.
Second, the Ants carry you: After movement, for 1 point each, a chain of Ants picks you up and carries you to a space adjacent to them or on one of their spaces.
Thus, if you have several points to spend, and several ants or chains of ants are close to each other, each of these chains picks you up one after the other. Each Ant only does that once, so you cannot use the same Ant twice in the same turn.

Example: The green Sloth plays 5 points for the Ants. For the first 2 points, two Ants each move 1 space 1 & 2. Then, for 1 point each, the two chains carry the Sloth to the tree 3 & 4, where it collects its Leaf.
Finally, for the last point the Ant carries the Sloth down to the hill 5.

12. The Orangutans (6 Discs) - Brown
The Orangutans have long and strong arms. When they are sitting in the right places, they can throw you across some distance.

First, move the orangutans: As opposed to most other Animals, first you move any number of Orangutans without them carrying you.
Orangutans move through forests and hills.
For 1 movement point each, you move any number of Orangutans of your choice space by space.
Second, the orangutans throw you: After movement, for 2 points each, an Orangutan picks you up and throws you up to 3 spaces, so you are flying this distance.
To be clear, each Orangutan drops you anywhere between its own space and up to 3 spaces away! It cannot throw you across mountains, but of course it can throw you like a curve ball.
If you fly across a tree space, you cannot collect your Leaf! You can only collect a Leaf while on the ground. Thus, if you are dropped on a tree space, you can pick up the Leaf.

Example: The purple Sloth plays 6 points for the Orangutans. For 1 point, an Orangutan moves 1 space 1.
Then, for 2 points, it picks up the Sloths and throws it 3 spaces next to the other Orangutan 2.
For another 2 points, that Orangutan picks the Sloth up and throws it onto the tree space 3. There, the happy Sloth collects its Leaf.
As the movement now ends, the Sloth cannot spend its 6th movement point.
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